We only have narratives but no proof of Balakot’s success: Former Indian HC to Pakistan

Here we again this thread will become troll feast and flame baiting for sure
This is precisely what we have been asking for, for years now.
That has made the purest of the pure (the saffron ones, silly, not the green ones) cast aspersions on our patriotism and loyalty to the country.
Naturally, the trolls will pack their knife and fork and come out for their fine dining.
Best to observe and say nuffin'.
The Indian air defense systems were so jammed, they ended up shooting down their own helicopters killing multiple Indian personnel.
Get your facts correct.
While it is tempting to break into song, it casts a shadow on your entire post if parts of it are either wishful thinking or idle speculation.
Good to see Indians themselves now climbing down from their ridiculous claims. The Indian Air Force was simply outclassed and humiliated by the PAF once again.
Good to see that you are busy figuring out what Indians have been saying for ages.
You could have started earlier.
Good to see that you are busy figuring out what Indians have been saying for ages.
You could have started earlier.

Sorry, buddy. I run out of tissue papers, I will be sure to let you borrow next time so you can clean your tears.
The shooting down of the helicopter. Look it up. And don't ask me to do your homework for you.
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Sorry, buddy. I run out of tissue papers, I will be sure to let you borrow next time so you can clean your tears.
Don't worry buying any, save them for personal use. We have all that we need, or want. It's our politics going sour, not our politics and our economy together.
The shooting down of the helicopter. Look it up. And don't ask me to do your homework for you.

You are disputing that the Indian air defense were jammed leading to the shutdown of their own helicopter?
I am disputing nothing. I am not here to dispute, but to correct stupid errors. Correct yourself.

You can dispute nothing because you have no basis to dispute anything.

I don’t need to correct myself on anything. You need to accept reality rather than throw tantrums because your bubbles got burst.
You can dispute nothing because you have no basis to dispute anything.

I don’t need to correct myself on anything. You need to accept reality rather than throw tantrums because your bubbles got burst.
I dispute nothing but your ability to read. If you had the slightest knowledge of events, you would not be printing such rubbish. There was written and documented evidence of what happened, and only trigger-happy Internet warriors would jump to conclusions based on a hurried glance at something that seemed to give them ammunition.
Put an icebag on your head, drink a glass of water, and read. No bubbles got burst except your knowledge of events.
I dispute nothing but your ability to read. If you had the slightest knowledge of events, you would not be printing such rubbish. There was written and documented evidence of what happened, and only trigger-happy Internet warriors would jump to conclusions based on a hurried glance at something that seemed to give them ammunition.
Put an icebag on your head, drink a glass of water, and read. No bubbles got burst except your knowledge of events.
Cope harder, dude. Cope harder!

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