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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Jul 25, 2013
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Nah, it is the fact, modern science can see the age of any manuscript. One of the oldest is in England, under Christian British Gov
The Birmingham Quran manuscript is on sheets of parchment on which early Quranic manuscript or muṣḥaf have been written. In 2015, the manuscript, which is held by the University of Birmingham,[1] was radiocarbon dated to between 568 and 645 CE (in the Islamic calendar, between 56 before Hijrah and 24 after Hijrah).[2][3] It is part of the Mingana Collection of Middle Eastern manuscripts, held by the university's Cadbury Research Library.[2]

The manuscript is written in ink on parchment, using an Arabic Hejazi script and is still clearly legible. There is major doubt around its authenticity, given the fact that Uthman, the third caliph, gathered all such manuscripts and had them destroyed, to avoid any future doubts about the legitimitacy of the Quran.[3] The leaves preserve parts of Surahs 19 (Maryam) to 20 (Taha).[4] It was on display at the University of Birmingham in 2015 and then at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery until 5 August 2016.[5] The Cadbury Research Library has carried out multispectral analysis of the manuscript and XRF analysis of the inks.[6]



Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Because they didn't want their women to suffer.

Teaching honour, faith and values isn't suffering

Why do you people want to make your women into whores and then complain when they act like whores


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Dec 23, 2023
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Teaching honour, faith and values isn't suffering

Why do you people want to make your women into whores and then complain when they act like whores
Why do you think men should get to decide what women should wear when they are perfectly capable of deciding that themselves.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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The Birmingham Quran manuscript is on sheets of parchment on which early Quranic manuscript or muṣḥaf have been written. In 2015, the manuscript, which is held by the University of Birmingham,[1] was radiocarbon dated to between 568 and 645 CE (in the Islamic calendar, between 56 before Hijrah and 24 after Hijrah).[2][3] It is part of the Mingana Collection of Middle Eastern manuscripts, held by the university's Cadbury Research Library.[2]

The manuscript is written in ink on parchment, using an Arabic Hejazi script and is still clearly legible. There is major doubt around its authenticity, given the fact that Uthman, the third caliph, gathered all such manuscripts and had them destroyed, to avoid any future doubts about the legitimitacy of the Quran.[3] The leaves preserve parts of Surahs 19 (Maryam) to 20 (Taha).[4] It was on display at the University of Birmingham in 2015 and then at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery until 5 August 2016.[5] The Cadbury Research Library has carried out multispectral analysis of the manuscript and XRF analysis of the inks.[6]

Cheers. Doc


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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@Indos, the Sanaa Quran is a lot more complete (number of pages) than the Birmingham Quran. And it differs significantly in both grammar and additional/missing words. Why?

Cheers, Doc


Jul 25, 2013
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Cheers. Doc

People like you of course will try to avoid fact, the same like Christian people who see this fact. Trying to bring website who own by nobody to try to convince people ? It is personal website dude, even I have my own company website.

The context (both in Quran and the Cat Eye Nebula have similar context, it is the consequent of destruction event)








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Jul 25, 2013
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@Indos, the Sanaa Quran is a lot more complete (number of pages) than the Birmingham Quran. And it differs significantly in both grammar and additional/missing words. Why?

Cheers, Doc

Quran is written by many people who can read and write during prophet Muhammad. Some who remember it are likely making their own Musaf under personal effort. Difference is rather natural if there is ancient Musaf of Quran, but later Quran is compiled under state effort and with the same grammar and the same compilation style

Of course there will be different in writing style and so on. The grammar thing and what version of Arabic that will become the Quran language are officially decided by each Caliph who compile it like during first Calip of Abu Bakar or later under Third Calipt Ustman.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Why do you think men should get to decide what women should wear when they are perfectly capable of deciding that themselves.

It's not men, it's a basic in Islam

That morality and honour will keep both men and women in good stead and build good families with loyalty and faithfulness

Once you go down the path of delusions and dressing and behaving like a skank it all breaks down


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Islam isn't their ancestral faith.

They are denying what is transplanted, imposed, and reclaiming their ancestral culture.

Essentially they have taken a step closer to their faith.

Cheers, Doc

Such a strange conceit to insist on someone else having an ancestral faith and that therefore is who they really are, as in you know this for sure.

What you really mean is the prominent religion before islam, which is not a fact in all cases that it was THE prominent religion, just a mythology really.

Why is the true ancestral faith not the faith before the one you say it is? So you think there might have been nothing before zoros?

Its just your insistence, that's all


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Dec 23, 2023
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It's not men, it's a basic in Islam

That morality and honour will keep both men and women in good stead and build good families with loyalty and faithfulness

Once you go down the path of delusions and dressing and behaving like a skank it all breaks down
Sure its basic in islam. Like a lot of other things. But while you guys choose to disobey some other islamic teachings, you will still force women to wear hijab despite their wishes.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Saudis and Tajiks are modernising and transforming to a liberalized society.

Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran are doing exact reverse and trying hard to return to stone ages.

Pakistan has always been more liberal than Saudi lol it's not a brag just a reality

Saudi has only just started to consider what's called liberalism

Saudi has decided to more openly politically align to the west and Israel, that's what you mean?


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Quran is written by many people who can read and write during prophet Muhammad. Some who remember it are likely making their own Musaf under personal effort. Difference is rather natural if there is ancient Musaf of Quran, but later Quran is compiled under state effort and with the same grammar and the same compilation style

Of course there will be different in writing style and so on. The grammar thing and what version of Arabic that will become the Quran language are officially decided by each Caliph who compile it like during first Calip of Abu Bakar or later under Third Calipt Ustman.

You just admitted that there is no one Quran and in fact it is not a book directly by God unchanged to this date.

Thank you for proving my point.

No other interest in this discussion.

Cheers, Doc


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Such a strange conceit to insist on someone else having an ancestral faith and that therefore is who they really are, as in you know this for sure.

What you really mean is the prominent religion before islam, which is not a fact in all cases that it was THE prominent religion, just a mythology really.

Why is the true ancestral faith not the faith before the one you say it is? So you think there might have been nothing before zoros?

Its just your insistence, that's all

No. Because Zoroastrianism and Hinduism are in fact the oldest known religions in the world.

Sure the cavemen might have worshipped bees, but you dont strike me as the ridiculous analogy sort.

Cheers, Doc


Jan 10, 2024
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The whole idea of God is something humans came up with, yet we're still arguing about whether a book is the word of God or not. Who knows, maybe in a few thousand years, people might think Middle-earth was a some holy place.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Sure its basic in islam. Like a lot of other things. But while you guys choose to disobey some other islamic teachings, you will still force women to wear hijab despite their wishes.

Teaching your women and children to be honourable is not force

Like I said you can treat Hindu women to be whores, we have no problem with that, that's your choice and life

But we are Muslims we are on a different path

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