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Why did Muslim-majority Tajikistan ban the hijab?


Senior Member
Nov 2, 2010
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So there are no economic opportunities in Middle-East or any other Islamic countries ?. Only Christian, non- halal countries have economic opportunities for you ?.

Morons lecture about Islamic way of life to others but themselves want to live in liberal west. Practice what you preach to others.

What did you eat for lunch today?


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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I have never seen Tajikistan mentioned on this board. Now, there is some interesting news:

The ban on headscarves in Tajikistan is seen as a reflection of the political line that the government of president-for-life Emomali Rahmon has been pursuing since 1997. Tajikistan's government passed a law banning the hijab, the latest in a string of 35 wide-ranging religion-related acts, in a move described by the government as "protecting national cultural values" and "preventing superstition and extremism". The law, approved by parliament's upper house Majlisi Milli last Thursday, bans the use of "foreign clothing" — including the hijab, or head covering worn by Muslim women. Instead, Tajikistan citizens are encouraged to wear Tajik national dress. Those violating the law are set to be fined on a scale ranging from 7,920 Tajikistani somoni (almost €700) for ordinary citizens, 54,000 somoni (€4,694) for government officials and 57,600 somoni (about €5,000) if they are a religious figure.

If that is the case, the Tajik state should openly announce that they are bannin Islam. There is no point in pretending that you are a Muslim majority country and than banning the practice.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Islam isn't their ancestral faith.

They are denying what is transplanted, imposed, and reclaiming their ancestral culture.

Essentially they have taken a step closer to their faith.

Cheers, Doc

You don't realise it yet. You are essentially also a Muslim.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Tajiks are going thru an identity and economic crises. Its the poorest country in cental asia, which for centuries is just a dirt poor busted ass region. There ain't nothing out there. Budtameez tajiks that I've had the displeasure of running into are all desperately wanna be Irani and now Iran's stepped up aid to Tajikistan. Otherwise they were facing economic collapse. A lot of ISIS jihadi's are Tajiks and they have proven this recently by pulling spectacular terror attacks all over the world.

Do rupay di auqaat hondi ae tajikon key, pata ne apnay aap ko kya samajhtay hain....... :p

So, the Tajiks are blaming Islam/hijab due to their ISIS brigade? I think you are right about the recent attacks in Russia etc.


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May 7, 2024
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If that is the case, the Tajik state should openly announce that they are bannin Islam. There is no point in pretending that you are a Muslim majority country and than banning the practice.
They are not banning Islam as a religion; they seem to be concerned about what they perceive as cultural encroachment. We had a similar episode in our (U.S.) history. A new sect of Christianity (Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Saints, popularly known as Mormons) was practicing polygamy in Utah. But U.S. government refused to admit Utah as a state till Utah (and Mormons) banned polygamy. Some people believe the reason Puerto Rico has not become a state is because they are Spanish speaking. There is no evidence for it, but it may be a reason why there is no popular opposition to not making it a state.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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They are not banning Islam as a religion; they seem to be concerned about what they perceive as cultural encroachment. We had a similar episode in our (U.S.) history. A new sect of Christianity (Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Saints, popularly known as Mormons) was practicing polygamy in Utah. But U.S. government refused to admit Utah as a state till Utah (and Mormons) banned polygamy. Some people believe the reason Puerto Rico has not become a state is because they are Spanish speaking. There is no evidence for it, but it may be a reason why there is no popular opposition to not making it a state.

They are banning a vital practice of Islam. How can a state ban a certain religious attire though? Many Tajik Muslim women wear the hijab. What does the hijab have anything to do with Tajik ISIS dudes committing terror acts in Russia? I am trying to understand the connection.


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May 7, 2024
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They are banning a vital practice of Islam. How can a state ban a certain religious attire though? Many Tajik Muslim women wear the hijab. What does the hijab have anything to do with Tajik ISIS dudes committing terror acts in Russia? I am trying to understand the connection.
They are saying:
"protecting national cultural values"
"preventing superstition and extremism".
"foreign clothing"

It may not make much sense to us, but if a parliament full of Muslims pass the law at the behest of a Muslim president, who are we to argue? I am sure Pakistan, and many Muslim countries ban selling pork and alcohol. Can one protest that it negatively affects non-Muslims?

My own suspicion is, Tajiks are seeing what is happening in the neighborhood (Afghanistan and Pakistan) and are saying we don't want that! They are not pioneers in this. Turkey did that 100 years back, forcibly tearing asunder Turkey's connection to the Middle East and tried to become European. Ataturk even changed the script from Arabic to Roman to erase any bond with the Middle East and symbolically mark an about face from the east to the west.

This dress code prohibiting Islamic clothing outside mosques was passed in 1934


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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They are saying:
"protecting national cultural values"
"preventing superstition and extremism".
"foreign clothing"

It may not make much sense to us, but if a parliament full of Muslims pass the law at the behest of a Muslim president, who are we to argue? I am sure Pakistan, and many Muslim countries ban selling pork and alcohol. Can one protest that it negatively affects non-Muslims?

My own suspicion is, Tajiks are seeing what is happening in the neighborhood (Afghanistan and Pakistan) and are saying we don't want that! They are not pioneers in this. Turkey did that 100 years back, forcibly tearing asunder Turkey's connection to the Middle East and tried to become European. Ataturk even changed the script from Arabic to Roman to erase any bond with the Middle East and symbolically mark an about face from the east to the west.

This dress code prohibiting Islamic clothing outside mosques was passed in 1934

Good luck. 90% of Tajiks are Muslims and many deeply practicing. Even more deeply practicing than Pakistanis.

How do you think the Tajik authorities intend to implement the banning of hijab? Will there be police running around handing out fines?

Türkiye has reversed the decision to ban the hijab long ago. This isn't 1940. Wake up.

Pakistan is doing fine. Pakistan has recently mated nukes on its JF-17 according to US reports. That is liberalism and science technology at its height. Don't mention our country in a negative way.
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Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Saudis and Tajiks are modernising and transforming to a liberalized society.

Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran are doing exact reverse and trying hard to return to stone ages.

Banning attire doesn't equate to modernization and liberalising. In fact it is the opposite. Banning attires or anything else for that is actually restrictive.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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In 1996–97, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) started negotiations with Tajikistan to use the Farkhor Air Base to transport high-altitude military supplies to the Afghan Northern Alliance, service their helicopters and gather intelligence. At that time, India operated a small military hospital in the Farkhor region.

It is India's second overseas air base after Farkhor Air Base. Since 2014 India has deployed Su-30MKI in limited numbers at this base. The base was extensively used by Indian Air Force as a standby base for its aircraft to evacuate Indian Nationals from Kabul Airport amidst the Afghan Crisis.


LOL As If that made any difference. We all know the outcome in Afghanistan.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Because they didn't want their women to suffer.

You care so much for women. Where is your outrage for the women and girls being crushed in Palestine by your Zionist friends?

You Hindutvatis throw fits like your right wing brothers in the West when a woman wears a piece of cloth for modesty. LOL You can't accept women covering themselves. Yet you don't even condemn the indiscriminate killing of Muslim women?


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Why are you living in UK ?. Go back to Pakistan and embrace your faith to guide your people and build your families and communities ?.

Sitting in West, enjoying the liberal environment of West and lecturing others about Islam and Islamic way of life doesn't make sense.

Why didn't you migrate to Gulf or any other Muslim country, why Christian UK ?

Talking about hypocrisy. So, when are millions of Afghans leaving Pakistan? You hate Pakistan and your countrymen make no secret about it. Why didn't your countrymen migrate to India which they adore?


Full Member
Dec 23, 2023
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You care so much for women. Where is your outrage for the women and girls being crushed in Palestine by your Zionist friends?

You Hindutvatis throw fits like your right wing brothers in the West when a woman wears a piece of cloth for modesty. LOL You can't accept women covering themselves. Yet you don't even condemn the indiscriminate killing of Muslim women?
If you cannot avoid going off topic, maybe you shouldn’t quote others

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