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Will ISRAEL lose Its ‘Numero Uno’ spot as The Most Powerful Air Force In The Middle-East ?


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2015
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To be honest israeli airforce by its quantity and inventory doesn't look that powerful. They don't have to when all they go war against is innocent civilians rather than a proper military. There are Muslim airforces around that are far well equipped.
Isreal is only a gangster because of US and NATO support.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
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USA lost its proxy FETO Organization in Turkiye
USA can not make military coup in Turkiye anymore

Turkish People can kill all of them if they try it again
enough with traitor scumbags

ERDOGAN-BAHCELI will win again

and CHP or anybody can not stop Turkish Defense Industry

First, there will be an economic crisis again in Turkey.

Remember the high inflation recently?

Second, if the first attempt doesn't change Turkey behavior, then Turkey will be kicked out of USA system.

Like Venezuela and Iran.

There are many way to make Turkey suffer, including paying some people to create separatist group to destabilize Turkey like those in Syria and Libya, from inside or outside the Turkey.

I'm not a bad person, just tell you the possibility that can be happened based on historical study.

There's other ways to save Turkey, are by working together with other countries as many as possible, to form a group, that if Turkey was attacked, other countries will support Turkey at any cost, able to replace anything that is missing after USA sanctions. Support Turkey at any cost during the hard time.


Dec 16, 2023
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To be honest israeli airforce by its quantity and inventory doesn't look that powerful. They don't have to when all they go war against is innocent civilians rather than a proper military. There are Muslim airforces around that are far well equipped.
Isreal is only a gangster because of US and NATO support.

That's because you don't understand real air power

Israeli F16 and F15 are modified and improved versions over all other users in some cases even better than USA
They maintain avd train hard and have real time intel at USA level as the operate together
Israel had better reach better real.time Intel because you are effectively fighting USA even you fight Israel


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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First, there will be an economic crisis again in Turkey.

Remember the high inflation recently?

High inflation is nothing to do with Turkish Economy

Turkish economy is one of the fastest growing economy in OECD with China , India and Indonesia

Turkish economy expands 5.7% in Q1, meeting expectations

And the gross domestic product (GDP) reached $1.12 trillion in 2023

Second, if the first attempt doesn't change Turkey behavior, then Turkey will be kicked out of USA system.

Like Venezuela and Iran.

Turkiye is not Venezuela or Iran

-- Turkiye is a G-20 Country
-- Turkiye is industrialized Country
-- Turkish Defense Industry is one of a few advanced defense industries in the world

-- Turkiye is the most important Country in NATO which control BOSPHORUS only gateway to the Black Sea against Russia

Also without Turkiye , NATO will lose Middle East , Eastern Mediterranean and Caucasus

Russia and China will be so happy to establish military base in INCIRLIK-TURKIYE instead of USA-NATO Forces

USA will lose Turkiye to China-Russia-Iran-Pakistan alliance
and Turkiye will start working with Russia-China-Pakistan to develop weapons including Nuclear

USA is not stupid to lose Turkiye
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Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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There are many way to make Turkey suffer, including paying some people to create separatist group to destabilize Turkey like those in Syria and Libya, from inside or outside the Turkey.

USA-France-Israel used them against Turkiye since 2013
but The Turkish Armed Forces kicked FETO , PKK-YPG , ISIS , HAFTAR in Turkiye , Iraq , Syria and Libya

Thanks to Turkish Defense Industry including UCAVs and guided munitions

now USA-Israel afraid of another Turkish military operation completely to destroy American-Israeli dream in Syria

Turkiye is in aggressor role now , not in defense
now Turkish Forces are in Iraq , Syria , N.Cyprus , Azerbaijan , Libya , Qatar , Somalia and in the Eastern Mediterranean to protect national security and national interests
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Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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That's because you don't understand real air power

Israeli F16 and F15 are modified and improved versions over all other users in some cases even better than USA

This is not 2000s but This is 2024
Now Turkiye has great Defense Indutry to modernize 235 Turkish F-16s with most modern state of the art systems and weapons

-- MURAD AESA Radar with GaN technology
-- FEWS Electronic Warfare suite
-- TULGAR Helmet Mounted Display System
-- 100-200 km GOKDOGAN and GOKHAN BVR Air to Air Missiles

Even Turkiye has HAVASOJ airborne stand off jammer technology , MEHDOP Jamming Pod and REDET-II Radar Electronic Warfare technology which are similar to Israeli SEMA , SKY SHIELD and SCORPIUS

Israeli F-15s and F-16s will be easy target when Turkish KIZILELMA stealth Fighter Jets enter service in 2028-2030 period with indigenous turbofan engine

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet has lower RCS than F-15 and F-16

-- Stealth design and full of composite material for lower RCS
-- to carry 100+ km GOKDOGAN BVR air to air missiles in internal weapon bays

KIZILELMA will have first look , first fire , first kill capability to beat F-15 and F-16 in BVR combat


Turkish Turbofan Engine on the way to power the KIZILELMA and ANKA-3/4 unmanned stealth Fighter Jets


Israel has only one weapon ... Its F-35
but 3 Turkish stealth platforms KAAN , ANKA-3/4 , KIZILELMA will dominate the Sky in coming years

Israel is buying but Turkiye is producing
Sooner or later Turkish Air Force will become "numero uno" in the region

Turkiye is not Palestine , Lebanon , Iraq , Syria , Libya , Egypt , Iran

Mofaz: Turkey Will Become Mideast 'Superpower'​

Israel must come to terms with Turkey's superpower status in the Middle East, said Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz.
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Senior Member
Apr 1, 2022
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It is matter of political decision not hardware, and politics are dictated by economy, so in order to challenge western outpost first precondition is not to be dependent on west in terms of economy and tech. so far only turkyie is trying to the that but with small success and as long arabian peninsula is governed by small puppet so called states instead one big one there is no realistic possibility for meaningful and synergetic effort to change current equations, usa and west still have strong and firm grip in regional dynamics minus iran efforts.
people should start to think about roots of the problem before overcoming consequences of it.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2024
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Most powerful baby and toddler killer force on the planet.

Bravo 👏
They should all be very proud of what they have become.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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It is matter of political decision not hardware, and politics are dictated by economy, so in order to challenge western outpost first precondition is not to be dependent on west in terms of economy and tech

Economy-Money is important but not everything
S.Arabia has huge money but can not produce even a Cruise Missile
S.Arabia does not have even a real military and military tradition
Modern American-European Weapons but full of paper tiger power ...

President Trump Says Saudi King Wouldn't Survive 'Two Weeks' Without U.S. Backing

Real power is national Defense Industry
and only Turkiye has real advanced national defense industry in 1.8 billion ISLAMIC WORLD

The important thing is that you will be such a powerful and deterrent military power that Israel will have to respect you

Otherwise, you will be another target country on the US-Israel food menu. like Palestine , Libya , Iraq , Syria
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Senior Member
Apr 1, 2022
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Economy-Money is important but not everything
S.Arabia has huge money but can not produce even a Cruise Missile
S.Arabia does not have even a real military and military tradition
Modern American-European Weapons but full of paper tiger power ...

Real power is national Defense Industry
and only Turkiye has real advanced national defense industry in 1.8 billion ISLAMIC WORLD

The important thing is that you will be such a powerful and deterrent military power that Israel will have to respect you

Otherwise, you will be another target country on the US-Israel food menu. like Palestine , Libya , Iraq , Syria
it is crucial, without money you can not choose direction and push it, you missed completely my point which is that none of the existing states in this format could challenge them due format itself how is it founded, you need different political subjects first to be put in place then start to play a game.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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it is crucial, without money you can not choose direction and push it, you missed completely my point which is that none of the existing states in this format could challenge them due format itself how is it founded, you need different political subjects first to be put in place then start to play a game.

Therefore President ERDOGAN doing everything to become real and independent power

-- National Defense Industry with over 850 military projects
-- to find oil and gas reserves to cut energy import by $100 billion annually
-- to develop over 1.200 projects to cut technology import by $150 billion annualy and to increase export by $250 billion annually

Turkish Economy has risen to $1,15 trillion from $230 billion in the last 20 years

9 x Turkiye = 1 x Germany ... ( Turkiye had $230 billion of GDP .. Germany had $2.07 trillion )

4 x Turkiye = 1 x Germany.. ( Turkiye had $1,15 trillion of GDP .. Germany had $4,5 trillion )

Turkish and German economies will become head to head in the next 15 years

And Turkish Defense Industry will become one of top 5 advanced Defense Industries in the World with USA , Europe , China and Russia
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Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Israel inks deal to buy more 25 F-35 and 25 F-15EX


Stealth F-35 to be delivered in batches of 3 to 5 starting in 2028, eventually bringing IAF’s F-35I fleet to 75

Israel has sent a formal request to the United States to purchase 25 advanced F-15-EX fighter jets with an eye to boosting its capabilities to strike Iran



Full Member
Dec 22, 2023
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Short answer, no, they won't. Big Satan will make sure they don't.

Small Satan has preferential access to sensitive US tech, and they're the only non-partner country that can make changes to the F35, especially with their own tech.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Short answer, no, they won't. Big Satan will make sure they don't.

Small Satan has preferential access to sensitive US tech, and they're the only non-partner country that can make changes to the F35, especially with their own tech.

Short answer ... YES

Israel will lose its numero uno spot as the most powerful Air Force in the Middile East
But in 2030s

(Turkish Air Force will become the most powerful Air Force in the Middle East in 2030s)

............Unique concept in the region............

1 )
Stealth Fighter Jets armed with long range missiles for network-centric warfare
2 ) SIPER and S400 Air Defense Systems for Counter Air capability
3 ) HAVASOJ next generation Jammer to provide stand-off jamming for degradation of early warning radars and Air Defense Systems
4 ) E-7T AEWCs and ALP-500G long range Radars for cooperative engagement and sensor network with integrated fire control capabilities
5 ) Supersonic and Hypersonic Cruise-Ballistic Missiles

-- KAAN 5th gen stealth Fighter Jet
-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
-- ANKA-3 flying-wing stealth UCAV
-- ANKA-4 unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
-- AKINCI strategic strike UCAV
-- HAVASOJ stand off Jammer Aircraft
-- Boeing E7-T AEWCs
-- 700+ km ALP-300G Early Warning AESA Radar
-- 1.200+ km ALP-500G Early Warning AESA Radar
-- Link-16 and KEMENT Data Links
-- GOKDOGAN and GOKHAN BVR Air to Air Missiles ( range of 100-200 km )
-- SIPER and S400 Air Defense Systems ( range of 150-240-380 km )
-- Supersonic and Hypersonic Cruise-Ballistic Missiles

-- 270 F-16 Block70 Fighter Jets with APG-83 and MURAD AESA Radars

-- Also 40 Eurofighter T-4 Fighter Jets on agenda

King of the Kings ... KAAN "see without being seen, shoot without being shot"

Future Tactical Air Combat concept .... Only Turkiye in the Middle East

Full data-to-decision (D2D) capability for multi-layered distributed team of diverse manned aircraft working in concert with unmanned types ( KAAN , ANKA-3, KIZILELMA )

Even Turkiye has started working on 6th gen Fighter Jet

Source : official website
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Full Member
Dec 22, 2023
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Short answer ... YES

Israel will lose its numero uno spot as the most powerful Air Force in the Middile East
But in 2030s

(Turkish Air Force will become the most powerful Air Force in the Middle East in 2030s)

............Unique concept in the region............

1 )
Stealth Fighter Jets armed with long range missiles for network-centric warfare
2 ) SIPER and S400 Air Defense Systems for Counter Air capability
3 ) HAVASOJ next generation Jammer to provide stand-off jamming for degradation of early warning radars and Air Defense Systems
4 ) E-7T AEWCs and EIRS long range Radars for cooperative engagement and sensor network with integrated fire control capabilities
5 ) Supersonic and Hypersonic Cruise-Ballistic Missiles

-- KAAN 5th gen stealth Fighter Jet
-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
-- ANKA-3 flying-wing stealth UCAV
-- AKINCI strategic strike UCAV
-- HAVASOJ stand off Jammer Aircraft
-- Boeing E7-T AEWCs
-- 700 km ALP-300G Early Warning AESA Radar
-- Link-16 and KEMENT Data Links
-- GOKDOGAN and GOKHAN BVR Air to Air Missiles ( range of 100-200 km )
-- SIPER and S400 Air Defense Systems ( range of 150-240-380 km )
-- Supersonic and Hypersonic Cruise-Ballistic Missiles

-- 270 F-16 Block70 Fighter Jets with APG-83 and MURAD AESA Radars

-- Also 40 Eurofighter Fighter Jets on agenda

King of the Kings ... KAAN "see without being seen, shoot without being shot"
View attachment 45908

Future Tactical Air Combat concept .... Only Turkiye in the Middle East

Full data-to-decision (D2D) capability for multi-layered distributed team of diverse manned aircraft working in concert with unmanned types ( KAAN , ANKA-3, KIZILELMA )
View attachment 45915

Even Turkiye has started working on 6th gen Fighter Jet
View attachment 45914

Source : official website

Sure, ok if you say so. What are you going to do with all that tech, go to war with Israel and liberate Palestine? No, thought not.

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