WMD: a strategic deterrence perspective for Bangladesh


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Jan 6, 2024
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When we think about ultimate strategic deterrence, the first thing that comes to the mind is thermonuclear weapons. For countries like Bangladesh that wants avoid all political and economic repercussions of developing nukes yet need to posses deterrence, secret biological weapons of mass destruction could give a new deterrence perspective.

It is realistically possible to develop it in a lab with a handful of mid tier scientists. Something that is practically concealable from today's intelligence, unlike a nuclear WMD program. Which requires billions of dollars and over a thousand people to develop the whole eco-sytem. (Multiple enrichment plants, development of several types of delivery systems, production of sufficient numbers of warheads, force design, command and control, second strike capability) All of this is not practically concealable in 21th century. Or even wasn’t in 20th century.

However, the cost of a biological weapon is estimated to be about 0.05 percent the cost of a conventional weapon in order to produce similar numbers of mass casualties per kilometer square. Moreover, their production is significantly easier, as common technology can be utilized to produce biological warfare agents, like that used in production of vaccines, foods, spray devices, beverages and antibiotics.

While, it should be noted that biological WMD doesn't have tactical and operational battlefield utility of selected 'precision' nuclear strikes against military or limited civilian targets, (with arbitrary escalation control) it can definitely serve as strategic second strike enabled deterrence. (Even though USA can shoot down limited numbers of ICBMs carrying thermonuclear payload, it simply cannot shoot down virus.)

In today's highly globalised And interconnected world (Unprecedented in human history) any decent intelligence agency has the ability to convertly introduce multiple deadly viruses into adversary's territory that could conceivably result in large numbers of civilian casualties and cause severe disruption to economic and societal infrastructure, before the adversary catches up to one of the viruses with development, sufficient production and distribution of vaccine in time, let alone all of them.

And unlike nuclear weapon, state don’t even have to openly declare to world that it posses biological WMD and have sufficient delivery system in place and invite all the reprocussions (which is far more easier and less complicated than conventional nuclear delivery systems like ICBM and SSBN) for deterrence effect to take place.

All it has to do when faced with existential threat of first strike is to let the nuclear armed adversary know that it has biological WMD and the sufficient means in place to deliver it. Again, adversary don’t have to fully believe the threat. The very ambiguity will provide a level of deterrence that you wouldn’t otherwise have. To any sane adversary, taking such huge risk would be deemed unacceptable.

That is because, when faced with existential threat of first strike, if a state suddenly deocare out of blue, we have nukes, it won't be credible. as for deterrence to work adversary has believe/at least half believe your threat. Which is not gonna happen in this case, becuase it practically impossible develop nukes amd delivery systems today in complete secrecy. Hence, adversary will simply call off the bluff.

On the other hand, biological WMD program (both the development of the agents themselves and the delivery system) can be practically kept concealed as stated above. Hence, adversary simply cannot be sure if this is an empty bluff or an actual threat.

In conclusion- biological weapon of mass destruction doesn't have practical battlefield utility. Hence it won't stop conventional military agression. In fact any attempt to do so would likely invite nuclear retaliation. However, it could serve an excellent strategic all-in second strike capability against a nuclear armed adversary if and when faced with existential threat of first strike.

This paper explore the topic in more detail.

And there is more.

@Michael Corleone @AbuShalehRumi @LeonBlack08 @Alter_Ego @Joe Shearer @Oscar
Pakistan should station some nukes in Bangladesh for security as long as the Hindutva expansionist aspirations are alive in India.
Pakistan should station some nukes in Bangladesh for security as long as the Hindutva expansionist aspirations are alive in India.
Great idea.

Also a division or two to give some stiffening to their backbone, perhaps? And help maintain law and order?
The problem I see with Biological weapons for Bangladesh is that - it is a suicide attack for us. Our potential target is either of our neighbors, in an act of self defence. As you rightly pointed out we cannot use it as first strike. Because of the proximity, whatever is cooked up in the lab, it will also be transmitted inside BD and our population density might even cause us to suffer more than the target country.

It is a deterrent yes, but to be used as a last resort after you have already been devastated by the enemy. This won't prevent a war from happening in the first place. It is less effective than conventional defensive measures in preventing a war. War prevention is what we should be aiming for.

In conclusion- biological weapon of mass destruction doesn't have practical battlefield utility. Hence it won't stop conventional military agression. In fact any attempt to do so would likely invite nuclear retaliation. However, it could serve an excellent strategic all-in second strike capability against a nuclear armed adversary if and when faced with existential threat of first strike.
Bangladesh does not need WMD.

Bangladesh needs a military pact with the US to provide the security gaurantee,
Biological weapons can have uncontrollable and unintended consequences, including global pandemics that might not target only the intended adversary. This unpredictability would undermine the strategic utility of a biological WMD.
Biological weapons can have uncontrollable and unintended consequences, including global pandemics that might not target only the intended adversary. This unpredictability would undermine the strategic utility of a biological WMD.
Also the suspicion of having one would instantly make you a pariah state. The consequences will be devastating for the economy.

These projects almost always comes to light, there will always be a whistleblower or two. So trying to keep it as a secret project may not work either.
Biological weapons can have uncontrollable and unintended consequences, including global pandemics that might not target only the intended adversary. This unpredictability would undermine the strategic utility of a biological WMD.

It doesn't. The proposition is very carefully crafted. Iff we are talking about the actual use of the bio WMD as second strike weapon when your country is already nuked to oblivion, nobody cares about unintended consequences.
Also the suspicion of having one would instantly make you a pariah state. The consequences will be devastating for the economy.

These projects almost always comes to light, there will always be a whistleblower or two. So trying to keep it as a secret project may not work either.

Not necessarily true. You would be blown away by how many wild secrets are successful kept. The advantage of biological WMD development is its very small footprint. It can literally be developed in a lab as big as my apartment. With only a dozen or so scientists.

And it won't disclosed to the enemy unless faced with credible existential threat.
It doesn't. The proposition is very carefully crafted. Iff we are talking about the actual use of the bio WMD as second strike weapon when your country is already nuked to oblivion, nobody cares about unintended consequences.
Look at it this way bro, biological weapon most probably would start an uncontrolled pandemic, affecting not just the aggressor but even the neutral or friendly states, no strategic or tactical gain, and you'll end up undermining your post-conflict recovery.
Look at it this way bro, biological weapon most probably would start an uncontrolled pandemic, affecting not just the aggressor but even the neutral or friendly states, no strategic or tactical gain, and you'll end up undermining your post-conflict recovery.

This is frustrating. Did you read what I wrote? If Bangladesh doesn't exist after nuclear annihilation, there won't be any post conflict recovery. Nobody cares about any consequences in such scenario.
Did you read what I wrote? If Bangladesh doesn't exist after nuclear annihilation, there won't be any post conflict recovery. Nobody cares about any consequences in such scenario.
I did, complete annihilation is too far fetched even if multiple nukes hit BD, it's still a big country. Just being realistic here.
I did, complete annihilation is too far fetched even if multiple nukes hit BD, it's still a big country. Just being realistic here.

Did you see the Geography? If several nukes with hundeds of kilotons equivalent firepower each hit BD, (specially Dhaka and chittagong) the casualties would be in tens of millions. We won't have any state anymore. In such scenario, biological WMD is 200% justified no matter the consequences. Besides, everyone then would completely cutt off the affected country.
Did you see the Geography? If several nukes with hundeds of killo tons equivalent firepower each hit BD
But that won't happen, nukes would come from India most probably in any case, if they fired nukes of hundreds of Kilotons, they would be shooting themselves in the foot, the radiation and fallout would ravage them too. It would probably be Tactical nukes, which still would kill hundreds of thousands. And equivalent numbers would survive too, the reason I mentioned "post-conflict recovery". Using Biological weapons would F up that.
Indian Doctrine is very clear

Any type of WMD ie NBC will invite a Nuclear Retaliation

Chemical weapons are outlawed anyway

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