Zulfiquar-class frigate (F22P)

I dont think the PN ever envisioned F22P as an ASW vessel, afaik they arent equipped with the needed sensors for such a mission. Though, a propulsion upgrade wouldn't be a bad idea, im not sure if its up there in the list of priorities
Wouldn’t hurt to upgrade the propulsion and make the ship quieter, so that if its operating in a task force with other ships, it’s not the noisiest ship there.

IMHO, All major surface combatants in the PN fleet should be equipped for the ASW role, at the very least to make all Indian planners think every ship they see is a threat above, on and below the surface.
Wouldn’t hurt to upgrade the propulsion and make the ship quieter, so that if its operating in a task force with other ships, it’s not the noisiest ship there.

IMHO, All major surface combatants in the PN fleet should be equipped for the ASW role, at the very least to make all Indian planners think every ship they see is a threat above, on and below the surface.
I think PN will do so with Babur and Jinnah, the Chinese procurements have always been cost driven and not capability driven.
Wouldn’t hurt to upgrade the propulsion and make the ship quieter, so that if its operating in a task force with other ships, it’s not the noisiest ship there.

IMHO, All major surface combatants in the PN fleet should be equipped for the ASW role, at the very least to make all Indian planners think every ship they see is a threat above, on and below the surface.
Plus putting cost effective CAFRAD type long range 3D radars and EW systems coupled with effective AD capabilities. One option may be ASELSAN GOKSUR (US equivalent RAM for close quarter AD) for naval platforms, especially designed for anti-ship missiles with in-situ 3D 360 degrees radars, coming in modular and different configurations armed with indigenous ammunition...

ASELSAN towed active+passive low-frequency sonar systems might be a nice addition for 360 degrees coverage against subs, torpedoes etc.....

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Why does the F-22P have limited potential lol.
This is what i dont understand. The Narusean class literally started off life the same as the F-22P, look now. The only reason it had limited potential was because the PN was broke and just needed ships. The hull is as capable as the weapons and sensors onboard.

There is also nothing realistic about the PN just adopting a weapons system, the FM3000N is launched via Chinese UVLS which is absolutely huge, that wouldn't even fit on Jinnah let alone F-22P. The FM-3000N is a missile that fits within the same class as the CAMM-ER but is likely to be worse for the same mission. Assuming you mean the FL-3000N/HQ-10, it is purely for PMDS, once again, in our threat environment, there is a reason why the PN has had to turn to CAMM-ER to be able to adequately deal with the threats posed. PMDS and other solutions just dont do it, CAMM-ER was designed with the Russian threat in mind, the Indians pose the same threat, i.e hypersonics. The interception ranges of these sort of PMDS drastically reduce to 'too close to comfort' for supersonics and then are likely very further degraded for hypersonics, posing the question of residual damage and how much they would be able to degrade the impact. This is why they are the 'last ditch' interception layer, like APS, where youll take damage, but mostly survive, maybe with a mission kill.

If you use the argument that the PLAN deploys the HQ-10 on its ships so it must be okay- unfortunately, the FL-3000N is not the same as the HQ-10 and has a different seeker and aerodynamic configuration, it also seems to be lacking behind the RIM-116 which in its block 2 form is significantly more capable. On top of that, once again, on their high end ships, forming part of the layer of defense.

Deck modifications are likely going to be the cheapest part of it all. the actual VLS system itself may end up being the costly part, but the great thing is they can be re used on other hull's so its effectively a one time cost.

The F-22P will probably be equipped similarly to Yarmook Batch 2, the CMS was always going to need to be upgraded, these ships were bought on a shoestring budget so its not unlikely theyre using that same chinese crap developed in the 80's.

"limited space, efficiency and crew comfort"
On training deployments, including port visits to the UK, the F-22P carried literally double the crew it usually does, in excess of 200 sailors.

Space limited for what, because the hull is perfectly capable of carrying those sensors and weapons.

For crew? Clearly cant be that limited if they're able to do months long deployments with double the crew.

The hull's themselves cost around $125m- of course, including the weapons and sensors fits.

A MK41 cell costs roughly 500k, a GWS-26 cell, one thats as dumb as it gets and as simple as it gets for VLS, likely costs nowhere near, i wouldnt be shocked if an 8 cell GWS launcher was sub 2m excl integration cost. Lets be silly and assume it was $4m for the GWS launcher and $1m for the integration, we now have $5m for VLS.

Lets peg the $8m cost of a smart S mk2 at 10-12m instead, you can pretty quickly see that a whole systems and sensors upgrade, excluding munitions would not exceed 50-60m per hull, which for the capability it brings- i.e 4 more high end vessels capable of meeting any regional threat, is a great option and price.

That levent range against Brahmos type targets is probably nonsense anyway and is alot likelier to be alot shorter lol.

PS, this is a dead argument anyway, the PN is seriously evaluating CAMM-ER for F-22P.

Its not a secret the PN wants VLS on those hulls, they tried to go for HQ-16 but its too big and a pretty poor missile by today's standards, logically, CAMM-ER was the next step. I have seen the studies first hand, the PN is going all in, they even want shore based CAMM-ER batteries, safe to say, budget isnt a super big concern when it comes to the PN's shopping list evidently with all of these projects going on.
1. Yes, i meant FL-3000N not FM3000N from the RAM style launcher

2. Firstly i didnt say that the F-22P couldnt carry a vls like Naresuan, in fact i explicitly say it can, BUT it has limited upgrade potential because of the internal layout and the actual mechanics, piping, and structure of the ship is old, with little automation and poor environmental standards which is said to have made for unpleasant/uncomfortable space for the crew. The fact that it can accommodate 200 sailors is one thing but look at the complement size (215) vs Baburs/Ada (93-106) or even the much larger Tughrils (165) tells the story of an old ship with excess reliance on manual labor for day to day function, lending to inefficiency. This leads to increased costs of operations and limits the extent of some of the changes you can make to it, BUT is it capable being a modernly equipped frigate in the event you could get an 8 cell sylver a50, 8 cell mk41 OR 8 cell MILDAS (AND get CAMM-ER certified on it, which frankly is more likely in my opinion than Sylver or MK41). That said one must remember tge thai experience with 053 which many here have said was a similar experience the PN has had The ship's damage control system was very limited, with very basic fire suppression systems. Its environmental facilities are subpar. Its quality was less than even the Type 21s in such regards. That said, the 053H2s (Naresuan) had better quality, but many similar issues have persistented. These are more the reason why its upgrade potential is limited.

We then need to determine if making deck changes for 12 GWS26 Cells worth the expense as it is not likely that even 12 CAMM-ER will be able to defend the ship from a saturation attack. Maybe more worth it for an 8 cell quad packable VLS which could equip 32 missiles. The notion also that PDMS arent capable of defending ships from attacks is also overblown. The reality is that high missile load PDMS (in the 21 missile range) may very well be able to help defend against 2 or 3 even hypersonic missiles if the radars can detect the missiles fast enough. Will they do better than 32 CAMM-ER? Probably not (CAMM-ER unlike ESSM or FM-90 was designed for fast fire and to intercept such missiles) but would a 21 cell PDMS Lime FL 3000N or Levent be as good as 12 CAMM-ER, there is a good possibility that it could be roughly equal protection against a saturated attack of 3+ missiles.

3. That brings is to the cost effectiveness of it. How much would an upgrade of F-22P with new sensors, CMS and to house a VLS with CAMM-ER cost. Honestly its not even the difference between a quad packable VLS vs GWS 26. Its the cost of the overall upgrade for a ship that is not efficient or suitable for future upgrades beyond this. To use the example of Narusean, in 2011 the Thai Navy spend $41M to upgrade the sensors of just the 2 frigates (not yet including mods for the VLS) that was just for saab to sell, and install the 9LV mk4 CMS and CEROS 200 FCR, EOS 500 and datalinks. Then in 2013 they signed a deal with Raytheon and US DSCA for $40M for thr sale of 2 Mk41VLS, The mk 25 quad pack cannisters and the requisite ESSM (mind you that is before the cost of modification and installation). Mind you, the the Naruseans didnt have any weaponry behind the main gun when initially delivered. They just had 2 Type 76 twin 37mm naval guns as their air defense so far less modification above deck needed to be done.

That means they spend $80M per ship in 2011-2013 for the upgrades between sensors and addition of Mk41. Pakistan would need to pay at least (probably closer $95-100M per ship given inflation plus additional modifications/labor needed to exchange the FM90 for a VLS) for a similar upgrade with CENK-S/SMART S Mk2 and GENESIS ADVENT CMS along with other requisite systems, the additional CAMM-ER and GWS26 (More for MK41 or MILDAS, AND even higher for Sylver A50). So for a ship that has limited future growth and requires 215 sailors for operations that is a lot of money, especially when you could put all the same exact systems on another modified Damen 2600 and maybe add an anti submarine suite, get similar performance and weaponry in a modern new hull with better automations, lower operating costs for probably around $120M per ship. The cost benefit isnt there. In my opinion.
1. Yes, i meant FL-3000N not FM3000N from the RAM style launcher

2. Firstly i didnt say that the F-22P couldnt carry a vls like Naresuan, in fact i explicitly say it can, BUT it has limited upgrade potential because of the internal layout and the actual mechanics, piping, and structure of the ship is old, with little automation and poor environmental standards which is said to have made for unpleasant/uncomfortable space for the crew. The fact that it can accommodate 200 sailors is one thing but look at the complement size (215) vs Baburs/Ada (93-106) or even the much larger Tughrils (165) tells the story of an old ship with excess reliance on manual labor for day to day function, lending to inefficiency. This leads to increased costs of operations and limits the extent of some of the changes you can make to it, BUT is it capable being a modernly equipped frigate in the event you could get an 8 cell sylver a50, 8 cell mk41 OR 8 cell MILDAS (AND get CAMM-ER certified on it, which frankly is more likely in my opinion than Sylver or MK41). That said one must remember tge thai experience with 053 which many here have said was a similar experience the PN has had The ship's damage control system was very limited, with very basic fire suppression systems. Its environmental facilities are subpar. Its quality was less than even the Type 21s in such regards. That said, the 053H2s (Naresuan) had better quality, but many similar issues have persistented. These are more the reason why its upgrade potential is limited.

We then need to determine if making deck changes for 12 GWS26 Cells worth the expense as it is not likely that even 12 CAMM-ER will be able to defend the ship from a saturation attack. Maybe more worth it for an 8 cell quad packable VLS which could equip 32 missiles. The notion also that PDMS arent capable of defending ships from attacks is also overblown. The reality is that high missile load PDMS (in the 21 missile range) may very well be able to help defend against 2 or 3 even hypersonic missiles if the radars can detect the missiles fast enough. Will they do better than 32 CAMM-ER? Probably not (CAMM-ER unlike ESSM or FM-90 was designed for fast fire and to intercept such missiles) but would a 21 cell PDMS Lime FL 3000N or Levent be as good as 12 CAMM-ER, there is a good possibility that it could be roughly equal protection against a saturated attack of 3+ missiles.

3. That brings is to the cost effectiveness of it. How much would an upgrade of F-22P with new sensors, CMS and to house a VLS with CAMM-ER cost. Honestly its not even the difference between a quad packable VLS vs GWS 26. Its the cost of the overall upgrade for a ship that is not efficient or suitable for future upgrades beyond this. To use the example of Narusean, in 2011 the Thai Navy spend $41M to upgrade the sensors of just the 2 frigates (not yet including mods for the VLS) that was just for saab to sell, and install the 9LV mk4 CMS and CEROS 200 FCR, EOS 500 and datalinks. Then in 2013 they signed a deal with Raytheon and US DSCA for $40M for thr sale of 2 Mk41VLS, The mk 25 quad pack cannisters and the requisite ESSM (mind you that is before the cost of modification and installation). Mind you, the the Naruseans didnt have any weaponry behind the main gun when initially delivered. They just had 2 Type 76 twin 37mm naval guns as their air defense so far less modification above deck needed to be done.

That means they spend $80M per ship in 2011-2013 for the upgrades between sensors and addition of Mk41. Pakistan would need to pay at least (probably closer $95-100M per ship given inflation plus additional modifications/labor needed to exchange the FM90 for a VLS) for a similar upgrade with CENK-S/SMART S Mk2 and GENESIS ADVENT CMS along with other requisite systems, the additional CAMM-ER and GWS26 (More for MK41 or MILDAS, AND even higher for Sylver A50). So for a ship that has limited future growth and requires 215 sailors for operations that is a lot of money, especially when you could put all the same exact systems on another modified Damen 2600 and maybe add an anti submarine suite, get similar performance and weaponry in a modern new hull with better automations, lower operating costs for probably around $120M per ship. The cost benefit isnt there. In my opinion.
All valid points raised, but perhaps we have to think of it another way. The F-22P ships are uncompetitive in modern warfare; AAW, ASuW, and ASW. If they are to be competitive and efficiently platforms (manning in a similar ratio to modern navies in relation to the size of the ships, efficient engines, etc.) then these ships need a complete rebuild. There is no two ways around it. We need a new ship design that is based on these hulls.

Why do this upgrade, because sending our men to face the enemy in a limited capability ship is equivalent to wasting their lives. I know someone who was neighbors with a family of one of the PNS Ghazi Shaheed. These men are highly valuable people to our nation and their families.

Having said that, a true rebuild, but staying an economical frigate would mean modern Chinese CODAD set up, perhaps developed from that used on the Type 054B (which is intended for ASW, and supposedly the diesel engines are quiet enough to be competitive with marine turbofans). Also, best not to put any US propulsion on these ships like the Milgems and their engines. Might have integration problems/delays. The F-22P have 8 diesels providing limited electrical power. The Type 054B has 4 CS16V27 diesels for a ship twice the tonnage of the F-22P. If the F-22P was fitted with just two of these engines it would more then double the power and simplify the maintenance and reliable as well as improve the performer in terms of noise.

Then considering we are getting the Milgem corvettes and they are of a similar tonnage, putting in basically everything from the Milgem on these hulls but sticking to a 8 cell VLS that can quad pack CAMM-ER would probably be the most economical option, especially in terms of personnel and logistics/maintenance.

Even if the total comes to about a $100 million, it’s give the PN a ship it can confidently take to war and not a ship out of step with modern warfare. What we save in manpower and space to provide for a large crew could go to modern equipment and perhaps an upgrade of the Helicopters from the Z-9 to the Z-20.

With this improved and equally quiet design, pair it with the Type 054A/P Frigates packing 32 HQ-16FE missiles (or hopefully an improved version based on “inspiration” from the CAMM-ER missiles) and you have a good layered defense.

IMHO, the PN also needs at least 4 small SSNs nuclear powered follow-ons to the Hangor Class SSKs to patrol with these surface task forces and provide major help in ASW. A sub in the size of the Rubis SSNs of the French navy, but much much quieter. Basically half the tonnage of the type 093B and powered by one of its two reactors (each reactor is 70-80MW, much more than the 48 MW on the 2400 ton Rubis), but with all the designs to keep it quiet. Pakistan doesn’t need endurance and capacity as much as it needs capability and numbers.

Having these three ships form the basis for a task force, and having at least 4 of these task forces deployed in the EEZ, the PN could really hold its own with the IN. These task forces could also be the core around which the ocean going Damen ships armed with stealthy sub sonic anti-ship cruise missiles could be deployed in numbers.

We need the core of the navy to be up to the task, and for that the F-22P need to be fully rebuilt IMHO.
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F22p was first pn multi role frigate after the USA withdrew the lease of frigates on 2000s
British old platforms were only single role frigates with only anti ship or anti air role

The newer paltform are much better but still primary role secondary roles exists like 054 primary role of anti air and anti sub with anti ship/surface as secondary role since its load out for anti surface/ship is too low just 4 missiles
Turkish ships are more balanced load for all three roles anti ship/surface, sub and air

Anyway. Most ship operate in flotilla of multiple ship providing cover for each other in contested waters
After going over a couple of the posts above, I feel compelled to draw attention to the fact that, in most cases, PN can't operate in a flotillas due to its modest fleet (which will increase to between 20-24 by 2030/32), therefore all of its assets must be outfitted in such a way to allow for isolation operations.

As said on pervious page, the following weaponry package would be perfect for the upcoming MLU, given the area on the deck without compromising crew comfort etc....
  • 16 VLS(Quad Pack) - CAMM-ER (if not MR) in place of FM90
  • Should have 2x6 AshM (CM-302) instead of 2x4 (CM802)
  • May replace CIWS 730 with Gokdeniz or keep 730.
  • 16 missile salvo of HHQ-10/Levent/Gokdeniz-ER on top of the hangar.
  • Replace YU-7 in stead of ET-52C torpedo in 2x3 launcher
An amalgamation of Chinese, Turkish, and European sensors, radars, and CMS be combined with an eye towards the introduction of the aforementioned weapon systems....

The said modernization would put F22Ps nearly in line or even better with forthcoming Milgems in the same tonnage class at a total cost of more or less $300 millions for 4 ships.
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After going over a couple of the posts above, I feel compelled to draw attention to the fact that, in most cases, PN can't operate in a flotillas due to its modest fleet (which will increase to between 20-24 by 2030/32), therefore all of its assets must be outfitted in such a way to allow for isolation operations.

As said on pervious page, the following weaponry package would be perfect for the upcoming MLU, given the area on the deck without compromising crew comfort etc....
  • 16 VLS(Quad Pack) - CAMM-ER (if not MR) in place of FM90
  • Should have 2x6 AshM (CM-302) instead of 2x4 (CM802)
  • May replace CIWS 730 with Gokdeniz or keep 730.
  • 16 missile salvo of HHQ-10/Levent/Gokdeniz-ER on top of the hangar.
  • Replace YU-7 in stead of ET-52C torpedo in 2x3 launcher
An amalgamation of Chinese, Turkish, and European sensors, radars, and CMS be combined with an eye towards the introduction of the aforementioned weapon systems....

The said modernization would put F22Ps nearly in line or even better with forthcoming Milgems in the same tonnage class at a total cost of more or less $300 millions for 4 ships.
A number of problems that i would raise with this line of thought.
1. Quadpack VLS: Firstly a 16 cell VLS capable of quadpacking wont fit anywhere on F-22P. If we look at the closesr approximation of what we would want F-22P to resemble, it would be something akin to Thai Naresuan class with the FM-90 removed and a VLS in its place. If we look ay the post upgrade deck of the Naresuan, only an 8 cell VLS would fit there in place of tue FM-90. IF we can quadpack the missiles, its still 32 medium range missiles, so not bad. BUT WHICH VLS would be use? Mk41 (as Narusean uses) is not gonna be sold to Pakistan to put in a Chinese ship. Even turkey was denied it for Istanbul class (although they have it on G-class frigates). The Sylver A50 is likely a no-go as well, given France isnt going to sell any major defense item to Pakistan that would offend India. And India get offended if nuts and bolts of the west end up in Pakistan. No other VLS is currently certified to quadpack CAMM-ER. PN could lobby Turkiey and Italy to get MDAS certified for CAMM-ER (AND SHOULD DO THIS), but short of that, only options are likely 12-16 cells of GWS.35s.

2. Replace c802 with P-282 or CM302: Agreed and doable

3. Replace type 730 with Gokdeniz. If anything replaced type 730, it would be 1130. That said, dont see any real need to replace these.

4. PDMS (FL-3000N/hq10, levent or Goksur) over the hangar. Sadly this it not really feasible or doable. To see why, like at the structure of the hangars on Baburs or Ada class corvettes. They will have/have Gokdeniz and 21 cell RAM respectively. But the roof of the hangar is thinker with the mechanisms to support and rotate the gun/launcher stored inside the roof of the hangar. F-22Ps seems to be just too thin roofed to house such mechanisms. The other issue is the hangar roof is a crowded place already, with 2 Gun based CIWS already present (730s). Any PDMS would need to be placed on an additional structure built on top of the hangar and would put said structure in the firing lines of the CIWSs. Back in the 2017/2018 China had conceptualized the Type730C CIWS which added 6 Hq-10 missiles onto it. That would be interesting but it never saw anything beyond renderings.

5. You would also need to replace radars and CMS to something like Smart s mk2 or CENK-S and Genesis ADVENT respectively.
To give an idea of cost, to upgrade 2 Naresuan, thailand spent $40-50M per ship just for radar (sea giraffe amb) cms (ceros) , and mk41 with ESSM. That was 2011. With inflation. In 2024 with inflation, that tracks to $55-70M per ship for upgrades and the Naresuan didnt have an FM90. It deck behind the main gun was empty, meaning less restructuring work. For PN it would probably be closer to $80-90M per ship given the MDAS is likely more expensive than mk41 and the certification and testing process for CAMM-ER, CAMM-ER more expensive than ESSM, will need more CAMM-ER than Thailand needed ESSM given 4 ships vs 2, the larger structural changes of F-22P vs Narusean, ($320-360M total). For ships that may have limited future upgrade potential. The cost effectiveness may not be there. May be better to go for a more limited upgrade. And the entire upgrade is predicated on MDAS certification with CAMM-ER or accepting 12-16 cells for GWS. 35.

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