23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

No excuse is good enough for such high causality ratios, and this isn't a new phenomenon. Only if the military had stuck to it's "actual" job, we would have seen very different results.
Your kidding yourself, these people are jahils. When your entire system is based on ethnocentric jahilat then blaming anything and everything except for that is foolish

Our establishment has written these areas off
It's basically stated it is not worth, the constant fassad and fighting for these idiots there
So rather then some great force to try and control the areas, they put in the bare minimum and trust in IBOs, intelligence and training to cause more damage to the enemy then the enemy can cause you
Then they leave the areas to their fate, the people there don't want to change, they don't want to learn, any development they demand ethnocentric posts even if not qualified

So it's a long game of attrition I agree with some posts above about a fast strike force and drones to quickly get to these idiots so they can cause major casualties

But your talking about a area the SIZE OF FRANCE, mostly open made up of largely small villages and tiny towns
If we had a identifiable enemy then you can throw the military at them in bulk with multiple weapons

But we have idiots who are indistinguishable from the local morons 99 % of the time, and our resources are needed elsewhere to plan for the future and bigger enemies rather then waste time in Balochistan

So the establishment have created security rings around development sites and left the rest as a jungle
Where are the Pakistani human rights groups ? No. Protests ? F…k ..g hypocrite’s.
Local police should investigate that. Whoever is behind it should be brought to justice, whether he is sitting in Kabul, Switzerland, Dehli, Quetta, or Islamabad.
Calm down, the fake tweet has been removed and see how you people fall victim to anything that crosses your eyes.

Tweet is not removed.
I'm amazed to see that not just India but even UK (your location) has geo-blocked that DJ-ICE-PYAR twitter handle.
Your kidding yourself, these people are jahils. When your entire system is based on ethnocentric jahilat then blaming anything and everything except for that is foolish
I am not kidding myself, I have spent enough time in Balochistan to at least have a know how about the place unlike most here, not all of it is a rebel or Pakistan hating area, people have genuine grievances and they get ignored.
Our establishment has written these areas off
And who tf are they to write an area off from Pakistan? They are here to serve the people, not vice versa, get that ghulam thinking removed from yourself.
intelligence and training to cause more damage to the enemy then the enemy can cause you
Well the Kill to death ratios in the skirmishes with terrorists, not just BLA, is absurdly high. So I don't know who's hurting who more? One side keeps losing "professionals" and the terrorists lose their gun fodder
our resources are needed elsewhere to plan for the future and bigger enemies rather then waste time in Balochistan
What? So the high and mighty Establishment would rather see it's biggest state burn and people from all over get butchered?
I am not kidding myself, I have spent enough time in Balochistan to at least have a know how about the place unlike most here, not all of it is a rebel or Pakistan hating area, people have genuine grievances and they get ignored.

And who tf are they to write an area off from Pakistan? They are here to serve the people, not vice versa, get that ghulam thinking removed from yourself.

Well the Kill to death ratios in the skirmishes with terrorists, not just BLA, is absurdly high. So I don't know who's hurting who more? One side keeps losing "professionals" and the terrorists lose their gun fodder

What? So the high and mighty Establishment would rather see it's biggest state burn and people from all over get butchered?

Man, you can't do anything until the locals lose their ethnocentrism, want to work and get on with life

The drain on the state from these areas is too much to justify
It's terrorism, they have the space to pick and choose a target, it's not like a battlefield where we pit our forces against a enemy that is identifiable with a uniform

It's scum who look no different to the local jahils, who can wait a d mix in

Casualties overall are minimal, (remember we are a nation of 250 million) but this is how difficult it is to deal with those areas

It's like a jungle system full of cavemen

Would you agree that the casualties can be even lower if SOPs are followed properly by the lower ranks and lazy officers are properly punished?
Don't worry guys, they weren't involved in 9 May, we'll go easy on them.

The sham ISPR/ISI twitter accounts were by yesterday hailing everything as a success, and that nothing happened. They're still trying to put such an embarrasing spin to it, with one account linking it to Goldmisths lol.

Khuda kay wastay hosh kay nakhun lo and wake up.
I thought there was fence at the border. and it monitored ? And where are the drones ? Are the terrorists digging tunnels across borders?

Estab policy of putting foot down on Pakistanis need to stop. Give people their representatives, dont install asswipes , this what you get. Estab has Eff'ed Pakistan with its genocidal policies for the last 70+ years.
I thought there was fence at the border. and it monitored ? And where are the drones ? Are the terrorists digging tunnels across borders?

Estab policy of putting foot down on Pakistanis need to stop. Give people their representatives, dont install asswipes , this what you get. Estab has Eff'ed Pakistan with its genocidal policies for the last 70+ years.

Man,that is an excuse

Their are poor people across the world, few groups or movements are as scummy to randomly take people off busses and murder them

Their is a redline that you cannot allow to be crossed
When that red line is crossed like it has now then the ONLY option is destroy the fitna

You cannot be merciful or "understanding" of animals like this, their is NEVER any space in politics or rule for people like this

And the expectations of the military is now tear these people apart not to make excuses for them
I haven't seen a single statement from liberals, civil society, or human rights activists (e.g. Mahrang Baloch and her gang) to condemn these killings of innocent Pakistanis by terrorists in Balochistan. It has exposed their double standards and hypocrisy. It should be a matter of deep shame for all these hypocrites.
Heinous crime!

But as long as no Pak Army General's son was killed or the DHA plots are safe... Nothing will come of this. It will make a headline or two in the next couple days... Then nothing.

As long as IMF money can be rerouted offshore... The elites will live a corrupt life of luxury and greed.

Pakistan is made for the corrupt elite and by the corrupt elites.

Pakistan is a failed Banana Republic of Faujistan.
Basically these truckers/transporters were bringing or delivering stuff to the people of Baluchistan and at the same time taking local goods to other parts of the country.
Who loses in the end. And these rats think they are achieving something in these acts. Nothing more than desparation by these lowlife scumbags. Reportedly some 90 BLA terrorists have been eliminated in last 24 hours.
I dont for a moment believe this was done to further their independence, its cold blooded murder done to create further strife in balochestan to create unrest with the local population through people stop traveling, transporting goods there. Senseless killings only have one aim and its to create chaos.

I wish those in charge did more on the real threat to pak rather than political engineering to protect themselves.
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