23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

You can have political differences, you can have poverty etc but murdering people off busses is something we would even expect the worst of kaffir to understand is unacceptable and yet we have these Baloch behaving like animals

And like some sort of retarded kid, we don't expect better from them and want to give excuses of poverty and degradation
When their is NO excuse

The Muslim world needs to develop, the big Muslim countries need to move forward to defend our states
These haramis like Kurds or the baloch terrorists and pashtunists have spread endless fassad in the Muslim world for decades and decades for their ethnocentrism and ethnocentric jahilat, commiting the worst atrocities.

We can't endlessly waste time on these scum bag backward people

We can't spend endless resources trying to bring education or development to these people who have given next to nothing to the country except fassad and deshatgardi

Deal with the enemies of Pakistan, like enemies, don't make excuses.
Poverty is not a excuse for this harami behavior
Poverty and lack of development is no excuse for violence which often Baluch and Pashtoons do, truth is that these two ethnic group are major source of Terrorism in Pakistan, taking money from Foreign agencies and shooting their own countrymen and Muslims. But for decades Pakistani's try to use word salad and dodge the real question, The fact is that for as long as the Baloch and Pathans don't change themselves and their violent culture they will keep killing more and more Pakistani's.
So they are not Pakistanis then?
Baloch are not Pakistanis because they have to change their culture even though they have been completely ignored or mismanaged by the centre and resources taken

Pathan’s are not Pakistanis because they have to change their violent culture because we’ve encouraged that violent culture to use in proxy wars while purposely keeping education low and not providing them with resources.

Sindhis have to change their culture to stop hurting Pakistanis because they continue to support the corrupt and ethnocentric ideals even though we never fought against any Sindhi feudal as they treated their people like crap.

Kashmiris have to change their culture because they really dont work or do much to change their situation even after so much has been sacrificed for them even though most of their area is either taken by the military or used for vacation areas without truly investing the locals.

Southern Punjabis have to change their culture because they continue to support dynasties and feudal system because we need them for food production and labor but that is what they are for.

Karachi Muhajirs need to change their culture and their genes because we have had enough of their hindu genes and high horse racism while they took advantage of their unjust high education and took all positions.

We Pakistan between the Lahore and Islamabad belt have had enough!!!
So they are not Pakistanis then?
Baloch are not Pakistanis because they have to change their culture even though they have been completely ignored or mismanaged by the centre and resources taken

Pathan’s are not Pakistanis because they have to change their violent culture because we’ve encouraged that violent culture to use in proxy wars while purposely keeping education low and not providing them with resources.

Sindhis have to change their culture to stop hurting Pakistanis because they continue to support the corrupt and ethnocentric ideals even though we never fought against any Sindhi feudal as they treated their people like crap.

Kashmiris have to change their culture because they really dont work or do much to change their situation even after so much has been sacrificed for them even though most of their area is either taken by the military or used for vacation areas without truly investing the locals.

Southern Punjabis have to change their culture because they continue to support dynasties and feudal system because we need them for food production and labor but that is what they are for.

Karachi Muhajirs need to change their culture and their genes because we have had enough of their hindu genes and high horse racism while they took advantage of their unjust high education and took all positions.

We Pakistan between the Lahore and Islamabad belt have had enough!!!

Historically, Punjab, particularly central Punjab, has been far more prosperous than its southern and western neighbors, and that's not our fault. We contribute more to the national exchequer than we receive in return, and this imbalance has always existed. We are tired of the constant complaints and blame for actions we never committed. We're also fed up with carrying the burden of unproductive ethnonationalists who benefit from our efforts. It's time to acknowledge the reality and consider ending the pretense of unity within Pakistan. Our only hope is that this transition happens without unnecessary bloodshed.
Gen(R) Alvi shaheed once said to have quoted "72 hours". If the state brings its full force to bare against BLA it will only take 72 hours to deal with this menace. Rest can be managed through cooperation with Iran.

The problem is far more complex I have posted extensively on this subject so commentators can better understand the Balochistan conundrum:

Post here:

And here:

Post in thread 'Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan' https://defencepk.com/forums/thread...cide-bomb-attack-in-pakistan.5624/post-129914

The problem we have is that there is a lack of consensus and general lack of willpower to deal with this menace in a unified and methodical way.

One school of thought that prevails among some security commentators is that the BLA are tolerated to exist to keep certain cross border non state and internal hostile elements in check similar, there is a fear that a balochistan without the presence of sole sort of BLA element will create a vacuum that may be filled by ISIS/TTP elements, we know they are heavily active in Pishin.

Previously the majority of terrorist attacks in Balochistan have almost always targeted security forces:

Table 7: Terrorist attacks by province 2023[63]

RegionNo. of AttacksKilledInjured
Sindh (Excluding Karachi)

The recent sharp rise in directly targeting civilians is a marked departure from the tried and tested method of harassing the security apparatus, promoting a "valiant liberation campaign" through glossy and slick videos and social media content .

What has changed in the past few months for this change in approach? Could it be more than just an anti Punjabi campaign? A quick visit to historical mapping of attacks in the province can provide us with some understanding of the change in dynamics:


Since 2005 the province has been simmering with a steady increase in the number of insurgent attacks and the resultant casualties.

Quetta and Khuzdar are two of the most volatile districts affected by this nationalist insurgency.

Besides proliferation of Islamist radical groups, another worrisome aspect is the widening scope of targets hit by nationalist insurgents and religious

The insurgents attack a wide array of targets ranging from security forces’ convoys, check posts, government offices, electricity pylons, railway tracks, bridges and the communication infrastructure in general, in almost all districts of the province.

Available informaiton compiled in public databases reveals that RCIED's were historically the weapon of choice for insrugent groups operating in the province. The shift in tactics to brazen direct and deliberate assaults indicate a paradigm shift.

Perhaps what is required here and now is to revisit the conflict eco-system, the softly softly approach seems to have largely failed, and this new version of the BLA is aiming to move beyond simple hit and run tactics or blowing up gas pipelines, their aim is one of creating an ethnic conflict in the province to finally give them "the war they have always wanted".
So they are not Pakistanis then?
Baloch are not Pakistanis because they have to change their culture even though they have been completely ignored or mismanaged by the centre and resources taken

Pathan’s are not Pakistanis because they have to change their violent culture because we’ve encouraged that violent culture to use in proxy wars while purposely keeping education low and not providing them with resources.

Sindhis have to change their culture to stop hurting Pakistanis because they continue to support the corrupt and ethnocentric ideals even though we never fought against any Sindhi feudal as they treated their people like crap.

Kashmiris have to change their culture because they really dont work or do much to change their situation even after so much has been sacrificed for them even though most of their area is either taken by the military or used for vacation areas without truly investing the locals.

Southern Punjabis have to change their culture because they continue to support dynasties and feudal system because we need them for food production and labor but that is what they are for.

Karachi Muhajirs need to change their culture and their genes because we have had enough of their hindu genes and high horse racism while they took advantage of their unjust high education and took all positions.

We Pakistan between the Lahore and Islamabad belt have had enough!!!

Everyone has to contribute

It's not for nothing that the most prosperous and peaceful places tend to be Punjabi and Kashmir
It's the places with the least ethnocentric jahilat
It's the places where you can turn up from anywhere be a pashtun, baloch, Sindhi and work and not be killed or abused
To what extent can a nation change people, who don't want to change and instead revel in backwardness

It becomes intolerable when random people are taken off busses and murdered.
That's the point when you can't be sniffly about fingers pointing at you
Some of these communities are great at pointing fingers but what self introspection have they done, what contributions have they made to end this chaos around them
So they are not Pakistanis then?
Baloch are not Pakistanis because they have to change their culture even though they have been completely ignored or mismanaged by the centre and resources taken

Pathan’s are not Pakistanis because they have to change their violent culture because we’ve encouraged that violent culture to use in proxy wars while purposely keeping education low and not providing them with resources.

Sindhis have to change their culture to stop hurting Pakistanis because they continue to support the corrupt and ethnocentric ideals even though we never fought against any Sindhi feudal as they treated their people like crap.

Kashmiris have to change their culture because they really dont work or do much to change their situation even after so much has been sacrificed for them even though most of their area is either taken by the military or used for vacation areas without truly investing the locals.

Southern Punjabis have to change their culture because they continue to support dynasties and feudal system because we need them for food production and labor but that is what they are for.

Karachi Muhajirs need to change their culture and their genes because we have had enough of their hindu genes and high horse racism while they took advantage of their unjust high education and took all positions.

We Pakistan between the Lahore and Islamabad belt have had enough!!!
Strawman argument at best...

I have not said they are not Pakistani's, I merely pointed out the violent nature of their culture, there is no one culture that define the word " Pakistani " because its not a culture. I hoped you'd know that but Disappointed.

Secondly, you pointed out that Baloch are violent because of Mismanagement ? since when mismanagement encourage violence? and under what logic that killing random workers will improve management ? If a culture and followers of that culture can't comprehend that simple logic than that culture is not worth followings, and just simple counter your argument Baloch are not only violent in the remote Areas of Balochistan, they are also violent in Parts of Karachi and other metropolitan cities.

Now Pashtoons, well in case you forget that Pakistan came into existence in 1947 and yet Pashtoon as tribal people exists before that and their violence before the creation of Pakistan is no mystery, there are plenty of books written on their internal strife and battle which fought over a minor differences, recently there was a violent clash between two tribes that took many lives, that perfectly explain what is wrong with their culture and their people, Pathans & Baloch blame everyone and everything but never look within themselves and self-reflect and hence the violence prevails in their areas and by extend to all of Pakistan. I can mention 5-10 areas just within Karachi where you can't go with wearing jeans and shirt without been stared and in past even can get shot or kidnapped or tortured, and guess what all dominated by Pashtoon/Afghans.

Sindhi are not as worse as Baloch & Pathans but again Govt supporting the feudal system doesn't justify violence against the innocent workers, You are trying hard to justify killing of innocent workers on things like mismanagement/feudalism/etc but there are many ethnic groups or people who live under poverty and mismanagement but they don't all resort to random violence or executing workers who are just looking to work to feed their families.

Rest about Kashmiri/Punjabi/Karachi Muhajirs are not worth addressing because its not related.

Try again, and read the post carefully this time.
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It's the big question no one can ask or discuss, because it's upsets people

It's like the street robbery problem with young black men problem in the west

You can have political differences, you can have poverty etc but murdering people off busses is something we would even expect the worst of kaffir to understand is unacceptable and yet we have these Baloch behaving like animals

And like some sort of retarded kid, we don't expect better from them and want to give excuses of poverty and degradation
When their is NO excuse

The Muslim world needs to develop, the big Muslim countries need to move forward to defend our states
These haramis like Kurds or the baloch terrorists and pashtunists have spread endless fassad in the Muslim world for decades and decades for their ethnocentrism and ethnocentric jahilat, commiting the worst atrocities.

We can't endlessly waste time on these scum bag backward people

We can't spend endless resources trying to bring education or development to these people who have given next to nothing to the country except fassad and deshatgardi

Deal with the enemies of Pakistan, like enemies, don't make excuses.
Poverty is not a excuse for this harami behavior
Literally the problem that i mentioned in my first post you can see Oscar and others doing the exact same thing, blaming everything but the people and their customs/culture that promotes violence.

I have seen worse form of poverty in Karachi slums known as Bangali Para's they are working as plumbers, labors, house servants (maasi) and other but majority of them despite mismanaged and being poor have not resort of senseless violence. Yes now some among them mostly youngsters are become mobile snatchers but yet they are not randomly killing those dehari ke workers who make less than 500 a day.

Pakistan's biggest problem is that we never address the problem but beat around the bush like Oscar's of our society, India has many areas where poverty and hunger is rampant, mismanagement is wide spread and their people often protest or complain about it, and yet we have not seen their poors living in largest slums resort to senseless violence, China has seen mismanagement and poverty and many more. Violence is not something a culture or ethnic group learns or develop overnight, its embedded in their DNA, they took pride in their violent nature and ability to kill, the only reason why we are discussing this is that innocent Pakistani's are becoming the victims of their violent nature.
Now let me ask you, where did I mention ISPR claiming as such.
The official version is 12 Terrorists eliminated when they tried to attack a military camp.
My guy what ever gets leaked or allowed to be leaked via official and unofficial channels is from military.
You will see very specific channels ( including social )post tailored version with approval.
My post stands how come these operations happen right in a day or 2 of some big attack.

I can understand if some operations happens beforehand and Army is able to take these scums out that's understandable. But exact repeat telecast after all attacks its more of PR stunt to show people that hey look Army is doing something.
Why no high ranking officer is held accountable of letting these attacks happen in the first place that's the issue
My contact in Baluchistan has given a figure of 71 people dead, including 14 soldiers. and pitched battles are on going, in some instances, Drones have been called to pinpoint BLA locations..
After dust is settled, Asswipe estab needs to give power to the people, or by next year Pakistan will be in full fledged civil war.

and a big shutup to Estab boot lickers on this forum, who are slave minded and cannot find a solution except military push... idiots

Did anyone notice that ever since PML-N and PPP came into power Pakistan is in a constant decline?
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Disgusting to commit murder.

I hope the culprits are brought to justice.
So rather then some great force to try and control the areas, they put in the bare minimum and trust in IBOs, intelligence and training to cause more damage to the enemy then the enemy can cause you
Then they leave the areas to their fate, the people there don't want to change, they don't want to learn, any development they demand ethnocentric posts even if not qualified
What set of data and proofs you have to back your claim?

It is the first time in history that Balochis protested and marched after the Feb 8 elections. Else, for every disagreement, they used to leave the cities for mountains and start anti-state activities.

Who has been controlling Balchistan since the 70s at least? Were/Are they public representatives?
Disgusting to commit murder.

I hope the culprits are brought to justice.

Won't happen. The so-called authorities are too weak and incompetent. This BLA problem should have been dealt with long ago. Either through negotiations or through force. It didn't happen and today these terror groups are emboldened.
Literally the problem that i mentioned in my first post you can see Oscar and others doing the exact same thing, blaming everything but the people and their customs/culture that promotes violence.

I have seen worse form of poverty in Karachi slums known as Bangali Para's they are working as plumbers, labors, house servants (maasi) and other but majority of them despite mismanaged and being poor have not resort of senseless violence. Yes now some among them mostly youngsters are become mobile snatchers but yet they are not randomly killing those dehari ke workers who make less than 500 a day.

Pakistan's biggest problem is that we never address the problem but beat around the bush like Oscar's of our society, India has many areas where poverty and hunger is rampant, mismanagement is wide spread and their people often protest or complain about it, and yet we have not seen their poors living in largest slums resort to senseless violence, China has seen mismanagement and poverty and many more. Violence is not something a culture or ethnic group learns or develop overnight, its embedded in their DNA, they took pride in their violent nature and ability to kill, the only reason why we are discussing this is that innocent Pakistani's are becoming the victims of their violent nature.

The BLA also receives assistance from certain quarters. They can never mount the spectacular attacks without the help of outsiders.
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So they are not Pakistanis then?
Baloch are not Pakistanis because they have to change their culture even though they have been completely ignored or mismanaged by the centre and resources taken

Pathan’s are not Pakistanis because they have to change their violent culture because we’ve encouraged that violent culture to use in proxy wars while purposely keeping education low and not providing them with resources.

Sindhis have to change their culture to stop hurting Pakistanis because they continue to support the corrupt and ethnocentric ideals even though we never fought against any Sindhi feudal as they treated their people like crap.

Kashmiris have to change their culture because they really dont work or do much to change their situation even after so much has been sacrificed for them even though most of their area is either taken by the military or used for vacation areas without truly investing the locals.

Southern Punjabis have to change their culture because they continue to support dynasties and feudal system because we need them for food production and labor but that is what they are for.

Karachi Muhajirs need to change their culture and their genes because we have had enough of their hindu genes and high horse racism while they took advantage of their unjust high education and took all positions.

We Pakistan between the Lahore and Islamabad belt have had enough!!!
The biggest hindu genes are in Punjab not in Muhajirs of Karachi.

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