Afghanistan announces start of $10b TAPI gas pipeline project

Turkmenistan would be glad to sell. Indian would be glad to buy at the right price.
The real issue is how much are Pakistan and Taliban willing to bend backwards. the transit fees will be peanuts.
You are misinformed. India is not interested in the project. They fear Pakistan will halt the gas supply in case of a conflict or a deterioration of bilateral relations.
Projects like these are the only way to bring countries at the table and understand they need each other more than countries thousands of miles away.
Pakistan, India if able to utilise with Chinese support will be able to upgrade its agriculture so it's able to feed 4 billions instead of import.
Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan with central Asian countries can develop and utilise natural gas and mineral resources biggest issue is utilisation in own market instead of selling stuff in raw state and importing in refined state and paying premium.

Money and developing human resources will only force elected to be reasonable and work for the betterment of own citizens.
In our region only China was able to actually made Hugh inroads, yes India has done but below poverty line is still huge problem.
Mosqeen, Before Turkmenistan came to your lands, you were Dalit for real. Worshipping sculptures??? No? Am I inventing something?
By the way , besides you being Dalits for Turkmenistan, your Iranian owners were Dalits for them also.
You are 1m 59 cm , bare that in mind and, misqeen like you work in a call centre.
Is this clear to you or you need more clarification, misqeen?
No need to be bitter. TAPI is not goin materialize without Russian approval.

Bosnia has no say here.
Turkmenistan would be glad to sell. Indian would be glad to buy at the right price.
The real issue is how much are Pakistan and Taliban willing to bend backwards. the transit fees will be peanuts.
No, India won't. India had explicitly decided not to depend on Pakistan for energy security. Pakistan would just shut off the pipeline in case of any skirmish or whenever they feel like it.

India decided not to create this dependency in the first place. Which is why I wonder why Afghanistan is putting money in it. The only customer will be Pakistan, making it not worth the while to invest in. You'd need a major customer like India or China to make the economics work.
Our gobs been stuffed to overflow by the Iranis with their cheap oil n gas!.......Now, we don't need no IP pipeline, nor this Tapi Papi pipeline. Fuel prices are actually falling now in Pakistan.

Thank you Iran for weaning us off of USD denominated GCC monopoly. What a great outcome no?

Aaaaahahahahaaaaaa........... :p..........Smuggling Zindabaad!
This pipeline might be a mistake, without alternative pipelines from Iran in place to balance, the entire gas supply of Pakistan will be dependent on Afghanistan, and they can use this axiom of "cutting off gas", to build leverage on Pakistan.

They should still build it, but its important that the planners in Pakistan diversify the risks via other sources of gas, namely Iran.
If the Afghans want to earn from this pipeline, we should welcome it, because it means they will be dependent upon Pakistan. Pakistan should also insist the Afghans also build the railway to Central Asia at the same time, and ensure its safety and uninterrupted flow. The TAPI can go to India, but the railways should not have any requirement that Indian goods can be transported towards Afghanistan and beyond.
Pakistan should stay out of this. Afghanistan is by no means reliable.
They will screw Pakistan anyway.
Interesting...thanks for this opinion.

And related to gas for Pakistan, Iran just started legal proceedings against Pakistan related to Pakistan not building its part of the IPI pipeline. Its kind of clear now that Pakistan agreed to US govt's request to not connect gas pipelines from Iran into the country. Now Pakistan is going to Turkmenistan + Afghan gas. And you are probably correct about the risks- if relations go bad, the Taliban will cut the gas (but Pakistan will also cut India's gas if relations also get very "bad", lol).
Interesting...thanks for this opinion.

And related to gas for Pakistan, Iran just started legal proceedings against Pakistan related to Pakistan not building its part of the IPI pipeline. Its kind of clear now that Pakistan agreed to US govt's request to not connect gas pipelines from Iran into the country. Now Pakistan is going to Turkmenistan + Afghan gas. And you are probably correct about the risks- if relations go bad, the Taliban will cut the gas (but Pakistan will also cut India's gas if relations also get very "bad", lol).
We're paying Iran under the radar for 90% of our oil n gas needs today via barter/ cash/ goods etc. Iran's not going to harm us. Iran knows this is the only way to make it right and I'd be surprised if they harm us knowing our financial situation.

Iran is a softy on muslims.
This is a good project. We will have leverage over India, as India gets natural gas from Turkmenistan. And this pipeline goes straight through Pakistan.
I haven't seen Russia invest a penny in Afghanistan. And as for China, thus far its only MOU's. The only country actually giving charity to afghani today is Iran.
Good analysis. But can you pls just tell me what really is behind Pakistan-Afghanistan tensions? I feel something has changed since withdrawal of N A T O from Afghanistan and the type of govt Pakistan has today, that was formed few yrs ago.
Good analysis. But can you pls just tell me what really is behind Pakistan-Afghanistan tensions? I feel something has changed since withdrawal of N A T O from Afghanistan and the type of govt Pakistan has today, that was formed few yrs ago.
They hate us bro because of the last 40 years of politics. There is this racial element of Persian vs Indian at play, however most of us today are a mixture of both Persian and Indian. They’ve sided with the Russians and Indians against us time n again!

The age old relic of thought has always been that west of the Indus River has traditionally been Persia and east of it has always been India.

These bastards still holding onto it for dear life!

Even though oceans of water have passed underneath those bridges.

Iran don’t care about these ethnic/supremacist/ separatist fukkers!

What we need to do here is to ask Iran to dismantle these bastards and kill the terrorists who murder innocent people in our country.

It’s the same drama as in da Sy-Raaq!

These bastards take money from you know who and work against their own countries and are happy to kill their own people.

Fukk them!

Ethnic/ supremacist/ separatist nonsense nobody can support in their right frame of mind.
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If the Afghans want to earn from this pipeline, we should welcome it, because it means they will be dependent upon Pakistan. Pakistan should also insist the Afghans also build the railway to Central Asia at the same time, and ensure its safety and uninterrupted flow. The TAPI can go to India, but the railways should not have any requirement that Indian goods can be transported towards Afghanistan and beyond.

What happens when they disrupt the pipeline due to disagreements and the gas supply is cut off?
What happens when they disrupt the pipeline due to disagreements and the gas supply is cut off?
We do what every other power does, build interdependencies, even before the first bit of gas comes through, such that if there are disruptions, it will disrupt enough power groups livelihoods that they will put pressure on the disrupters to cease and desist, one way or another.

Also, they aren’t a fully unified front.

But let’s say the pipeline is shut, we move on until things change to suit our interests. Getting bogged down in Afghan affairs will hurt us, and letting things play out (while we try to push other levers, externally) until things change.
We do what every other power does, build interdependencies, even before the first bit of gas comes through, such that if there are disruptions, it will disrupt enough power groups livelihoods that they will put pressure on the disrupters to cease and desist, one way or another.

Also, they aren’t a fully unified front.

But let’s say the pipeline is shut, we move on until things change to suit our interests. Getting bogged down in Afghan affairs will hurt us, and letting things play out (while we try to push other levers, externally) until things change.

You make it sounds so simple, why doesn't India accept Natural gas coming from a pipeline via Pakistan then? lol

I'm not saying the pipeline shouldn't be built at all, I'm saying contingencies need to be built before that. Namely the Iran pipeline which would be far more reliable. Its best to obviously have both to diversify risks, but if one was to prioritize, I would say the Iran pipeline is worth pursuing more.

Iran has the 2nd largest gas reserves in the world, and the 3rd largest producer of natural gas, Its prospects to pipe gas to Europe are dim b/c of geopolitics. it borders energy Rich Iraq and Turkmenistan, and Turkmenistan supplies China, so the prospects of supplying China via Turkmenistan is dim. LNG is not a currently viable option as the tech for liquefaction and regassing is monopolized by the west, and nonwestern alternatives do not currently exist. So it ends up cannibalizing most of its own gas for electricity and other sectors, rather than export it like it world prefer.

Oil and Gas pipelines to Pakistan make all the sense in the world for Iran and even for Pakistan, and both piped oil and gas are cheaper than oil transported on ships as well as LNG.

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