Al - Haider VT-4 MBT - The Premier PA Ground Asset [Developments]

Haider is just a localized vt-4 with some tweaks to turret, front hull and tracks, armor, gun, and ammo. Parts HIT quickly produced thanks to things they learned with AK series. Chinese aren't comfortable with license production and rightly so. It's their hot selling product why would they or anyone hand over critical info on that?
However, during AK development, they withheld critical drawings and blueprints of components repeatedly. We had to procure prototyping equipment like Fero Arm for quick prototyping and carve fresh blueprints of components. They play hardball and so do we whenever possible. Vt-4 is Norincos IPR however times we label it as local. It's funny actually.
We do fabricate quality turrets these days though, case in point AZ turret.
No more investment on T80 UDs. Some already retired.
Nopes. T80UD have only been recently upgraded I think like 1~2 years ago. And ones being retired was totally from a batch of around 30 tanks that was slightly different in specs and delivered much earlier than rest of the tanks. Hence they were rather old as compared to rest of fleet.
Nopes. T80UD have only been recently upgraded I think like 1~2 years ago. And ones being retired was totally from a batch of around 30 tanks that was slightly different in specs and delivered much earlier than rest of the tanks. Hence they were rather old as compared to rest of fleet.
1-2 years ago.

Depends upon the value T80 brings in Armored doctrine.
Tanks have been been , sitting ducks in recent Ukraine-Russia conflict
May be the age of Tanks is finished

3-4 Years to make a Tank and then they are destroyed by 1 missile from air
Tanks have been been , sitting ducks in recent Ukraine-Russia conflict
May be the age of Tanks is finished

3-4 Years to make a Tank and then they are destroyed by 1 missile from air
Not so if you make your tanks smarter and more lethal than the adversaries they face. The Turkish asymmetric solution via robotic means:
  • Make each tank a de facto generative AI machine. Moreover, convert each of them into a node in a neural network as they learn from each other via secured comms during a given ops. All for one, and one for all
  • Put radars, EW, EA etc. to have a fighting chance against the drones, loitering ammo etc. Additionally, put the in-sync capability to fire 30mm ATOM (programmable air fragmenting ammo) rounds from the autonomous heavy machine gun station to take down the above threats
  • As for ATGMs, put the hard kill capability to build a shield around the tank to destroy the incoming projectiles. Don't forget to have a 3D and 360 degrees coverage
  • Have in-situ armed micro drones with advanced optical and thermal imaging along with anti-jamming capabilities. A touch of AI would enable them to autonomously take out the imminent threats, especially the "bastards behind the rocks" sitting with ATGMs. Thus, you get an advanced situational awareness at a 20-50km range. For tactical ops it should suffice
  • No armored ops in formations should be allowed unless accompanied by KORKUT like tracked AD systems. And, not BEING covered by TB2 like armed to the teeth MALE drones
  • Etc.
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Tanks have been been , sitting ducks in recent Ukraine-Russia conflict
May be the age of Tanks is finished

3-4 Years to make a Tank and then they are destroyed by 1 missile from air

That may be true however, the tanks have still been incredibly useful and making large infantry movements without them is very risky

What the Ukraine war is teaching is that even the most expensive, heavy tank can be destroyed and having a cheaper mass produced tank in large numbers is maybe what's required going forward, with your expensive heavy tank in smaller numbers for specific situations


Haider VT-4 A1 MBT 2.jpg

  • Tank Haider is a 3rd Generation Plus Tank which has been manufactured through collaboration with NORINCO China and various local industries of Pakistan. The Tank incorporates modern state of the art technologies and astounding capabilities which gives it a definitive edge over any adversary in the battle field. Distinguished features that make Tank Haider a more lethal and potent war machine as compared to Tank Al-Khalid 1 are:-
    • High manoeuvrability due to optimized power to weight ratio, high performance 1200 hp engine with automatic transmission and digital navigation in all types of terrains and environment.
    • Greater lethality with long-range precision engagement, high first round hit probability and hunter killer capability achieved through latest generation of optical sights and Thermal Imager based auto-tracking with improved image stabilised fire control systems (FCS) and gun control systems (GCS).
    • Greater adaptability through digitized architecture providing plug and play modularity for various systems, enhanced sensor based real time battlefield situational awareness, requisite connectivity for seamless Combine Arms Operations and secured information sharing resulting in a more potent and reliable platform.
    • Improved survivability through low heat signature, advanced Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) along with passive and active protection systems and modern systems for crew survivability from fire, explosives and Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) threats.
    • Enhanced reliability through adaptation of latest manufacturing techniques, engineering practices and quality control mechanism.
    • Cost effectiveness due to maximized local manufacturing of parts, assemblies and systems ensuring assured self-sustenance.
  • Tank Haider is a true manifestation of “Strength through Self Reliance” in defence production of Pakistan due to maximized indigenization, resulting in substantial foreign exchange savings while empowering our local industries through selective technology partnerships for in-country manufacturing.
HIT’s flagship project is the Haider main battle tank (MBT), a locally assembled variant of the NORINCO VT-4 MBT from China. As of 2023, HIT has been making inroads at taking on more of the Haider’s production work, with the tank’s gun system already being sourced from domestic inputs. Efforts at localizing more of the VT4 are underway, albeit gradually, with electronics seemingly being the next focus area.

However, HIT says it is eager to expand its portfolio of indigenous solutions. Recently, it crossed a number of key milestones, such as producing its own in-house fire control system (FCS) for tanks and complete gun systems for towed and self-propelled artillery. In fact, recent local news footage covering HIT facilities show apparent work on changing or upgrading the PA’s M109-series self-propelled howitzers using these newly developed gun inputs. There is also an original artillery program in development.

Haider Main Battle Tank​

Officially inducted in 2020, the VT4 is the PA’s latest MBT, joining the al-Khalid-series, T-80UD, and al-Zarrar series of tanks. Pakistan signed a contract with China’s NORINCO in late 2018 or early 2019 for 176 VT4 at a cost of $859 million USD. Designated the “Haider,” the PA envisaged inducting the VT4 as a mainstay tank – not a limited off-the-shelf acquisition. Subsequently, HIT revealed its efforts to co-produce the VT4 under license so as to support the PA’s plans to induct the Haider at scale…"

Source QUWA & HIT


"Qatari military delegation inspecting a Haider Main Battle Tank . Produced by Margalla Heavy Industries Ltd. Haider MBT is a license-produced Chinese VT-4 tank"

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View attachment 65489

  • Tank Haider is a 3rd Generation Plus Tank which has been manufactured through collaboration with NORINCO China and various local industries of Pakistan. The Tank incorporates modern state of the art technologies and astounding capabilities which gives it a definitive edge over any adversary in the battle field. Distinguished features that make Tank Haider a more lethal and potent war machine as compared to Tank Al-Khalid 1 are:-
    • High manoeuvrability due to optimized power to weight ratio, high performance 1200 hp engine with automatic transmission and digital navigation in all types of terrains and environment.
    • Greater lethality with long-range precision engagement, high first round hit probability and hunter killer capability achieved through latest generation of optical sights and Thermal Imager based auto-tracking with improved image stabilised fire control systems (FCS) and gun control systems (GCS).
    • Greater adaptability through digitized architecture providing plug and play modularity for various systems, enhanced sensor based real time battlefield situational awareness, requisite connectivity for seamless Combine Arms Operations and secured information sharing resulting in a more potent and reliable platform.
    • Improved survivability through low heat signature, advanced Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) along with passive and active protection systems and modern systems for crew survivability from fire, explosives and Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) threats.
    • Enhanced reliability through adaptation of latest manufacturing techniques, engineering practices and quality control mechanism.
    • Cost effectiveness due to maximized local manufacturing of parts, assemblies and systems ensuring assured self-sustenance.
  • Tank Haider is a true manifestation of “Strength through Self Reliance” in defence production of Pakistan due to maximized indigenization, resulting in substantial foreign exchange savings while empowering our local industries through selective technology partnerships for in-country manufacturing.
HIT’s flagship project is the Haider main battle tank (MBT), a locally assembled variant of the NORINCO VT-4 MBT from China. As of 2023, HIT has been making inroads at taking on more of the Haider’s production work, with the tank’s gun system already being sourced from domestic inputs. Efforts at localizing more of the VT4 are underway, albeit gradually, with electronics seemingly being the next focus area.

However, HIT says it is eager to expand its portfolio of indigenous solutions. Recently, it crossed a number of key milestones, such as producing its own in-house fire control system (FCS) for tanks and complete gun systems for towed and self-propelled artillery. In fact, recent local news footage covering HIT facilities show apparent work on changing or upgrading the PA’s M109-series self-propelled howitzers using these newly developed gun inputs. There is also an original artillery program in development.

Haider Main Battle Tank​

Officially inducted in 2020, the VT4 is the PA’s latest MBT, joining the al-Khalid-series, T-80UD, and al-Zarrar series of tanks. Pakistan signed a contract with China’s NORINCO in late 2018 or early 2019 for 176 VT4 at a cost of $859 million USD. Designated the “Haider,” the PA envisaged inducting the VT4 as a mainstay tank – not a limited off-the-shelf acquisition. Subsequently, HIT revealed its efforts to co-produce the VT4 under license so as to support the PA’s plans to induct the Haider at scale…"

Source QUWA & HIT


"Qatari military delegation inspecting a Haider Main Battle Tank . Produced by Margalla Heavy Industries Ltd. Haider MBT is a license-produced Chinese VT-4 tank"

View attachment 65499
Margalla Heavy Industries ???

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