Al - Haider VT-4 MBT - The Premier PA Ground Asset [Developments]

India is helping TTP bleed Pakistan without committing own forces.
Not at all. All credit to Pakistani elements.

The beasts of 6Ad are sitting idle under sheds while soldiers die on the western front.
Umm, depreciation is a hidden weapon, and will play its role.

But it takes only one incident to start it. Ukrainian war and Palestinian conflict have shown the need to possess credible conventional forces at all times. For me, times of conventional war are not gone.
The Sangh Parivar has taken note, and will talk a great war, but will make a great squeaky noise and leave it at that.

Expect to lose many more crows.

Expect to bleed financially from every pore.

Moreover, the rocky terrain towards our west is mostly not suitable to rubber padded armor vehicles. The tracks will turn to wafer in no time.
Drat. Spotted.
Instead of the VT-4, I'd like to see a Turtle Tank designed from scratch. Might actually be cheaper and prove more useful.
The Pak army is a buffoon army investing in tanks with the war in Ukraine on full display exposing its vulnerabilities. India will swarm the battlefield with FPVs Pakistan needs to mass produce fpvs
The Pak army is a buffoon army investing in tanks with the war in Ukraine on full display exposing its vulnerabilities. India will swarm the battlefield with FPVs Pakistan needs to mass produce fpvs
Do you think India is not making Tanks? They have more tanks than Pakistan, so are they bigger buffoons?

Anyway, the point that future battle fields maybe different is valid.

Here's a nice article about FPV threat and counter strategies, written for the australian army. I found it very interesting.

Do you think India is not making Tanks? They have more tanks than Pakistan, so are they bigger buffoons?

Anyway, the point that future battle fields maybe different is valid.

Here's a nice article about FPV threat and counter strategies, written for the australian army. I found it very interesting.

Theyll swarm the battlefield with drones blow every god damn thing up then roll in the tanks when there’s minimum resistance
Theyll swarm the battlefield with drones blow every god damn thing up then roll in the tanks when there’s minimum resistance
What drones?? DJI??? China can supply Pakistan with unlimited amount of fpv drones lol

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