Ancient Egypt civilization

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Elon Musk - People Don't Know about Amazing Discovery made by robotic Camera Inside Pyramids​


Uncovering the ancient secrets of the Great Pyramid​




Pre-Egyptian Technology Left By an Advanced Civilization That Disappeared​


Great Pyramid: Let's Double Check the Mathematics & Star Alignment Claims​


The Great Pyramid & Advanced Mathematics​


6 AMAZING Pyramid Coincidences That CONFUSE Scientists​

I would love to visit Egypt as a tourist. I would like to see the Pyramids one day.

Ancient Aliens: Great Pyramid's Shocking Precision (Season 12) | History​


KING TUT - PBS Special​

Egypt from this the one we know? - Al-Sharq Documentary

Amazing facts about ancient Egypt laws:

- Not denouncing a crime was considered a crime in itself;;and you might lose an ear for that
- Illicit sexual relations were sentenced with cutting the nose and burning
- Stealing was punished by cutting both hands
- Treachery, betrayal, or deceit were punished by execution
- Atheism was punished severely by disfiguration. cutting the tongue or the ear painfully..

how much does the average egyptian have to do with egypt 5k years ago? after thousands of years of migration by greeks/arabs/romans/turks/arabs etc. Just an honest question.
how much does the average egyptian have to do with egypt 5k years ago? after thousands of years of migration by greeks/arabs/romans/turks/arabs etc. Just an honest question.
This is a subject near & dear to my heart. I used to be able to see the pyramids from my bedroom window back in the day before our neighborhood started building all sorts of tall buildings that towered higher than ours and the view was eventually blocked.

My buddies and I climbed Khufu all the way (I lost count after 10 times but figure it's around 12 or 13), got caught once and got in pretty serious trouble lol. Hey, we were young and stupidly daring. Khafre is too dangerous to get to the top because of the finished limestone cap that's still there at the very top and working your way around the cut edge it is too precarious, but it can be done. But coming back down is what we figured was nearly impossible (or just way too dangerous and not worth the risk), so we never attempted it.

But the view is insane, especially at nighttime which was the best time to sneakily do it.

About 15 years ago a dude did climb Khafre and it's amazing enough that he negotiated the cap and got to the top, but then realized he couldn't get back down because despite the smooth cap having deteriorated a little and there are some spots you could possibly use to grip and get down, it was still quite smooth-polished stone and too slippery to climb down and the edge of where the cap meets the base stone is where the main difficulty is, which is why we never attempted it.

But this genius went up, couldn't make it back down ended up having to wait till the next day before the military SOFs rescued him with an Mi-17 helicopter.

Egypt from this the one we know? - Al-Sharq Documentary

That's an awesome video. Really well-done. Captures the view of all of Egypt from the air. Some spectacular landscapes for sure.

I bet many don't know the history of Abu-Simbel at the beginning of that video and what it signifies. Arguably the greatest Ancient Egyptian Pharoah Ramses II and his wife the great Nefertari twin temples was actually moved to make way for the creation and possible flooding from Lake Nasser. Can you imagine they pulled off this giant, historical wonder of the world moving back in 1968?

Abu-Simbel was carved right into the mountain, really remarkable and amazing how they cut it up into careful pieces & sections and relocated it where you could never tell they had done that.


The rest of the story HERE.
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