Ancient Egypt civilization

Pre-Egyptian Technology Left By an Advanced Civilization That Disappeared​

The cumulation of all the items in this video are what is really impressive about ancient Egypt, almost more so than the pyramids as crazy as that might sound.

I say that only because of one specific item (out of hundreds that are simply mind-blowing) that defies all human ability including today's modern technology and that's the boxes of Serapeum. @ minute 22:33. If anyone has any level of engineering or even just a simple appreciation of mankind's abilities, just a basic understanding will be simply speechless once he/she takes a look at these giant granite boxes and their perfection and how on earth (literally) were the Ancient Egyptians capable of making them. Those are probably the most impressive items in all of Ancient Egyptian antiquity, to me anyway. Oh, and maybe also the lotus columns. Those are also mind-blowing beyond comprehension.
how much does the average egyptian have to do with egypt 5k years ago? after thousands of years of migration by greeks/arabs/romans/turks/arabs etc. Just an honest question.
Most of Modern Egyptians are the descendants of Ancient Egyptians. Greeks, Arabs etc... were always the ruling class and they didn't intermix with the local populations. There was never a genocide or a mass exodus from the part of the Egyptians. And even saying that the Coptics are the only Ancient Egyptians descendants is a big myth because we share the same ancestors
Here is some articles and conclusion if you want to read more :

"We conclude that the Egyptians have been in place since back in the Pleistocene and have been largely unaffected by either invasions or migrations. As others have noted, Egyptians are Egyptians, and they were so in the past as well."

"Therefore, from these results we conclude that Egyptian Muslims and Egyptian Christians genetically originate from the same ancestors"
The Egyptian Archaeological Mission affiliated with the Supreme Council of Antiquities announces the discovery of the first and largest astronomical observatory dating back to the sixth century BC during its work in the Temple of Buto at the site of Tell el-Fara’in in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.

This is a subject near & dear to my heart. I used to be able to see the pyramids from my bedroom window back in the day before our neighborhood started building all sorts of tall buildings that towered higher than ours and the view was eventually blocked.

My buddies and I climbed Khufu all the way (I lost count after 10 times but figure it's around 12 or 13), got caught once and got in pretty serious trouble lol. Hey, we were young and stupidly daring. Khafre is too dangerous to get to the top because of the finished limestone cap that's still there at the very top and working your way around the cut edge it is too precarious, but it can be done. But coming back down is what we figured was nearly impossible (or just way too dangerous and not worth the risk), so we never attempted it.

But the view is insane, especially at nighttime which was the best time to sneakily do it.

About 15 years ago a dude did climb Khafre and it's amazing enough that he negotiated the cap and got to the top, but then realized he couldn't get back down because despite the smooth cap having deteriorated a little and there are some spots you could possibly use to grip and get down, it was still quite smooth-polished stone and too slippery to climb down and the edge of where the cap meets the base stone is where the main difficulty is, which is why we never attempted it.

But this genius went up, couldn't make it back down ended up having to wait till the next day before the military SOFs rescued him with an Mi-17 helicopter.

That's an awesome video. Really well-done. Captures the view of all of Egypt from the air. Some spectacular landscapes for sure.

I bet many don't know the history of Abu-Simbel at the beginning of that video and what it signifies. Arguably the greatest Ancient Egyptian Pharoah Ramses II and his wife the great Nefertari twin temples was actually moved to make way for the creation and possible flooding from Lake Nasser. Can you imagine they pulled off this giant, historical wonder of the world moving back in 1968?

Abu-Simbel was carved right into the mountain, really remarkable and amazing how they cut it up into careful pieces & sections and relocated it where you could never tell they had done that.

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The rest of the story HERE.

Visting the pyramids are on my bucket list for sure! Now that the new Grand Egyptian Museum is open i can see myself getting lost in there for several days alone !!!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone been to the new Grand Egyptian Museum ?
Some people may find the following video controversial, but there are a number of Artificats that difficult to explain which @GoMig-21 has alluded to in his post above. This has given to theory that there is a lot civilisation that preceded what we know of the Egyptian who helped contribute to the Egyptian history.

1 -
2 -

I have seen both videos and it raises alot of questions to me. I think if anything is interested in ancient egypt history - they should absolutely watch these two videos with an open and logical mind !!!

The kings list refers to a history of ancient Egypt that goes back far far far longer than the current narrative of it being ~5k year old civilisation.
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The ancient Egyptian civilization will have i feel entire areas of knowledge that are new

The western hegemony on theory and knowledge acts as a barrier, yet elite westerns seem to care quite a lot themselves, quietly.
This video is damn good to about some interesting stuff in India - with the Egypt and India ( amongst other global locations) all linked by high end technology that currently cannot be explained.

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Sorry - edited the text with the correct video for what is called the "


You should watch it - damn interesting - all 3 videos.
I would temper expectations on 'miraculous' ancient technology. By all account, their accomplishments, while impressive, were not technological marvels but labor intensive enterprises.

Otherwise we would have scores of ancient skyscraper ruins, but we don't. The handful of ancient monuments were commissioned by kings and rulers commanding the entire workforce and resources of the nation.
I would temper expectations on 'miraculous' ancient technology. By all account, their accomplishments, while impressive, were not technological marvels but labor intensive enterprises.

>> Watch the videos - then come back here...
>> Watch the videos - then come back here...

LOL, I have seen the usual ancient aliens and amazing technology videos. They are all crap, always exaggerated or outright false, and always explained by modern science.
LOL, I have seen the usual ancient aliens and amazing technology videos. They are all crap, always exaggerated or outright false, and always explained by modern science.

There is nothing about aliens in anything i have posted. Nothing. None of the videos refer to anything, other than human beings.
I would temper expectations on 'miraculous' ancient technology. By all account, their accomplishments, while impressive, were not technological marvels but labor intensive enterprises.

Otherwise we would have scores of ancient skyscraper ruins, but we don't. The handful of ancient monuments were commissioned by kings and rulers commanding the entire workforce and resources of the nation.
They were technology marvels considering the high mathematics behind them..
They were technology marvels considering the high mathematics behind them..

Yes, the technology was amazing, and the Egyptians and Babylonians used Pythagoras theorem a thousand years before the Greeks.

Very smart and resourceful people.

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