As China Unleashes 80,000-Ton Fujian, India’s Ex-Naval Chief Wants France’s Help To Construct Nuke-Powered Aircraft Carrier

All politicians lie, Xi is included, but your Modi is bigger liar, Indian media is the world biggest liar, even American members here in PDF agree that Indian media is the least reliable source for information.
So you are saying Xi is a liar. Let us confirm that. Beijingwalker admits Xi is a liar.

Now, admit that Mao murdered more Chinese than anyone else in history.
So you are saying Xi is a liar. Let us confirm that. Beijingwalker admits Xi is a liar.

Now, admit that Mao murdered more Chinese than anyone else in history.
How old are you? all politicians lie, Modi and Biden don't lie? you talk like a five year old.
Now, admit that Mao murdered more Chinese than anyone else in history.
lol, another pathetic lie, you can claim Mao murdered many Indians in 1962.

So you are saying Xi is a liar. Let us confirm that. Beijingwalker admits Xi is a liar.

Now, admit that Mao murdered more Chinese than anyone else in history.
Depends how you count murdered? Going by yr logic Modi killed 6 mil Indians during cOVID.
Russia is second? OK
Have you examined their SSN fleets like the Yasen class submarines or their surface fleets such as the Admiral Gorshkov or Admiral Grigorovich? These vessels are armed with a diverse arsenal of hypersonic, supersonic, and subsonic cruise missiles capable of swiftly neutralizing frontline surface or subsurface fleets of the PLAN if the need arises. LMAO :LOL: :LOL:
OK, then I guess 3rd is India then
As per India's perspective, they consistently track your submarines as they traverse the Malacca Strait, earning your submarine fleet the nickname "underwater orchestra." If they can even come to the IOR for a war, they would find themselves in a situation where they would get their ass whooped and handed it over to them on a platter.
Depends how you count murdered? Going by yr logic Modi killed 6 mil Indians during cOVID.
In China, mllions were wiped out like animals just a few decades back because their own dictator did not consider them worthy enough for a grain of rice.

So save your endangered brain cells wumao.
As per India's perspective, they consistently track your submarines as they traverse the Malacca Strait, earning your submarine fleet the nickname "underwater orchestra." If they can even come to the IOR for a war, they would find themselves in a situation where they would get their ass whooped and handed it over to them on a platter.
lol, you really talk big. do you know where is your place in the global shipbuilding industry?
In China, mllions were wiped out like animals just a few decades back because their own dictator did not consider them worthy enough for a grain of rice.

So save your endangered brain cells wumao.
If some bad policies mean genocides, how many Indians have been genocided by bad policies made by your former western masters and current government? How many Indians have been "genocided" during the past 70 years, your poor life expectancy states everything.
your poor life expectancy states everything.
The current life expectancy for India in 2024 is 70.62 years, a 0.29% increase from 2023.
The current life expectancy for India in 2024 is 70.62 years, a 0.29% increase from 2023.
Comparing to yourself? lol, only shows how bad your successive governments were.
As per India's perspective, they consistently track your submarines as they traverse the Malacca Strait, earning your submarine fleet the nickname "underwater orchestra." If they can even come to the IOR for a war, they would find themselves in a situation where they would get their ass whooped and handed it over to them on a platter.
In your wet dreams.
In China, mllions were wiped out like animals just a few decades back because their own dictator did not consider them worthy enough for a grain of rice.

So save your endangered brain cells wumao.
Like 6 millions Indians perished in the Covid 19 due to your foolish policies few years ago, lol.

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