As Taliban starts restricting men too, some regret not speaking up sooner

I believe that at some point, Taliban may attempt to acquire nuclear weapons. This would pose an existential threat to Pakistan, as Taliban adheres to an ideology of martyrdom and may not be deterred by the prospect of a nuclear retaliation from Pakistan.
I believe that at some point, Taliban may attempt to acquire nuclear weapons. This would pose an existential threat to Pakistan, as Taliban adheres to an ideology of martyrdom and may not be deterred by the prospect of a nuclear retaliation from Pakistan.
On Day 2 of the Taliban nuclear program:download (3).jpeg
Like I said the implementation of Sharia is what is the stumbling block. This isn't the thread for it but there is a reason most modern Muslim nations have two forms of legal systems.

I'll give you the reason :

1. The penetration of secularism in Islamic minds.

2. The intimidation of outside powers to make sure the Sharia is not implemented

There you have it.
There needs to be more restrictions put in place. If possible a night curvew is placed to prevent non-married couples to do haram things.
Can't wait for the ban on oxygen.

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