Ask for help from Turkish, Iranian and Pakistani members. You just have to answer a few questions :)


Mar 9, 2024
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Please provide answers that are represented by the majority in your countries, And please be honest :)

Attempt to explain what the reasons are/were that led to this opinion.

1. What is the opinion of the Turkish people about Iran's/Pakistan's:
  • Population
  • Government
  • Army
Suggested solutions to conflicts.

2. What is the opinion of the Iranian people about Türkiye's/Pakistan's:
  • Population
  • Government
  • Army
Suggested solutions to conflicts

3. What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about Iran's/Türkiye's:
  • Population
  • Government
  • Army
Suggested solutions to conflicts
Opinion of the Pakistani people about Iran's/Türkiye's:

Population: Pakistani people generally have positive attitudes towards most foreign nationalities. Even the accursed afghans are let alone even though no one likes them anymore as back in the 80s. Govt on other hand does keep them on a tight leash nowadays.

Government: Pakistanis love Erdogan's turkey and govt, primarily because they want someone like him to get Pakistan out of debt and propel the economy like he did in the 2000s. Also having a foreign policy independent of NATO is a plus.

Iranian govts has no such pull in Pakistani society, apart from maybe some small section of shia societies. That is countered by small section of sunni societies who would hate them. Both on sectarian bases alone. But most Pakistanis would react with 'meh'. Iran and Pakistan don't get in each other way diplomatically or have any major diplomatic or military cooperation to Garner either negative or positive reactions.

Army: Most Pakistanis don't have any idea of Turkish army's anti Democratic, pro kemalist history, to have any distinctive opinion about it. Those who are aware of it, would hate it considering Pakistan's own experience with military takeovers is a rosy tale.

I doubt most Pakistanis are aware of IRGC long tentacles either. But those who are would also be split considering it's negative role in suppressing population in Syria but it's positive role of challenging unchecked western Zionist projects across the ME.
Opinion of the Pakistani people about Iran's/Türkiye's:

Population: Pakistani people generally have positive attitudes towards most foreign nationalities. Even the accursed afghans are let alone even though no one likes them anymore as back in the 80s. Govt on other hand does keep them on a tight leash nowadays.

Government: Pakistanis love Erdogan's turkey and govt, primarily because they want someone like him to get Pakistan out of debt and propel the economy like he did in the 2000s. Also having a foreign policy independent of NATO is a plus.

Iranian govts has no such pull in Pakistani society, apart from maybe some small section of shia societies. That is countered by small section of sunni societies who would hate them. Both on sectarian bases alone. But most Pakistanis would react with 'meh'. Iran and Pakistan don't get in each other way diplomatically or have any major diplomatic or military cooperation to Garner either negative or positive reactions.

Army: Most Pakistanis don't have any idea of Turkish army's anti Democratic, pro kemalist history, to have any distinctive opinion about it. Those who are aware of it, would hate it considering Pakistan's own experience with military takeovers is a rosy tale.

I doubt most Pakistanis are aware of IRGC long tentacles either. But those who are would also be split considering it's negative role in suppressing population in Syria but it's positive role of challenging unchecked western Zionist projects across the ME.
thanks for the quick reply.
Opinion of the Turkish people about Pakistan's Population:
A Turkish proverb says;
Bir Fincan Kahvenin 40 Yıl Hatırı Vardır (A Cup of Coffee Has 40 Years of Memory)
It means "even if it is a very small act of kindness, it should never be forgotten.
The Turkish people see the Pakistani people as brother people.
The main reason for this is Pakistani support in the Turkish War of Independence.
The Pakistanis stood by the Turkish people in their greatest need.

Opinion of the Turkish people about Iran's Population:
Turkey does recognize 1/3 of the Iranian people as Turkic people, opinions are positive.
Opinions about the Iranian people who supports the Molla regime is negative.
Otherwise positive to no opinion at all.

Opinion of the Turkish people about Pakistan's Government:
Egemenlik kayıtsız şartsız milletindir-Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation
It is the principle that forms the basis of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
After Atatürk's death in 1939 the sovereignty was until 2007 taken from the Turkish Nation.
Turks had to hold 47 elections in 63 years (1939/2002)resulting in 47 different governments.
With 11 direct and many indirect interventions in politics some Generals prevented governments from remaining in office long enough to move the country forward.

Pakistan is suffering the same fate as Turkey had to suffer.
The people of Pakistan must achieve full sovereignty and power over Pakistan.

Opinion of the Turkish people about Iran's Government:
The opinion about Iran's government is very negative.
.The will of one man weighs more than the will of the entire Iranian people.
Iran trapped by a system and a government that believes it is above the people.
A system that does not serve the welfare of the people.

Unscrupulous people who will do anything to maintain their power.
The actions of the Iranian government during the Azerbaijan-Armenia War caused outrage among the Turkish population. The would-be leader of the Shiites has turned against his own co-religionists.
The blood of children and innocent Shiites is on his hands.
The Turkish people know exactly that this action was/is not the will of the Iranian people.

Opinion of the Turkish people about Pakistan's Army:
Pakistan is the only Muslim nuclear power and enjoys the full trust of the Turkish population, it is one of a few countries that has full access to the Turkish arsenal and equipment.

Opinion of the Turkish people about Iran's Army:
The Iranian army under this leadership has no respect among the Turkish population.
All high positions of the Army is in the hands of loyal followers of the Supreme Leader.
The main task of the Iranian army is to ensure that the supreme leader remains in power.

If Iran had a government that served the well-being of the people.
A Turkish-Iranian-Pakistani alliance would emerge,this alliance would be a superpower.
Unscrupulous people who will do anything to maintain their power.
The actions of the Iranian government during the Azerbaijan-Armenia War caused outrage among the Turkish population. The would-be leader of the Shiites has turned against his own co-religionists.
The blood of children and innocent Shiites is on his hands.
The Turkish people know exactly that this action was/is not the will of the Iranian people.
really delusional and ignorant perspective

Iran's officially policy has always been to support Azerbaijan's liberation of Artsakh (wrongfully, in my view, Iran should fully support Armenia against the fascist Zionist regime in Azerbaijan)

and are we talking about the same "co-religionists" that export oil to keep the genocidal Zionist entity alive and host its spies to use Azerbaijan as a base against Iran? these are the co-religionists we should ally with?

If Iran had a government that served the well-being of the people.
A Turkish-Iranian-Pakistani alliance would emerge,this alliance would be a superpower.
first Turkey needs to leave NATO slavery and Zionist slavery then we can talk. if you can't do that, at least try to stop trade with the genocidal Zionist regime or close their diplomatic embassy inside Turkey. but you can't even do that, in the middle of a genocide, and you talk about imaginary alliances. iran wants no part of this Zionist alliance, you can enjoy your Turkey-USA-Israel alliance instead.

Iran already has its alliance with the Axis of Resistance, which is far more appealing than any Turkey-USA-Israel alliance you want to entice Iran and Pakistan into.

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