Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

It is moderate Bangladeshis who will be crying when him and the Bangladeshi Taliban concert BD into an Islamic Emirate like Afghanistan.

If BD were to turn into Afghanistan, Bharat will become extremist hindutva state long before that.

Bangladesh army Chief Gen Waker uz Zaman's interview. He sounded to me very reasonable and someone who understands and makes decisions based on reality - not out of emotion.

The interview is in Bengali. Short summary is -

1. Army chief asks people to have patience and give some time to the interim govt, 16 years of chaos cannot be cleaned up overnight. Also not feasible to root out every single BAL appointees from last 16 years, as the day to day life must go on.

2. Police still traumatized. Army will return to barracks as soon as police is able to assume control completely.

3. Army actively working with the interim govt to prevent BAL counter coup attempts.

4. Re Hasina fleeing - he mentioned that he initially didn't anticipate she would leave. But when he heard about it, he decided to let her go as he didn't want extra judicial mob justice being doled out to Hasina.

5. BAL oligarchs will also be punished in due time and in due process.

Not a single intel report at the time BAL made the decision to ban Jamaat mentioned Jamaat activists were involved in terrorism, yet BAL went ahead to ban Jamaat to divert people's attention on the final days of Hasina regime. Since there was no intel report to back the BAL regime's decision, the court completely rejected, not just withdraw, the BAL order to ban Jamaat.
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Not a single intel report at the time BAL made the decision to ban Jamaat mentioned Jamaat activists were involved in terrorism, yet BAL went ahead to ban Jamaat to divert people's attention on the final days of Hasina regime. Since there was no intel report to back the BAL regime's decision, the court completely rejected, not just withdraw, the BAL order to ban Jamaat.
As a party Jamat is much more democratically mature then BNP and others...
You're preaching these while mass murderer like Modi, adityanath etc runs india. lol.
Lol, such ignorance. Can you name one person that Modi or Adityanath murdered ?

If you had bothered to do any research rather than blindly believe propoganda, you would know that multiple cases were filed against Modi by the Congress government and Congress - appointed judges acquitted him in all of them.
Can you name one person that Modi or Adityanath murdered ?
For starter, Gujrat massacre, every lynching in india under their reign. Their anti Muslim sermons win them elections. Yet these lunatics and their minions will not stop claiming Kashmir. 😑
you would know that multiple cases were filed against Modi by the Congress government and Congress - appointed judges acquitted him in all of them.
Yah, india with its anti Muslim kangaroo court. How many hindus were punished for demolishing Babri Masjid?
And don't come up with congress-BJP shit. Both of them are hindu party. Period...

Bangladesh finally became a signatory to the International convention for the protection of All persons from enforced disapperances.

Hasina didn't sign this convention because for years she used enforced disappearances to oppress opposition. With this, Dr. Yunus created history and opened a new chapter for a free Bangladesh.
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Bangladesh finally became a signatory to the International convention for the protection of All persons from enforced disapperances.

Hasina didn't sign this convention because for years she used enforced disappearances to oppress opposition. With this, Dr. Yunus created history and opened a new chapter for a free Bangladesh.
It is good Bangladesh is becoming a signatory, but shouldn't this have been done by an elected goverment rather than a selected Chief Advisor ?
It is good Bangladesh is becoming a signatory, but shouldn't this have been done by an elected goverment rather than a selected Chief Advisor ?
You can ask hasina. She is in india...

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