Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Moin Mia is a Chetona warrior. Instead of a promotion, he should be swinging from a tree. Check Mr Saers profile for video...

Another propaganda and defamation of character.

But hey, it’s par for the course for you lot.

Anyone says anything to counter it - you can just delete their posts lol

Freedom of speech warriors lol
Another propaganda and defamation of character.

But hey, it’s par for the course for you lot.

Anyone says anything to counter it - you can just delete their posts lol

Freedom of speech warriors lol

BD is a polarised country and so will find it difficult to move forward.

There are too many extremists on either side who do not understand that you can disagree without insults and violence.
Any updates on major reform plans by the new government. Reforms in Electrol system, Governmental systems, Beuracracy, Institutions, Police, Judiciary, Tax etc. Bangladeshi people need to keep their eyes open, you don't want end of BAL but the same failed system exists which doesn't give justice and rights to the people, the power needs to be devolved to the people. Local government is a must with direct elections of Mayors to represent the people.

BD is a polarised country and so will find it difficult to move forward.

There are too many extremists on either side who do not understand that you can disagree without insults and violence.

The constant abuse and name calling is just disgusting.

Btw, apparently BD “students” now want an exemption from SSC exams lol


Is this true? Am hearing it from some US sources lol
Any updates on major reform plans by the new government. Reforms in Electrol system, Governmental systems, Beuracracy, Institutions, Police, Judiciary, Tax etc. Bangladeshi people need to keep their eyes open, you don't want end of BAL but the same failed system exists which doesn't give justice and rights to the people, the power needs to be devolved to the people. Local government is a must with direct elections of Mayors to represent the people.


Bro, going by the characters here - who claim to represent Bangladesh - I don’t think BD is ready for democracy.

You can have all the systems and process you like - but if people cannot accept plurality of views - then everything falls apart like a pack of cards!

We are heading for Martial Law then BNP autocracy.

And BAL LIKELY TO RETURN BEFORE 2030. Maybe sooner if BNP CANNOT control the Islamists in their ranks.
Absolute misinformation and propaganda!!

Explain how?

Whatever he posted, there are news reports to back it up as facts.

The reason I stated it as sensationalist is because Pinaki is insinuating that Gen Waker is gearing up for a coup. That is his own personal claim.
BD is a polarised country
And you came to this conclusion with extensive research using Google right?😂
There are too many extremists on either side who do not understand that you can disagree without insults and violence
What happened? Why suddenly awami leaguers are talking about peace! 😆
(having finished the vid finally now, and having done my best to get past the rudeness/snark of that Sushant fellow to do so).

That is like asking BNP and Jamaat to move beyond their impression of what BJP and RSS are, criticism wise.

These are heavily charged poles of the same (social conservative) charge.

Till the nature of that social conservatism changes in both societies to the degrees needed (given how politics then harnesses and transmits this), there is not going to be overnight bridges made in the way that you are maybe wanting to see here.

Again you have to let time play out. I gave 6 month chunk to sensor/analyse for a reason (and then another 6 month after it for 2nd part)....and the BD guest seems to agree its just been a month or so.

Things are heated. People on each side are going to put pegs in peg holes of their making while the heat is there. It requires dissipation and proof of what shapes up in BD credibly.

First thing first, BD has to get its law and order situation and court process in suitable shape. Then we can analyse if these are acting fairly and not vindictively regarding the prosecution and sentencing of what you already have within reach in BD....and all the human agency involved in all the chain of command during the protest clampdown.....and if there is prosecution upon (apparently still ongoing) revenge crimes afterwards too.

Police and army included. Will a case be brought against those in the army that aided Hasina exit....down to the crew on board the C-130 (they did return to BD after all).

What's the process going to be for the police too? The time to show accountability here through the courts. The army is supposed to continue to be interim Law enforcement in this adhoc way going on right now till thats all done? Is that the army's role?

Every bit of it can then be compared and contrasted with the deaths that occured during the Ershad uprising. What was state of prosecution on that matter....laundered into some generalised corruption charge and political rehabilitation.

What has the history been in BD in general regarding political and criminal exiling and amnesty? and the general state of BD courts role in this....and then what they are like now for it (whats different, whats the same....whats good and whats bad regarding it).

Sorry but India or any country in same position and context.... will have to wait and analyse all these things as they play out and collect larger intel picture of BD population sentiments. Simply can't go by words and promise of good faith credibility by some interim admin (with no elected mandate) that they are some entire complete perfect fiduciary for the population of BD....just because they are on the revolution/uprising side that got one power out to replace it.

Then all the talk of even drafting a new constitution on top. Where is BD going to actually dispense its legal resource in all these competing vectors to do? All the issues with extradition past that if you dont do this stuff credibly:

Study each and every uprising around the world thats happened yourself first. Which country (in similar context as possible) has worked on just words and "trust me bro" (regarding speaking for whole population) regarding 1 month wing and ding with some new "1 year" admin in neighbouring significant country?

This forum already has folks like ukbengali, uksyl, bananarepublic etc that rub against the grain for a reason. You think they are suddenly totally compartmentalised away from various parts of BD population? i keep in touch with BD friend network that only has some similarity intersection with the forum (for a reason) as well, they are long term view types. There is much to be done and proven in the 6 month + 6 month first timeframe, to then properly try make some determination of how the longer term relations are to go between IND-BD....lets put it that way.

The suitable time will have to be let to play out first (and then analysed), as to see how BD organises itself within multi year format for the long run trajectory....forget just 1 year.

Its just discussions, there are elements of relevance as there are elements of potentialities to the arc thats going to play out.

How the arc actually plays out needs time to play out. I keep repeating this for a reason.

@Joe Shearer can maybe later tell you his angle/perspective regarding time for credibility to base itself. Issues of law are not trivial.

Yes, what I am saying is what we think ideal for India to reset its relation with India.

(When it comes to politics we can always agree to disagree in the end, heh.)

But realistically, I don't think India would change its position that much. Neither is upcoming elected BNP government. Both are opposing ideologies. It's going be different moving forward. In fact it already is with the Interim government than how it was with BAL regime.

Two likely major changes in policy that I can foresee are,

1. BNP government will focus on reducing trade deficit with India (which Hassina regime has worsen already) and develop alternative sources. It will take time, nevertheless imperative. This is already something widely talked about.

2. It's approach to water sharing problem, Liekpt that it will be tied to North East trade and connectivity initiatives. (Through recently signed rail Transit MOUs and in later stages through upcoming matarbari deepsea port that India and Hassina has previously planned) Unless we can solve the former, there is not much hope for later. This is something of a consensus.

Other than that, we can hope both countries will largely have a functional relation and will not cross each other's path.
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And you came to this conclusion with extensive research using Google right?😂

What happened? Why suddenly awami leaguers are talking about peace! 😆

Dude, you lot are evidence enough in alignment with the way that BAL acted when they were in power.

Unless you are personally a "fake" account here to slander BD'shis.

Shows that BD is still yet to reach the level of political and social maturity to be ready for democracy.

2030-2035 would probably have been a good time but we are where we are, and we can just hope that a few things fall into place over the next 18-24 months before any elections are held.
Another propaganda and defamation of character.

But hey, it’s par for the course for you lot.

Anyone says anything to counter it - you can just delete their posts lol

Freedom of speech warriors lol

You are free to prove him wrong by posting news reports or credible social media information, instead of whining about freedom of speech. He referred to AJ journalist Zulkarnain Saer for his comments. I have yet to see any such references in your posts.
Dude, you lot are evidence enough in alignment with the way that BAL acted when they were in power.
I will always endorse death penalty for everyone involved in BAL dictatorship. By everyone I mean everyone who benefited from BAL dictatorship. And they're currently acting against Bangladeshs stability.
Unless you are personally a "fake" account here to slander BD'shis.
LOL, it is you and other two awami ID who is slandering BD.
Shows that BD is still yet to reach the level of political and social maturity to be ready for democracy.
2030-2035 would probably have been a good time but we are where we are, and we can just hope that a few things fall into place over the next 18-24 months before any elections are held.
You have lost all of your credibility with this comment. You are an awami leaguer are anti democratic person...
Sensationalist claim by Pinaki Bhattacharya regarding the recent reshuffling within the army top brass.

View attachment 66414

Whatever Pinaki says, I take it with a good amount of salt. As I said before, people like Pinaki and Farhad majhar are true revolutionaries. Compromise is not in their dictionaries. We need people like them to keep soft one sin check so they don't end up compromising too much.

However, when we are operating within statist power structure, it is always about balanced compromises. You never get 100% of what you want. In some case given the circumstances, sometimes you may have to take 60% as success.

For promoting army officials, the bar seems to be between those who were explicitly involved in crime of Hassina regimes and those who weren't but toe the line (whole muki judho chetona and sheikh Mujib thing) and played along. These folks are more concerned with their own carriers but did not ultimately tie their luck with Hassina regime like those generals who were explicitly involved in crimes hence forced to retired, fled or arrested. Yes, this is not ideal. The bar is low. We don't like it, and we should voice our dissatisfaction. Unfortunately for us all the major generals are appointed by Hassina regime anyway. Hence, if it ended up happening, we shouldn't go fully conspiratorial.

Because realistically, the chances of a coup is very low.

Gen walker had far more chance immediately after 5th of August when for several days we had no formal government.

Also, general waker cannot pull this alone. And had more chances of success with Hassina's royal generals who were expelled.

Secondly, and most importantly. this government is Widely backed up by uncle Sam and uncle Afif....ahm, I mean public, externally and internally. It's going to be really damn hard and risky to pull something like that right now.

There's lot going on behind the scene. We must remain vigilante but hopeful.
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You are free to prove him wrong by posting news reports or credible social media information, instead of whining about freedom of speech. He referred to AJ journalist Zulkarnain Saer for his comments. I have yet to see any such references in your posts.

So you can delete another one of my post lol

You are a joke!
Dude, you lot are evidence enough in alignment with the way that BAL acted when they were in power.

Unless you are personally a "fake" account here to slander BD'shis.

Shows that BD is still yet to reach the level of political and social maturity to be ready for democracy.

2030-2035 would probably have been a good time but we are where we are, and we can just hope that a few things fall into place over the next 18-24 months before any elections are held.


I am leaving this forum. They will ban me soon anyway.

Bye bro! Take care!

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