Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Banning AL and not BNP is going to polarise BD totally and not allow the country to move forward at all. AL supporters will wreck any chance of a functioning democracy.

There is no constitutional reason they can be banned and the party has a significant minority of the population that support it.

If you are going to ban AL(which I support) then also ban BNP.

Those in either party that have not been involved in high level corruption or thuggery can of course join one of the other existing parties or form their own.

Banning them will be dangerous.
Like opportunists they are, banning them will only make them neogotiate a united stand against anhone who dare oppose them. This is realpolitik 101 after all.

The best way to deal with them, is somehow pressuring them to make concessions which favors transformation of both parties along national interest:

- make amendments that negate dynastic rule
- makes them non-violent oriented
- makes more space for educated members
- makes more technocratic
- makes them merit based
- force them to kick out violent and corrupt members

And so on…

The Army may have to assist them in this process, especially with the violent and thugish influientials.
Fact is Awami League acted as a Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization. AL meets the definition to the letter.

There has to be a punishment at the Organization label.

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