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Bassem needs to stop being a hypocrite.

What he says in this twit on anti semitism, is equally true of organised canceling in the west in the name of Islamophobia no?

If there is no such thing as anti semitism, then there is no such thing as Islamophobia.

The same tactics have and are being used for both. Disliking strongly someone or something is perfectly natural and human.

Even hating is. And when the flames come, all of these fancy shmancy terms get incinerated first. As here in this thread. Ironically by the same guys who like throwing them around.
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The issue is the labelling of someone as antisemitic to prevent legitimate criticism of Israel ... On the other hand anyone can criticize any Muslim country in the world without being called Islamophobic ... antisemitism is used as a means to shield Israel from criticism which includes war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide.
The issue is the labelling of someone as antisemitic to prevent legitimate criticism of Israel ... On the other hand anyone can criticize any Muslim country in the world without being called Islamophobic ... antisemitism is used as a means to shield Israel from criticism which includes war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Ditto same thing happens with the Islamophobia global industry.

I call it the "but" industry.

The only difference is that in anti-Semitism there is one nation. One people. And war.

In the other, it is many nations. Many peoples. And terrorism. Both local/regional and global. Civil strife and bloodletting, in-country, in-population.

Rarely war. Because these countries wage war differently.

But when the other side wages war back, the cries of Islamophobia rise up as a counter. Hysterically.

Bassem is someone I have lazily heard only recently because of the Gaza war. I never knew of him before that. But his hypocrisy shone through his glib arguments from day one.
Tu quoque is a type of ad hominem argument in which an accused person turns an allegation back on his or her accuser, thus creating a logical fallacy. In the English language, the phrase generally functions as a noun, however, it's also used attributively to modify other nouns, as in "a tu quoque argument."

In simple words, the But disease.

Cheers, Doc
Ditto same thing happens with the Islamophobia global industry.

I call it the "but" industry.

The only difference is that in anti-Semitism there is one nation. One people. And war.

In the other, it is many nations. Many peoples. And terrorism. Both local/regional and global. Civil strife and bloodletting, in-country, in-population.

Rarely war. Because these countries wage war differently.

But when the other side wages war back, the cries of Islamophobia rise up as a counter. Hysterically.

Bassem is someone I have lazily heard only recently because of the Gaza war. I never knew of him before that. But his hypocrisy shone through his glib arguments from day one.
No it doesnt you post allot of horse manure.
No it doesnt you post allot of horse manure.

Of course it does. You just do not like to hear it. Its difficult to hear something that shatters your pet group narrative. Bassem is your hero. A joker for most of us.

Playing nice in the Face of Bigotry.

The Muslim Morning After Kit.

He has made Islamophobia his rallying cry totem.

And then cries about anti Semitism being abused to cow and silence people.

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The issue is the labelling of someone as antisemitic to prevent legitimate criticism of Israel ... On the other hand anyone can criticize any Muslim country in the world without being called Islamophobic ... antisemitism is used as a means to shield Israel from criticism which includes war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide.
There isnt a day that goes by where i dont personally hear remarks that can be defined as Islamaphobic. Water off a ducks back - its not reported - there is no point because it literally happens to us all.
You have hit the nail on the head - antisemitism is used to shut down - close people up - not allow criticism for the acts of the Israeli regime.
You say boo - they fall over screaming blue murder. A case of all animals are equal - BUT SOME animals are more equal than others........
Of course it does. You just do not like to hear it. Its difficult to hear something that shatters your pet group narrative. Bassem is your hero. A joker for most of us.

Playing nice in the Face of Bigotry.

The Muslim Morning After Kit.

He has made Islamophobia his rallying cry totem.

And then cries about anti Semitism being abused to cow and silence people.

No it doesnt, there isnt an Islamaphobia industry that is constantly highlighting about it, Israel has paid units spreading miss information including about anti semitism. So your analogy doesnt stand and is far off the mark. Zionist media moghuls are highlighting anti semitism all the time, its nothing like that when it comes to islamaphobia.

Bassem talks sense as a comedian you talk horse manure.
No it doesnt, there isnt an Islamaphobia industry that is constantly highlighting about it, Israel has paid units spreading miss information including about anti semitism. So your analogy doesnt stand and is far off the mark. Zionist media moghuls are highlighting anti semitism all the time, its nothing like that when it comes to islamaphobia.

Bassem talks sense as a comedian you talk horse manure.

The Al Jazeera channel is 24x7 pedaling the Islamophobia narrative on a multi billion petro dollar Qatari budget for the Muslims of the world. Ising the white msn face to gain credibility and global recall and acceptance.

It fools no one.

The entire industry behind the manufactured protests in all major Western cities and academic institutions as well fools no one. There is a cold calculated method behind the push into Europe and the UK.

Islamophobia is in itself a nonsensical concept because by its very definition a phobia is an irrational unfounded fear and there is nothing either irrational or unfounded about the Muslim world's fear of muslims and Muslim terror.

Your horse manure rants are amusing. Do try and come up with a more cogent response. You do not have a clue who you are speaking to.

Cheers, Doc
And academia ...’s-ecosystem-great-white-north

Another piece by The Carter Center. There are many more. The narrative is mainstream. And it comes from a gun cocked on the white man's shoulder.

Bassam is merely the blue eyed "rational" Muslim voice from America.

One who has garnered publicity and credibility and acceptability first among the white man by riling and ruffling a few Egyptian Muslim feathers. To show, see, I speak against my own as well.

The perfect sleeper mole planted for the right time.

Cheers, Doc
Guess who did a hit piece on the Islamophobia Industry ...

Cheers, Doc

Let it be Doc.
Get is that Zoroastrians have a deep grudge against Muslims and Islam.
But now you just come off as petty and out of touch with reality. Like a abandoned ex girlfiend who backbites out of sadness and jealousy.

Back to topic.
Twitter is lately banning accounts for citicizing Israel and at the time its promoting far right agenda. Happens to be that Israel is funding the far right. Elon Musk is a hypocrite who used his «free speech» facade to get control of Twitter and use it as his personal political tool for Trumpism. Which is a danger to free spech itself, because this guy is worlds richest man.
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The Al Jazeera channel is 24x7 pedaling the Islamophobia narrative on a multi billion petro dollar Qatari budget for the Muslims of the world. Ising the white msn face to gain credibility and global recall and acceptance.

It fools no one.

The entire industry behind the manufactured protests in all major Western cities and academic institutions as well fools no one. There is a cold calculated method behind the push into Europe and the UK.

Islamophobia is in itself a nonsensical concept because by its very definition a phobia is an irrational unfounded fear and there is nothing either irrational or unfounded about the Muslim world's fear of muslims and Muslim terror.

Your horse manure rants are amusing. Do try and come up with a more cogent response. You do not have a clue who you are speaking to.

Cheers, Doc
You spew stupidities, only what you get right is about terminology but only on surface, you can not approach public in west with narrative islam hate hence islamophobia term is used in public discourse.
Main sponsors of islam hate industry are zionists and their idiot foot soldiers from india.

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