Dark Warning from Maulana Fazlur Rahman: 'Two Provinces Could Break Away if Crisis Continues

Yes, I remember Babar's quote, and hence these Indians hate him to the bone. However, the other factor is that the culture is cowardly in its very nature. See the post below:

For us Muslims, to live among them is like oil and water. It can never mix. They prefer a gulami lifestyle and would sit on the floor in their land when the British ruled, and they would die a thousand deaths to squeak out another day living a meaningless life.
Two nations theory
Two nations theory

Indeed, that is one. However, I find it odd the hate for Muslims, while the British relegated Indians lower than their dogs in the hierarchy. Look into Gen. Dyer's crawling order he instituted under the pretext after the Amritsar attack so the Indians would know that a white woman is greater even than a Hindu God; they literally had to crawl when seeing a white woman. Muslims did no such thing.
Yes, I remember Babar's quote, and hence these Indians hate him to the bone. However, the other factor is that the culture is cowardly in its very nature. See the post below:

For us Muslims, to live among them is like oil and water. It can never mix. They prefer a gulami lifestyle and would sit on the floor in their land when the British ruled, and they would die a thousand deaths to squeak out another day living a meaningless life.
Who can be considered cowards — those who fought against invaders to protect their faith, culture, and traditions, or those who surrendered and accepted Islam?
I won't even get into the *remarkable bravery* Pakistan has displayed in every India-Pakistan war.
Who can be considered cowards — those who fought against invaders to protect their faith, culture, and traditions, or those who surrendered and accepted Islam?
I won't even get into the *remarkable bravery* Pakistan has displayed in every India-Pakistan war.
Not one Indian fought to protect their faith, culture or traditions other than those for personal gain. This is just self aggrandizement just as the muslim conquest of India being termed as one for faith alone - India was both considered a hot bed of wealth(nobody gave a hoot about Somnath temple being a Hindu temple - it had a lot of valuables and that was the motivation) and other resources.

As for the “traitors” - technically they were Hindus too and brought in their culture - from that perspective everytime you watch a Bollywood movie any older than 2016 you are a traitor too because a large part of cultural influence from Muslim invaders in art, music and otherwise can be seen splattered everywhere.

Hindutva only goes so far…you cannot erase years of amalgamation regardless of how genocidal your mindset is
I am hearing that one Muslim country pressurised Fazal Ur Rehman to vote for this amendment. (We all know who that one is)


Now its been reported that there is another Islamic country who contacted him and told him not to vote, otherwise he will destroying Pakistan from within. That country doesnt have oil. They told him that they respect him but if he vote for it, he will lose all respect. I am 99% sure who that country is and how their support is vital to Fazal Ur Rahman own home base and cadres.

I dont think any form of favours from government or establishment will make him change his mind now.

Instead of breaking Pakistan another solution is to join up with Afghanistan. Then we’ll have millions of people who won’t bow down to the Anglo-Hindus running the country.
Instead of breaking Pakistan another solution is to join up with Afghanistan. Then we’ll have millions of people who won’t bow down to the Anglo-Hindus running the country.
Instead - victories will be achieved everyday for warriors of Afghan Islam against the permanent and most vile enemy…

This is how Babar described the native culture of India 500 years ago in his babarnama:

Babur found Hindustan to be “a place of little charm”, with “no beauty in its people, no graceful social intercourse, no poetic talent or understanding, no etiquette, nobility or manliness”

You can see plenty of examples of this even in our times. The language and hygiene of an average Indian versus a Pakistani.
Babur called you Pakistanis black and ugly, and you celebrate his words, claiming he was referring to Indians, without realizing that there was no Pakistan back then—it was all India. On top of that, you insist there is no racism in Islam. What an irony, considering Pakistanis faced the worst kind of racism from Islamic invaders and still continue to experience it from the rest of the Muslim world.
Babur called you Pakistanis black and ugly, and you celebrate his words, claiming he was referring to Indians, without realizing that there was no Pakistan back then—it was all India. On top of that, you insist there is no racism in Islam. What an irony, considering Pakistanis faced the worst kind of racism from Islamic invaders and still continue to experience it from the rest of the Muslim world.
You look upset
Babur called you Pakistanis black and ugly, and you celebrate his words, claiming he was referring to Indians, without realizing that there was no Pakistan back then—it was all India. On top of that, you insist there is no racism in Islam. What an irony, considering Pakistanis faced the worst kind of racism from Islamic invaders and still continue to experience it from the rest of the Muslim world.
“There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.”

Sorry to burst your bubble mutt.
Babur called you Pakistanis black and ugly, and you celebrate his words, claiming he was referring to Indians, without realizing that there was no Pakistan back then—it was all India. On top of that, you insist there is no racism in Islam. What an irony, considering Pakistanis faced the worst kind of racism from Islamic invaders and still continue to experience it from the rest of the Muslim world.

What gibbersih have you been fed by Modi? 1,000-1,200 years ago there was no country called India and there was no religion called Hinduism. All there was, was unclaimed land and 1,000s of primitive tribes worshipping 1,000s of things, like idols, mice, dildos, etc.

It was the Muslims who called it Hind and all the people Hindus. They're the ones who created the country called Hindustan.

Without Muslims there wouldn't have been a country called India nor any culture, language, food, art, architecture etc. Most of these things that are attributed to India were created by Muslims.

You people are taught history from an alternative universe and then you come and blabber it to us.
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dont want to brag i am sure i am whiter than most of pakhtuns and my kids have more brown hair than phastun pubes! so get your head out of your racist arse and learn to live like humans!
That's honestly quite racist. Racial differences are not restricted to colour alone so this is a petty comparison.
I don't see any benefit for the common people of Pakistan in maintaining a united country, especially if the ongoing bloodshed continues. Perhaps Pakistan should be divided again, as it was in 1971. India could have liberated Balochistan, Sindhudesh, and Pakhtunistan back then, had the U.S. not intervened. While the U.S., the West, and even China may have strategic interests in a united Pakistan, such unity doesn't seem to serve the interests of the ordinary people living there.
India is not a country but a geographical term. United India is just a oxymoron. Its a British plan of artificial unity. Several pakistan like countries can come out of India in the coming decades.
Infact learn to take the bitter truth as the sheikh mujeeb no longer exist in Bangladesh. His family has been kicked out by bengalis and his statues destroyed. Recently a quaid e azam day celebrated in Dhaka shows bengalis are again waken up to realise who is their real father of the nation. But you can cry harder to lighten your heart.
Who can be considered cowards — those who fought against invaders to protect their faith, culture, and traditions, or those who surrendered and accepted Islam?
I won't even get into the *remarkable bravery* Pakistan has displayed in every India-Pakistan war.
You cannot say that. Sadly, India was under long occupation by foreign forces. If they had fought back earlier, they might not have endured such prolonged subjugation. In fact, Indian DNA does not have fighting instincts.
They feel no shame despite winning only 17 seats, yet they push for constitutional amendments on a stolen mandate. This shows just how morally and ethically bankrupt we have become as a nation. We demand respect from the world, but it's a disgrace. Shahbaz is off to the U.S., seeking permission from his masters to impose martial law in Pakistan. The Americans want Pakistan in chaos, needing this instability until they finish their agenda in Palestine. They're killing two birds with one stone: destabilizing Pakistan while pursuing their goals in the Middle East.

General Asim Munir, Zardari, Anjum Nadeem, Shahbaz, Nawaz, and Maryam are all thriving in this chaos, using it to tighten their grip on power. Meanwhile, Bhutto's 1973 constitution, once a foundation, is now under threat from his own grandson, Bilawal, who is aiding the destruction of that very constitution by supporting illegal constitutional amendments. The moral decay is deep, and this chaos is just fuel for those who benefit from the collapse of our nation.
I am afraid this chaos is going to break Pakistan.

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