Big- IAF confirms it has CEC engagement capability incl. Tejas

Sensor netting between a whole range of assets is not a small thing as it require implementation of common sensor components in a whole range of assets to work. For perspective, F-35 can produce a common battlefield picture among them using MADL but they can provide target information to other aircraft using Link 16 to expand target engagement envelope - two different communication systems are involved to create a network ecosystem between a whole range of aircraft. Reason is that other aircraft are not necessarily equipped with the same sensor package as all of them are not built for same role.

The US Navy equipped all of its assets with common sensor components to create CEC:

"CEC is a system of hardware and software that allows the sharing of radar and Identification, Friend or Foe sensor data on air targets amongst CEC equipped units. CEC's two major system functions consist of a Cooperative Engagement Processor (CEP) for sensor networking and a Data Distribution System (DDS) for real-time communications amongst cooperating units (CU). Sensor data from individual units are transmitted to other units in the network via the real time high quality, anti-jam capable line of sight, DDS. Each CEC equipped unit uses identical sensor data processing algorithms resident in its CEP, resulting in each unit having the same display of air tracks. CEC gives an individual ship the added capability to launch anti-air weapons at threat aircraft or missiles within its engagement envelope based on remote sensor data provided by the CEC sensor network. The CEC system makes it possible for multiple surface ships, aircraft and USMC land units to form an air defense network by sharing radar target measurements in real-time.

The CEC system interfaces with the platform's sensors and combat systems. CEC's Common Equipment Set (CES) provides hardware components among the different CEC equipped platforms. The basic CEC equipment set consists of an antenna subsystem, a signal data processor, a backup battery and technician control interfaces. The AN/USG-2 CEC system variant is designed for Navy surface ships, the AN/USG-3 CEC system variant is designed for Navy E-2 aircraft, and the AN/USG-4 CEC system variant is designed for the USMC CTN."
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CEC is the pinacle of sensor netting that allows a military force to perform a variety of tasks in the battlefield using common battlefield picture.

India is developing an advanced network for its navy but I am not sure what to call it in the present. Let's see.
CEC is the terminology that is used by USN, it is not a different thing from what is achieved by USAF with AEW&CS.
But like all things such warfare have its downsides if enemy forces can jam the core network center. Can anyone with more know how explain how easy or hard it is to do so. And does Pakistan possess such ability?

Software Defined Radios are nearly impossible to jam.
Software Defined Radios are nearly impossible to jam.

What is the Maximum distance. One plane can communicate
with the other ,or pass on the Target coordinates to , When such passive targeting is required to be done
Your sensor networks need to be secure, fault tolerant, redundant and capable. that is a tall ask for Indian R&D sector.

Having said that even rudimentary CEC capabilities can be a challenge for an opponent
Finally something worthwhile from the IAF. Let's see if the PAF can demonstrate a similar ability in the coming years. May be easier to do once our fleet is all Chinese?
CEC is the terminology that is used by USN, it is not a different thing from what is achieved by USAF with AEW&CS.

AEW&C are usually one system with one or multiple sensors on the same aircraft platform. CEC involves large number of geographically distributed sensors.
PAF’s TDLs, such as Link-17 and Chinese TDLs, offer basic network-centric capabilities like sharing radar tracks, targeting data, and basic communication between platforms. However, they are generally platform-specific with limited cross-platform interoperability, especially between Western (F-16s) and Chinese (JF-17s) systems, creating silos of data that reduce overall efficiency in joint operations. The data fusion capabilities of PAF TDLs are limited by less advanced processing systems and reliance on single-point sources like AWACS or fighter radars. The data sharing is often sequential, leading to delays in situational updates and engagement decisions.
I’m sure you were present during the design requirements?

Where were you in my office? Because I read the design requirements along with the guy next to me who was primary.
Your sensor networks need to be secure, fault tolerant, redundant and capable. that is a tall ask for Indian R&D sector.

Having said that even rudimentary CEC capabilities can be a challenge for an opponent
Israel can lend a helping hand.
AEW&C are usually one system with one or multiple sensors on the same aircraft platform. CEC involves large number of geographically distributed sensors.
TDL with IACCS is your CEC.

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