BJP started the process of breaking India : Arundhati Roy

I said this before, India is a very diverse place,,

75 years ago you had the chance to sensibly partition India properly

Don't be RETARDS

Let the Sikhs have Eastern Punjab etc
Let a Muslim majority Kashmir go to Pakistan

Let ethnic states that want to be free, be free
Find a way to separate the population,, then do what the fcuk you want in terms of politics

India did the MOST STUPIDEST thing possible, it got hundreds of millions of people stuck in a state and then pushed hindutva Extremism upon the state declaring the majority should get their way

What kind of low down dum shit is this?

Let me say with full clarity IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE, the entire region is realizing this, India is isolated in the region
Other countries and people's are waking up too
It will only get worse from here on in
Indian Muslims have their own lands and homes, why would they leave for Hindu extremists to steal?
Not going to happen, it's not just for Muslims, even Hindus too. If you are not happy you have every right to leave. If they talk of separation, they have bay of bengal.
Not going to happen, it's not just for Muslims, even Hindus too. If you are not happy you have every right to leave. If they talk of separation, they have bay of bengal.
All people have the right to seek freedom and self realization,, Indian Muslims are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people
Enough to form the 6th BIGGEST state in the world
India in its current state is not feasible
I said this before, India is a very diverse place,,

75 years ago you had the chance to sensibly partition India properly

Don't be RETARDS

Let the Sikhs have Eastern Punjab etc
Let a Muslim majority Kashmir go to Pakistan

Let ethnic states that want to be free, be free
Find a way to separate the population,, then do what the fcuk you want in terms of politics

India did the MOST STUPIDEST thing possible, it got hundreds of millions of people stuck in a state and then pushed hindutva Extremism upon the state declaring the majority should get their way

What kind of low down dum shit is this?

Let me say with full clarity IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE, the entire region is realizing this, India is isolated in the region
Other countries and people's are waking up too
It will only get worse from here on in
We saw you idea doesn't work, we have Pakistan and BD examples and few years we can add Baluchistan, Sindh to the list.
All people have the right to seek freedom and self realization,, Indian Muslims are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people
Enough to form the 6th BIGGEST state in the world
India in its current state is not feasible
It doesn't matter, everyone has equal right infact minorities have more rights than majority and someone feels otherwise we will deal with them it doesn't matter how many millions are there.

Don't like it, you have the option to leave peaceful and gracefully.
We saw you idea doesn't work, we have Pakistan and BD examples and few years we can add Baluchistan, Sindh to the list.
Those are our own states, for the vast majority of the last 75 years Pakistan has been more successful then India you can look at multiple indicators to see that
Whatever happens we make our own choices in our own state

What India is doing is trapping hundreds of millions, and then enforcing Hindu stuff on the state leaving those hundreds and millions utterly unrepresented

Their is a total of 4 Indian Muslim members in your parliament I believe, that's 1 per 60 million people
Totally utterly intolerable for that much people not to be free and have no representation
Those are our own states, for the vast majority of the last 75 years Pakistan has been more successful then India you can look at multiple indicators to see that
Whatever happens we make our own choices in our own state

What India is doing is trapping hundreds of millions, and then enforcing Hindu stuff on the state leaving those hundreds and millions utterly unrepresented

Their is a total of 4 Indian Muslim members in your parliament I believe, that's 1 per 60 million people
Totally utterly intolerable for that much people not to be free and have no representation
Dude Pakistan did well when it was getting aid or by exporting baniyan or making plots and selling them. There is no major industry. Many pakistsnies keep saying Pakistan was doing economically well during military rules, you should know the reason why?

Pakistan will continue to be in the same state economically for a very very long time.
Dude Pakistan did well when it was getting aid or by exporting baniyan or making plots and selling them. There is no major industry. Many pakistsnies keep saying Pakistan was doing economically well during military rules, you should know the reason why?

Pakistan will continue to be in the same state economically for a very very long time.
Dude, it doesn't matter, that is a matter for our people

Whatever choices we make are our own and it's up to us to make a success of our state, but we have that option

What you are saying is hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims and other minorities must be trapped, then you push a hindutva extremist state
And threaten murder if those hundreds of millions of people seek freedom and independence so they can have better representation of their people
Dude, it doesn't matter, that is a matter for our people

Whatever choices we make are our own and it's up to us to make a success of our state, but we have that option

What you are saying is hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims and other minorities must be trapped, then you push a hindutva extremist state
And threaten murder if those hundreds of millions of people seek freedom and independence so they can have better representation of their people
No one it threatening them if they want freedom. If anyone wants more than equal rights, all we are saying is they have to find it some where else.
These Leftists Liberals hate the Idea of Hindu Unity which BJP propagates

Congress has always been dividing Hindus

Congress is ANTI HINDU
And Enemy of Hindus

Hindu unity is an odd concept, it's modern and copied

What exactly do you unify over when your caste is so rigid, Hindus used to pride themselves in being anti universalism

We are here talking about a Brahmin plantation, look how it follows even in another country

"India" got 1/3 of extra land on back of secular fraud. Baniya Nehru played as meek hindu to fool as many minority leaders as possible.

RSS/Hindutva were shunned, banned. Just for them to come back as genocidal maniacs who want to impose their 3000 years old hindu customs on minorities.

Look what is happening in Manipur, IoK, etc Its only going to get worse.
Or they can commit genocide on everyone who disagrees - just look at the posts of members here , playing victim as the largest majority means they can justify anything as moral.

These posters are sick in the head....along with their equivalents from other parts of world.

Lot of free time and no actual power/influence or any competence in real world that matters.

So they air out their dumb thinking and get off on it.....i.e ramping up volume for their personal mental needs rather than any basic attempt for analysis of facts, logic and proper debate.

The feeling that if you simply throw crayons when you arent sticking em up your nose.... and throw a tantrum enough in constant infantile way, it deflects from inability to do basic colouring within the lines.

I abhor the online scape I see in general regarding this crap. India has its size of the generic problem for its context.

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