BJP started the process of breaking India : Arundhati Roy

The problem is that it’s no longer anonymous posters but common extremism percolating among so called educated society. Even though from a very personal perspective their “hinduism” in this context was never threatened nor were they part of “discrimination”.
Yah....but to be honest it has always percolated in educated society to various degrees before current "internet age" doing its thing for cast out and reel in transmission on top to initiate/perpetuate more of it in whatever weak minded %'s are there among the "educated".

Even in home state, lot of time folks conveniently put on airs that BJP can find no muster politically (unlike big nasty north) as though that is somehow indication of comprehensive secularism and anti-discrimination and whatever else within TN in some greatly advanced way.

Then I bug that kind of thinking when I see it, I know specific case where some DMK lout is one hand saying see we have Nagore Dargah, we DMK cadre did so much to respect Nagore Hanifa singing talent etc etc .... a singer I hold very fondly in memory as I have good memories enjoying his performances with my grandfather (who first introduced to me, this all-encompassing message Hanifa could reach to everyone).

Then the same lout later is actually anti-Muslim the next day (to add to the other anti-minority stuff they have done in general for political polarisation + rank identity populism), just laundered a couple layers below on personal level when less people are paying attention.

That this crap is suddenly ok for this goose, but not for BJP gander. This is how things get "outsourced" by DMK and ADMK etc to BJP as well. Do they really care about the principle at hand? Very few I would end politics always looks at reliable emotional muster and divisional landscape.

Its disgusting. There is no comprehensive better ideology that has really taken root to sufficient degree in Indian sociopolitics. It is very adhoc in end....and largely reliant on plebian temperance in the end (whatever goes on in the heads).

It’s the same with the situation of dalit discrimination in the NRI tech sector and literally no law could target it - like why bring that baggage here??!
Because the people have not socially evolved. They are creatures of the environment that impacted them. Cross the sufficient number of t's and dot the number of i's at a couple final chapters (that gullible lib gora et al. will jump to for their time expedience) of a very long book with foulness mixed in some root level ways.

Gentrification like happens at significant level.

Meanwhile - the local imam at my place spent a 30 minutes out of the 45 I can take for Friday prayer repeating the same ad nausem idea that all science comes from muslims, there should be no taking anything from western culture, speaking at 300 Words a minute while we sat in a borrowed space from a Lutherian church.

That bloody hypocrisy and self entitlement of Desi culture riles me to no end

Yah, the tribalist hoo-hah for exceptionalism assertion to protect the tribe and have more tribalism to take further and so on.

The bhakt brigade (and proxy crowd dipping here and there) is its weird ersatz type on PDF to begin with (as its "P"DF so its already going to be beacon for the Indian nasty variants to seek out the "P" nasty variants to begin with).

They will attack and hate muslims in general though in fora that I am trying to talk with better minded people. They will ignore whatever they need to in reality (that has competence and success against their rank ideology).

Take a look at Mr. Akhtar Ali for example (came up recently):

Couple years back there was hypersonics lab in Kanpur too I remember (Muslim director or some high level scientist there I forgot) as far as recent generic online fora blah blah interactions with these sort that I remember.

i.e that upset+silenced bunch of RSS monkeys when I posted abruptly in middle of one of their hate flinging session.

Or the "proxy variant" starts the Abdul Kalam is the acceptable type for us (throwing rest under bus as needed)....sigh....along with the whataboutism. I remember in some documentary there is the Indian guy saying he is Gandhian, then the interviewer starts enquiring about Gujarat riots and then the guy changes right away....first asking "are you muslim?"...and then out comes the long spiel of Muslim hate right after it. A self professed Gandhian.

These are heavily immoral ignorant beings.

So hypocrisy, self entitlement....these are simply the bits that have percolated upwards from that rank crap.....manner and degree varies depending on circumstances and context.....but it smells real bad in end to those that have the basic judgement of that sense of smell here.
What you Indians keep on failing to understand, that in 1947, India was created as a secular state. If you want to change that into a hindu extremist entity, you have to break it first. Trying to fit a square peg in a round hole never going to work.
I never thought I'd agree with you.
I said this before, India is a very diverse place,,

75 years ago you had the chance to sensibly partition India properly

Don't be RETARDS

Let the Sikhs have Eastern Punjab etc
Let a Muslim majority Kashmir go to Pakistan

Let ethnic states that want to be free, be free
Find a way to separate the population,, then do what the fcuk you want in terms of politics

India did the MOST STUPIDEST thing possible, it got hundreds of millions of people stuck in a state and then pushed hindutva Extremism upon the state declaring the majority should get their way

What kind of low down dum shit is this?

Let me say with full clarity IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE, the entire region is realizing this, India is isolated in the region
Other countries and people's are waking up too
It will only get worse from here on in


What you Indians keep on failing to understand, that in 1947, India was created as a secular state. If you want to change that into a hindu extremist entity, you have to break it first. Trying to fit a square peg in a round hole never going to work.
Best way is to keep it secular and treat everyone the same, no one should be treated special, everyone should be having the same law.
All people have the right to seek freedom and self realization,, Indian Muslims are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people
Enough to form the 6th BIGGEST state in the world
India in its current state is not feasible

Well said..But see, Indian Muslims voted for Pakistan and then didn't move to it. India shouldn't even have Muslims if Partition has served its purpose. Why does India even have muslims and what does partition even mean for them? Go on, answer honestly.
India was not feasible in 1947 too. I will ask again, what was the purpose of 1947 partition? If you can explain it us, we would be grateful.

As we see it, this is nothing more than land grab scheme. Demand partition, don't move to land given, grow in number and demand partition again. Sounds funny, right?

Worse part is that India got less land for people who were intended to stay there, nevermind those who didn't leave. And now you are saying that we should partition again. How stupid do you think non-muslims are?
Best way is to keep it secular and treat everyone the same, no one should be treated special, everyone should be having the same law.

I am still waiting for definition of "secularism". Didn't you ask for it? Apparently many of these people live in US, UK etc...but they refuse to enlighten us.
How can a guy, in posts after posts, so consistently write the same crap, literally word for word, over and over again in every tread. The topic can literally be about aliens, still the guy manages to post the same crap. I think he is half human half parrot.

Don't even need to quote him.
What you are saying is hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims and other minorities must be trapped, then you push a hindutva extremist state
And threaten murder if those hundreds of millions of people seek freedom and independence so they can have better representation of their people

Do you know the financial status of Indian minorities? Honestly? Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists etc?

Why minority just means Muslims? And who told you that "minorities" are demanding separate nation? All this crying over Hindutva while ignoring home grown fanaticism, do you understand that ALL THE PROBLEMS you can imagine in India predatew BJP right? Or you were born only yesterday? How about learning actual history.

I have yet to meet a single Muslim who has demanded "separate" nation but khalistan movement predates birth of MOST bjp leaders. Even the old ones were very young and BJP a total nonentity. Not one of these "issues" has started after 2000, let alone 2014. And this is why you guys can't grasp why India is like this in 2024 because you believe that if not for Modi, you would have gotten Kashmir! It's beyond stupid but that is general consensus on PDF, fed more so by Indian "cheerleaders".
What you Indians keep on failing to understand, that in 1947, India was created as a secular state. If you want to change that into a hindu extremist entity, you have to break it first. Trying to fit a square peg in a round hole never going to work.
Wrong, the word secular was added in 1976 into the Indian Constitution during the emergency.
Wrong, the word secular was added in 1976 into the Indian Constitution during the emergency.

Sure, but when India was created as a very diverse state, the message to all Indians was that India was a state for all Indians and you shouldn't break it apart,
Stronger united and all that crap
India was supposed to be state that wasn't for one group or faith and would represent all

It was a lie

You lied and you got hundreds of millions stuck because of that lie

To the rest of you, you ask why I keep repeating the same thing, the answer is because everyday multiple things happen
Sometimes it's a lynching
Sometimes it's communal riots
Or it's purposely taking a procession Infront of a mosque and abusing the local Indian Muslims
Or it's a statement from your hindutva politicians
Or it's the general failure to represent hundreds of millions in the state narrative which only pushes a Hindu myth as the basis of India

It's a million other things

Indians have a choice, either they course correct very quickly and control the hindutva extremists, or the inevitable will happen

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