SC rebukes ‘misconceived’ ECP clarification request, orders immediate implentation of reserved seats verdict

WHO will clean other pillars of the state such as parliament and executive when there is no independent judiciary left?
The parent institution, i.e. the parliament. One more constitutional amendment and all shit thrown out of 138th positioned judiciary.
The third pillar has been infested by criminals, crooks, and filthy yo*thias. There is a dire need to clean this pillar.
how much are you being for this though?

I wonder, the last person to suspend the constitution was Chief Justice Musharraf, right?
The parent institution, i.e. the parliament. One more constitutional amendment and all shit thrown out of 138th positioned judiciary.
How do you get “one more” constitutional amendment from a parliament - which is stuffed with parliamentarians who “won” on form 47 (boot licking magic)?

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