Breaking News: Saudi Arabia won't recognize Israel without Palestinian State says Crown Prince

The deal was done after the Ottomans collapsed, to allow Saudi Arabia to be created, to lead the Muslim Ummah but as a puppet state. They removed the Ottomans and created a puppet state in order to control, so as long as Saudi Arabia remains, the Muslims will not unite, the same way as long as Israel remains, the allies will have a outpost in the middleeast. Removal of these both states will be the decline of the allies. This is why Usa sent 500,000 troops to defend SA, they continue to have great relationship behind the scenes.
A tip of iceburg ...

As of June 2024, Saudi Arabia's holdings of US Treasuries were $140.3 billion, which ranked it 17th among the largest investors in US debt instruments
A tip of iceburg ...

As of June 2024, Saudi Arabia's holdings of US Treasuries were $140.3 billion, which ranked it 17th among the largest investors in US debt instruments

Does that include private money, as most of Al Saud family are multi billionaires, some say Saudi Arabia/gcc has trillions in western banks/investments etc.
A tip of iceburg ...

As of June 2024, Saudi Arabia's holdings of US Treasuries were $140.3 billion, which ranked it 17th among the largest investors in US debt instruments

US can simply confiscate their assets and refuse to pay the debt.

Look at how the assets of Russian oligarchs were confiscated by the U.K. government.
Since its birth, the state of Israel has been on fatal terrain. It either fights with intensity or perishes.

The fate of Palestinians was sealed at the Camp David Acords by none other than one of their own, Mr. Arafat. Was there no one with a functioning brain to gameplay the acords criteria to see what it would lead to? That CDA should have crystallized the American intentions, and to continue hoping the Americans would intervene as a neutral mediator is lunacy.
Although, the past year of killing has been at a level that has effectively and obvious shown that camps David accords are dead, or at least that is how the Israelis see it. It doesn’t matter that the PLO, Egyptians and Jordanians want to live in the delusion that it can be salvaged. Heck even common Jordanians (not of Palestinian descent) are attacking and killing Israelis. And these are those not under Iranian influence. Pandora’s box had been opened for the survival of all the regimes of the region, especially considering the economic state of the nations of the region, unlike what they were when the camp David accords were signed (even Saudi’s NEOM is failing). In the unipolar moment, The US interests were co-opt with regard to the Middle East, by the neo-cons, with 20 years squandered in the “GWOT”, and now that alternatives are arising, it will costly for US’ own primary interests, outcompeting China.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and not realizing that Israel won’t stick to its agreements without something compelling it, financial leverage by Arab states on Western markets is the only “peaceful” method to challenge the status quo.

Otherwise they will be picked off one by one like Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, and Sudan. They are just down to Iran from their original list of 7 and have been designating Yemen for over a decade now.

General Clark explains the “policy coup” by the neo-cons. He explains that Wolfowitz, in 1991, explained their vision.

The following is a very very important video, and should show the Arab peoples if not their regimes that an economically strong (not necessarily militarily strong) China, a counter balance to a co-opted west, is the only way for them to survive, unfortunately. America’s unipolar moment was co-opted in the unipolar moment.

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It was a colonial project from the start.
View attachment 66302

Let's say if Israel captures all of Gaza and West Bank. Manages to push out all Palestinians or kill them all, what then? Will they stop having further ambitions? I suspect no. They will be hungry.

They better stop deluding themselves. The two-state solution is a myth!
Colonial with a genocidal intent from the start, it’s just that don’t have the population and political cover to pull off more than they could when they started. They think now they do.

Their ambitions wouldn’t stop, but they would try to pause, force the US to pay the Arab states to take/hold the Erstwhile Palestinians. Give themselves 10-15 years to try to get the world to accept their actions; a fair accompli, move the goal post of the discussion.

But, like Lebanon, they would destabilize the neighboring countries, especially Egypt and Jordan.
Saudi Arabia was always the main client state, they just played the religious card and everyone fell for it, on top 100B on propaganda, Saudi the leader of the ummah and the rest. What the allies did was, destroyed the Ottomans and replaced the Khalifah with a puppet state in order to control and blackmail the Muslims, Saudi Arabia is the main reason for lack of unity as witnessed during Malaysian conference.
Yet another example of Pakistanis blaming someone else.

You could not bring unity within Pakistanis a country with 99% Muslims, a small country. Yet you blame someone else for not bringing unity to all the Muslims in the world.
Saudis first priority is self preservation and existence. Their political and moral stance is always about self before any morality. They hold the title of being the inheritor of the holy land. As a country and defender of the faith they are zero. Look at for example their behaviour with khashoggi. Cold blooded murder not fearing anyone.
Now they had influence and the ear of the American decision makers and sat down and took a back seat in the Palestinian slaughter.
Now what they say and do is insignificant and water off a ducks back. No one cares what they now say…….
Why of course. Let me be the devil's advocate. If Saudis were all about policing the Muslim world, it'll be engaged in endless conflict. Saudi foreign policy is smart. Let's forget IL-PL issue, look at other countries in the region. Most of them fell in some sort of "revolution", or war or are in endless civil war. We can blame foreign interference for it but at the end of the day, it's their own people who got influenced. Now imagine Saudi in a civil war, what do you think will happen? Just one conflict and Houthi ballistic missile fell in 40 miles of Macca. Saudis can't be engaged in too many conflicts, which risk destabilizing an important country for the Muslims. So it's understandable if Saudis are playing it safe. And they preserve the King and his heir apparents reputation at any cost. Jamal Khashoggi was a vocal critic of them, maybe the Saudi official did it to please the Crown prince maybe CP himself had hand in it.
IL and Saudis are both US protectorates that's how the big guy keep influence. Neither IL or Saudis will engage in a conflict in fact they are probably sharing intel on things. The Arabs have a very different view over the Hamas Hezbollahs, many of you know why and many still don't understand. What is surprising is the Arab public especially in Egypt, Jordan to KSA have a slightly neutral to negative opinion of Palestinians.
Why of course. Let me be the devil's advocate. If Saudis were all about policing the Muslim world, it'll be engaged in endless conflict. Saudi foreign policy is smart. Let's forget IL-PL issue, look at other countries in the region. Most of them fell in some sort of "revolution", or war or are in endless civil war. We can blame foreign interference for it but at the end of the day, it's their own people who got influenced. Now imagine Saudi in a civil war, what do you think will happen? Just one conflict and Houthi ballistic missile fell in 40 miles of Macca. Saudis can't be engaged in too many conflicts, which risk destabilizing an important country for the Muslims. So it's understandable if Saudis are playing it safe. And they preserve the King and his heir apparents reputation at any cost. Jamal Khashoggi was a vocal critic of them, maybe the Saudi official did it to please the Crown prince maybe CP himself had hand in it.
IL and Saudis are both US protectorates that's how the big guy keep influence. Neither IL or Saudis will engage in a conflict in fact they are probably sharing intel on things. The Arabs have a very different view over the Hamas Hezbollahs, many of you know why and many still don't understand. What is surprising is the Arab public especially in Egypt, Jordan to KSA have a slightly neutral to negative opinion of Palestinians.

The mistake Palestinians made, right in the beginning, was making it a Muslim versus Zionist war.

It was wrong for two reasons: it turned even western sympathisers against them and miscalculated how much Muslim countries cared or could do to help.

Contrast that with how Sheikh Mujib handled Bangladesh’s struggle.

He kept religion out of it and sought no help from Muslim countries. He kept it about Bengali nationalism - which secured help from Russia and India. And kept China neutral. It meant US could not intervene on the pretext of putting down “Islamists”.
The mistake Palestinians made, right in the beginning, was making it a Muslim versus Zionist war.

It was wrong for two reasons: it turned even western sympathisers against them and miscalculated how much Muslim countries cared or could do to help.

Contrast that with how Sheikh Mujib handled Bangladesh’s struggle.

He kept religion out of it and sought no help from Muslim countries. He kept it about Bengali nationalism - which secured help from Russia and India. And kept China neutral. It meant US could not intervene on the pretext of putting down “Islamists”.

Actually this is not correct as it was Palestine versus Zionists.

A lot of the most notable Palestinian freedom fighters were Christian and the PLO was careful to say that they were not fighting for Islam but freedom for all Palestinians of all religions.

The reason why Palestinians did not succeed is simply world geopolitics has been against them since WW1. However there is now a glimmer of hope as China could topple the west off its centuries long perch within less than a generation from now.
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Actually this is not correct as it was Palestine versus Zionists.

A lot of the most notable Palestinian freedom fighters were Christian and the PLO was careful to say that they were not fighting for Islam but freedom for all Palestinians of all religions.

The reason why Palestinians did not succeed is simply world geopolitics has been against them since WW1. However there is now a glimmer of hope as China could topple the west of its centuries long perch within less than a generation from now.

remember, they also did some stupid stuff and were easily labelled as terrorists!

When you start hijacking planes and stuff - you lose people quickly.

War is more about optics than weapons.
The mistake Palestinians made, right in the beginning, was making it a Muslim versus Zionist war.

It was wrong for two reasons: it turned even western sympathisers against them and miscalculated how much Muslim countries cared or could do to help.

Contrast that with how Sheikh Mujib handled Bangladesh’s struggle.

He kept religion out of it and sought no help from Muslim countries. He kept it about Bengali nationalism - which secured help from Russia and India. And kept China neutral. It meant US could not intervene on the pretext of putting down “Islamists”.
It wasn't entirely a wrong narrative though. The Muslim neighbours did go into war with Israel especially the Arabs. But armed with western equipments, intel support the Israeli took more lands away. Such as Gaza from Egyptian control and parts of Jordan. But the nature of support for PL changed.
Saudi Arabia was always the main client state, they just played the religious card and everyone fell for it, on top 100B on propaganda, Saudi the leader of the ummah and the rest. What the allies did was, destroyed the Ottomans and replaced the Khalifah with a puppet state in order to control and blackmail the Muslims, Saudi Arabia is the main reason for lack of unity as witnessed during Malaysian conference.
You can’t primarily blame the most powerful Arab tribal chiefs (“kings”) for exploiting decades of not over a century of ottomans failures; buying western products and not doing their own industrialization.

At this point, all states that don’t like the status quo, have to try their best to develop economically, so that one day, if/when the opportunity presents itself a new reality can be a realistic possibility. And don’t is not misunderstood, with legitimacy, the situation in side these Arab states will only change if the people of these nations change it themselves. Outside Muslim populations or countries won’t come to overthrow them, they will just leave these nations to their own fates.

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