Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Lol this is not BVR but Chinese version of Russian Kinzhal, AIR LAUNCH BALLISTIC MISSILES do some research before you post crap
1725103273256.pngj-16 is also equipped with modern aesa radar. Let me see if f-35 can pack this much air to air missiles.
Lol this is not BVR but Chinese version of Russian Kinzhal, AIR LAUNCH BALLISTIC MISSILES do some research before you post crap
Where is America equivalent lmao, wheres df-17 equivalent, where's yj-21 equivalent??
Lmao we have more awacs than both of em. And more will be produced so what are u on about there are 60 kj-500 alone if not more
USN is on the SCS and also there's is US BASES IN JAPAN also USAF also have their own awacs on these bases on JAPAN, USN also have an E-2D advance hawk eye that can detect J16 with PL17 to at least 450-500 km away in SCS
Where is America equivalent lmao

USN is on the SCS and also there's is US BASES IN JAPAN also USAF also have their own awacs on these bases on JAPAN, USN also have an E-2D advance hawk eye that can detect J16 with PL17 to at least 450-500 km away in SCS
🤣 Where's pl-17 equivalent man where will American awacs operate that's right out of range haha so how can f-35 intercept a j-16?? South china sea is Chinese lake don't u know usn is operate in the far side of the phillipines never dared to move into scs. Always hiding from time to time send a spy ship to Chinese man made islands 🤣 there's a ream base in Cambodia not far away from Malacca strait within 1k km range of yj-21 America has one csg in Japan, Philippines then one in Guam all scared to approach first island chain. That means Chinese planes will roam freely
Anyway I don't want to further derail the thread I've got my point across lol have fun dude
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I think PL-21 is in development & Testing Phase right now it will take sometime but when it comes its probably the best as it combines the benefits of both dual pulse and ramjet (That's what i read somewhere sometime back but some knowledgeable can correct me if i am wrong).
🤣 Where's pl-17 equivalent man where will American awacs operate that's right out of range haha so how can f-35 intercept a j-16?? South china sea is Chinese lake don't u know usn is operate in the far side of the phillipines never dared to move into scs. Always hiding from time to time send a spy ship to Chinese man made islands 🤣 there's a ream base in Cambodia not far away from Malacca strait within 1k km range of yj-21 America has one csg in Japan, Philippines then one in Guam all scared to approach first island chain. That means Chinese planes will roam freely
🤣 Where's pl-17 equivalent man where will American awacs operate that's right out of range haha so how can f-35 intercept a j-16?? South china sea is Chinese lake don't u know usn is operate in the far side of the phillipines never dared to move into scs. Always hiding from time to time send a spy ship to Chinese man made islands 🤣 there's a ream base in Cambodia not far away from Malacca strait within 1k km range of yj-21 America has one csg in Japan, Philippines then one in Guam all scared to approach first island chain. That means Chinese planes will roam freely
Stick to the topic this is J20 thread not Chinese doctrine and strategic thread on SCS I have lot of answers for you but don't want to derail this thread further
Lmao we have kj-500,kj-200kj-600 and kj-2000 awacs so your point is?
Kj200 was dead after the it crashed in mid 2010 you developed kj-500 for its replacement and kj600 is in the testing phase not operational
The F-35 can’t carry the current generation of WVR missiles (AIM-9x & ASRAAM) internally. Their carriage is restricted to two external low-RCS pylons.This is because F-35 program didn’t have any requirement for internal carriage of AIM-9x that are rail-launched unlike BVR missiles like AMRAAMs that can be ignited/launched after separation. The F-35’s internal bays can carry 4 AIM-120D today and soon 6 AIM-120D with Block 4 aircraft rolling out this year. 💥 Where's meteor on f-35 . Aim-120 is pl-12 and rd-77 equivalent btw.
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To address some of the likely questions people may have:

* Yes, 2 PL-10 SRAAMs and 4 PL-15 BVRAAMs is currently the max A2A loadout. A new, more slender BVR missile is indicated to be in development to allow carriage of 6 in the ventral bays. Note, PL-15 is different from the ultra long range AAM currently dubbed PL-X -- the latter has only been carried by domestic Flanker variants so far and is too long to carry in J-20's internal bays.
Kj200 was dead after the it crashed in mid 2010 you developed kj-500 for its replacement and kj600 is in the testing phase not operational
Testing 🤣 🤣. Dumpling time soon. Some images go as far back as 2023.

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