Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

jet engine development fields China still 15 to 20 years behind the west especially to the USA

Hmm i would say at most 10 years behind. But some engines are maybe only 5-7 years behind, which is nothing less than a gargantuan achievement, considering China had no jet engine of significance until early 2010s.
Not couple of years but years to develop first turbofan project namely WS10 was started in late 80s and completed in 2013 ( certified for production) WS15 project started in late 90s/early 2000 and still in trial and testing phase on J20

Do I give you few examples of
Do I can give you few examples of Americans military jet engine development how advanced it is?

But I don't want to derail this thread
The best American engine currently in use is f-135 it started production in 2009. So what are u on about. Lol so u are telling me America still stuck with the same engine for 15 years?
Both of these sources are not reliable and solid, especially SCMP (South China Morning Post) is considered one of the most bogus source on Chinese military developments
Both of these sources are not reliable and solid, especially SCMP (South China Morning Post) is considered one of the most bogus source on Chinese military developments
Ws-15 first run was 2006 . Remember only until recent years has caught up because of more funding. China had to start from scratch and chinese economy was much smaller in early 2000 than now. Now Chinese r&d is up there with the United states so expect everything to speed up fast. United states had decades of expertise ofc they are able to stay in the lead but compare ws-10 to ws-15 ihen f-119 from the 90s to f-135. Tell me which is more impressive? Just like Chinese hypersonic program is still far ahead of the United states. China might be behind in turbofan but not in some other fields. So it's not end all be all.
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The best American engine currently in use is f-135 it started production in 2009. So what are u on about. Lol so u are telling me America still stuck with the same engine for 15 years?
They are upgrading it recently saw the news that BAE contracted to improve the thrust and further reduce the RCS and IR signature of F135-PW-100
Ws-15 first run was 2006 . Remember only until recent years has caught up because of more funding. China had to start from scratch and chinese economy was much smaller in early 2000 than now. Now Chinese r&d is up there with the United states so expect everything is speed up fast. United had decades of expertise ofc they are able to stay in the lead but compare ws-10 to ws-15 ihen f-119 from the 90s to f-135. Tell me which is more impressive?
Only core was tested in early 2000 not the whole engine
They are upgrading it recently saw the news that BAE contracted to improve the thrust and further reduce the RCS and IR signature of F135-PW-100
So plan to upgrade ok soon china will have equivalent give it time for fake sale lol. Also Chinese engine already good enough. A more powerful engine is not necessary a game breaker lol
So plan to upgrade ok soon china will have equivalent give it time for fake sale lol. Also Chinese engine already good enough. A more powerful engine is not necessary a game breaker lol
Why you don't understand Chinese stealth jets aka J20 and J-31 are larger and heavier than American counterparts and their weapons are also larger and heavier than American counterparts, that's why J20 and j31 are needed higher thrust levels than American counterparts
One more example I give you is the fifth generation fighters development. F-22 first fight was in 1997 and introduction in 2005. J-20 first flight 2011 2017 introduction. Now both are on the same race in 6th generation . At this rate both will be in be service right around the same time frame 2035???
Why you don't understand Chinese stealth jets aka J20 and J-31 are larger and heavier than American counterparts and their weapons are also larger and heavier than American counterparts, that's why J20 and j31 are needed higher thrust levels than American counterparts
U even said j-20 can super cruise for hours with ws-15 lmao. That's good enough
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Why you don't understand Chinese stealth jets aka J20 and J-31 are larger and heavier than American counterparts and their weapons are also larger and heavier than American counterparts, that's why J20 and j31 are needed higher thrust levels than American counterparts
J-20 is also equipped with modern aesa radar and pl-15,pl-17 and pl-21. J-31/j-35 is slightly larger than f-35 but not by much.
What's j29? Are you start trolling?
Mistype can happen man sheesh but don't need to get triggered over every little small thing I type lol I type too fast so mistake do happen but u know what I'm referring to.
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