Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

When necessary, j20 also carry anti-ship missiles and various air to ground weapons. The United States not only has the F15ex, but also the F35, which can throw 2000 pounds of ammunition. An F-35A/C can carry up to 6 GBU-31, 2 ammunition pods, and 4 under wings, while the F-35B can carry 2 under wings.
Among the 5/4.5 fighter jets of the Chinese Air Force, only the j20 and j16 are available. If there were an Air Force version of the J-35, its weapon compartment would probably not be able to contain 2000 pounds of explosives. The J-20 is not purely an air superiority fighter,And you have to consider that China's large-scale equipment production of the j20, so the large quantity is definitely not just a function of air superiority
Main mission of J-20 is always air superiority and then secondary mission is to air to ground and anti-ship attack, there is enough J10/j11/Su-30 MKK/MKK2/J16 for ground and anti-ship attack, no need to put J-20 in dangerous missions like anti-ship and ground attacks
Main mission of J-20 is always air superiority and then secondary mission is to air to ground and anti-ship attack, there is enough J10/j11/Su-30 MKK/MKK2/J16 for ground and anti-ship attack, no need to put J-20 in dangerous missions like anti-ship and ground attacks

What happened to this?

The Dark Sword has hardly ever shown up on official State Media and public defence expo events.

Currently, the two most publicized and credulous loyal wingman platforms seem to include FH-97A as your A2A platform and GJ-11 as your surface attack option.

FH-97A in particular makes significantly more sense than the Dark Sword, a smaller platform, primarily EM inert and relies on EO detection to minimize passive and active signatures, carrying more numerous small diameter effectors similar to the SRAAM concept embodies mosaic warfare far better than essentially J-20, but unmanned.
The Dark Sword has hardly ever shown up on official State Media and public defence expo events.
Yes, as a fancy airshow and exhibition model like so many shown before which in the end never materialised.

Currently, the two most publicized and credulous loyal wingman platforms seem to include FH-97A as your A2A platform and GJ-11 as your surface attack option.

FH-97A in particular makes significantly more sense than the Dark Sword, a smaller platform, primarily EM inert and relies on EO detection to minimize passive and active signatures, carrying more numerous small diameter effectors similar to the SRAAM concept embodies mosaic warfare far better than essentially J-20, but unmanned.
Exactly ... and as it seems even their status is unknown, but the Dark Sword is most likely dead.
Well, this guy said there are now 14 brigades equipped with J 20. Anyone still saying J20 is not made for sir superiority just watch this video really kick-ass fighter

No one denies this, but to rate this demonstration as prove for being a „really kick-ass fighter“ is not justified… in fact in comparison to several other fighters this is a rather lame display but I’m sure we still haven’t seen its full potential
No one denies this, but to rate this demonstration as prove for being a „really kick-ass fighter“ is not justified… in fact in comparison to several other fighters this is a rather lame display but I’m sure we still haven’t seen its full potential
Well, we will not know the full potential of a fighter jet until it is proven on the battlefield hope never gets there. But I am sure it will more than match anything the Western power can produce and it is newer than F 22 or more than a match for problematic F35

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