China and India - How is India viewed in China?

There are two China's and chinamen that exist for any country with free media and Internet access-

1- the overwhelming Chinese shills who flood forums like this and more popular ones like Quora and Reddit with pro CCP content; for example you probably have come across posts glorifying railways in China are making it's first profit for the first time ever, but they would have never criticized the loss they made over the last twenty years

2- You get to meet some real Chinese, real common men who have loved and experienced some freedom, and aren't paid shills, they are very much like you and me who work hard take care of their families, the first words out of their mouth will not be how the great Chinese nation is doing under CCP.

There is a crude nuance to Ident these kinds and consequently how one views and treats them.
The one-sided categorization of any group is in itself an act of hatred! So, please stop your behavior!

This is not a rational attitude!

People will behave at certain times or in certain situations, because of certain factors. But you can't assume that this person is a certain kind of person. The same is true of the country!

We need to conduct in-depth analysis and research on some seemingly simple behaviors in order to find the causes of these behaviors. This is the attitude and way that academic research should have!





There is no hatred against Hinduism in China, nor is there any animosity in India toward the religion practiced by the Chinese. However, this is not the case with India’s relations with Pakistan and Bangladesh, where hatred against Hindus is taught in Pakistani textbooks. I’m not attributing this to Islam as a whole, because such hatred is not seen in the rest of the Muslim world. This hostility towards Hinduism is specific to the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent.
Religious issues are beyond the scope of this thread. Please don't get involved in any religious issues!
There are two China's and chinamen that exist for any country with free media and Internet access-

1- the overwhelming Chinese shills who flood forums like this and more popular ones like Quora and Reddit with pro CCP content; for example you probably have come across posts glorifying railways in China are making it's first profit for the first time ever, but they would have never criticized the loss they made over the last twenty years

2- You get to meet some real Chinese, real common men who have loved and experienced some freedom, and aren't paid shills, they are very much like you and me who work hard take care of their families, the first words out of their mouth will not be how the great Chinese nation is doing under CCP.

There is a crude nuance to Ident these kinds and consequently how one views and treats them.

I have never had hate or even dislike for any of the paid or unpaid Chinese shills - more of annoyance at worst
People who do not analyze India-China relations by the words exchanged on PDF by respective members, will know that there is a lot of trade and co-operation going on between the two countries, even despite the lethal border clashes we had a few years ago.

This is an interesting article about Chinese engineers working in the southern state of Tamil Nadu:

Inside Foxconn’s struggle to make iPhones in India

It is an engrossing but long read, so I am not copy-pasting the entire article here.

@Joe Shearer @Michael
The one-sided categorization of any group is in itself an act of hatred! So, please stop your behavior!

This is not a rational attitude!

People will behave at certain times or in certain situations, because of certain factors. But you can't assume that this person is a certain kind of person. The same is true of the country!

We need to conduct in-depth analysis and research on some seemingly simple behaviors in order to find the causes of these behaviors. This is the attitude and way that academic research should have!





Oh no no no, no hatred, just comical laughs at the shills.

There also is no element of categorization in that statement, it is not what you seem to believe is.

Maybe there is some translated error introduced here, because you seem to be reading what is written translated to Mandarin ,very hard with that.
I have never had hate or even dislike for any of the paid or unpaid Chinese shills - more of annoyance at worst

Me no hate either, just have some laughs at the crude efforts
People who do not analyze India-China relations by the words exchanged on PDF by respective members, will know that there is a lot of trade and co-operation going on between the two countries, even despite the lethal border clashes we had a few years ago.

This is an interesting article about Chinese engineers working in the southern state of Tamil Nadu:

Inside Foxconn’s struggle to make iPhones in India

It is an engrossing but long read, so I am not copy-pasting the entire article here.

@Joe Shearer @Michael
This is a very good and meaningful start. This kind of communication allows people to really get to know each other.

About "Foxconn in India".

I have seen a lot of analysis and reporting, including Chinese mainland media, Taiwan media, Hong Kong media and some international media with wide influence. We know the impact of this event on India.

It can be very interesting to look at the same event from many different angles.





Both India and China are large countries, Long lasting Civilisations

Once a Country reaches a certain level of development
They really don't care what anybody thinks about them

Because No Country is perfect

There are problems in all Countries

What matters is whether a Country is on a Certain and Definitive Positive Trajectory
What Chinese think of India does not matter at all. What matters is, what the CCP/ Chinese government thinks of India.
People to people interaction between chinise and indian is extremely low. So we don't really know enough to care or hate.
My intention was to explore some of the reasons why India hates China (or India thinks China hates India). I don't know much about the professional members on the PDF, so I'm sending you an invitation to start the conversation.

For such controversial topics, we cannot look at the problem from a single angle one-sidedly, and we need to take different standpoints. If we only report and analyze through the Chinese media or the India media, we cannot see the essence of the problem.

Of course, this topic will inevitably extend to the broader Sino-Indian relationship. We can set up a topic for in-depth discussion on the causes of the current tension between China and India, which is more in line with the purpose of having an active in-depth discussion between the two sides. We can start with hot-button issues such as economic confrontation or military confrontation, so as to appropriately extend the broader Sino-Indian relationship.

Like what
India friends expressed concern about the current situation of China's troops stationed in the border areas, believing that this is China's "military threat" against India and planning to carry out "armed aggression" against India. I can make a rational analysis of these military deployments from the perspective of Chinese................
The India government's "economic blackmail" against some Chinese-invested companies in India has made Chinese companies very worried. Friends India can analyze these events from the perspective of India people...................
and so on

@Nilgiri I took a very good look at the "india-China relations" thread. It seems to have been heavily tainted (There are some guys that have been ignored by me, I can't see the full content, and I don't want to see these either). Whether it's continuing the original thread or restarting a new thread, I'm fine. But I hope it's a very rigorous discussion, and I don't want to be ruined by some ignorant nasty people, and that requires some effort on your part from the members of the management team..................

If you decide to start a new thread, you can either move the original statement over or start over completely. Some of the already widely considered nuisances can be banned from this new thread outright. While this may not seem like the rules of an open forum, I think it's a necessary step given the precedent of the destruction of many of PDF's great topics.

@Joe Shearer, the link you provided is completely inaccessible to me.






@Nilgiri 我非常认真的看了“india-china relations”线程。它似乎已经被严重污染(有一些家伙已经被我忽视,我看不到完整的内容,我也不想看到这些)。无论是继续原来的线程,还是重新开启一个新的线程,我都没问题。但我希望是一个非常严谨的讨论,不希望被一些无知的讨厌鬼破坏,这需要你们管理组成员做出一些努力..................


@Joe Shearer 你提供的链接我也完全无法访问。
Bold part. I'll give you an honest view.
Before Galwan, No.. Most of the people never hated China in India since I born. I don't know about how India viewed China exact after 1962. But since 80's Mostly Indians views china as competitive, not an enemy. But yeah, insecurities were always there in India's govt and people's mind about China. People in India those who having interest in geopolitics always used to think that one day China surely attack India. But never hated. Indians always praise China's progress and the way lifted herself from poverty. Some people even support China directly as we are democracy we let them speak.

But after Galwan, things have changed. Mostly Indians now view China as first enemy. Militarily our all weapons points towards China only after Galwan. China is the first threat to us now. But but.. We still don't hate you. We just want to solve issues between both. And its very much on China as it has bigger land than India.
India and China has just one issue. LAC. If China really want asian century, it need to sacrifice some land to India peacefully. Without solving India and China border issue we can't even imagine an asian century. These two big civilizations should never go for a war. It will bring the western domination to aisa again. They will grip asia again.
So for the better future of asia, India and China must solve the border issue and dominant the world like an ancient time.
This is how India views China.
Well your friend did get banned for calling me Hindu, poor him and you.😁
You ought to stop this right here, and return to the topic.

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