China and India - How is India viewed in China?

You ought to stop this right here, and return to the topic.
I'll take a letter from you too, all I speak is the truth and shall continue to speak so to these lesser mortals!

P.S.- just fun and jokes on a boring long flight, I'll quit it as you suggested.
Bold part. I'll give you an honest view.
Before Galwan, No.. Most of the people never hated China in India since I born. I don't know about how India viewed China exact after 1962. But since 80's Mostly Indians views china as competitive, not an enemy. But yeah, insecurities were always there in India's govt and people's mind about China. P
I disagree on that part.

If you ever heard that "Mangheskar" song on national channels or during 15 the august in school, that's how we all have been indoctrinated since childhood.

We were told by Nehruvians and singers how China backstabbed the panchsheel crowd, never was the forward policy dissected, neither Henderson Brooks Bhagat report made public in India, it was and I believe still is criminally banned.

Galwan was a propaganda for this new generation, imagine 10x that done with DD1 as the singular resource.

All this insecurities are created as a major cover up for events leading to 1962.

For me personally, I take Solace in Major Shaitaan Singh, that's what shoulD be sung about at 15th.
Bold part. I'll give you an honest view.
Before Galwan, No.. Most of the people never hated China in India since I born. I don't know about how India viewed China exact after 1962. But since 80's Mostly Indians views china as competitive, not an enemy. But yeah, insecurities were always there in India's govt and people's mind about China. People in India those who having interest in geopolitics always used to think that one day China surely attack India. But never hated. Indians always praise China's progress and the way lifted herself from poverty. Some people even support China directly as we are democracy we let them speak.

But after Galwan, things have changed. Mostly Indians now view China as first enemy. Militarily our all weapons points towards China only after Galwan. China is the first threat to us now. But but.. We still don't hate you. We just want to solve issues between both. And its very much on China as it has bigger land than India.
India and China has just one issue. LAC. If China really want asian century, it need to sacrifice some land to India peacefully. Without solving India and China border issue we can't even imagine an asian century. These two big civilizations should never go for a war. It will bring the western domination to aisa again. They will grip asia again.
So for the better future of asia, India and China must solve the border issue and dominant the world like an ancient time.
This is how India views China.
You are more than welcome to join us. Your sincere statement will help us to further our discussions.

On the border issue:

As we know, the Sino-Indian border issue is a very thorny one. India can prove ownership of these lands on many grounds, and of course, China has many reasons to prove ownership of these lands.

However, you need to understand that this is not a problem that any citizen can solve. Even, I don't think it's something that the public should be concerned about. The discussion of such issues in any country at any time is the hope of the rulers to use the lively discussion of the people to achieve some ends. This is not just China, but all countries!

When the Chinese government hopes to intensify the Sino-Indian conflict, the issue of southern Tibet will become a hot topic for Chinese. When the Chinese government wants to reduce the contradictions between China and India, these issues are difficult to become hot topics for Chinese.

The same. When the India government wants to exacerbate this contradiction, the issue you describe becomes a hot topic in the India media. When the India government wants to reduce this contradiction, these hot spots will cool down or even disappear. For example, Aksai Chin, when it becomes a hot topic in India or disappears completely depends on the India rulers.

Of course, you would say that India is a democracy and China is a dictatorship. This is another controversial topic.

If a ruling group is unable to control the direction of public opinion in the country, the country will be mired in a never-ending internal struggle. No matter what system it is, the country! It will allow for some different opinions, but it must get more people in line with their own direction. Or, they change people's minds through the media; Or, they adjust their direction to align with that of more people. It's a process of integration and interaction. It's just that countries with different systems use different methods. But in the end, the core logic is the same. This is the basic political logic.









Regarding the Galwan conflict, I believe that the reports of the India media and the reports of the Chinese media are certainly two opposite directions. There is no point in discussing between us about where this land belongs, or who will act first.
Of course, India wants China to give up some land, or China wants India to give up some land. These things are not up to you or me to decide.

What I can tell you is that since 1949, the Chinese government, in numerous territorial negotiations, has indeed given up a lot of territory and also gained some territory. You can go to Wikipedia to look up the relevant official documents.

In the traditional concept of the Chinese, there is no attachment to territory. The Chinese are realists.

The Chinese government had proposed. China abandoned southern Tibet, India abandoned Aksai Chin, and the two sides ended the conflict with LAC as a national border. However, the India government rejected the offer.

So. The Sino-Indian border issue. If it cannot be resolved through negotiations, it can only be solved by competition of national strength. Of course, neither China nor India wants to settle the matter through war.

Judging by all publicly released information, the incident was a planned and premeditated ambush by the India military. So, who are the troublemakers?







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Posters are reminded to keep to the topic and avoid flame baiting

Offenders will find themselves unable to post on thsi specific thread
Please keep an eye on the thread, champ. It's the beginning of the month, and I have to pay the bills, clean the kitchen, clean the bathroom....
Regarding the Galwan conflict, I believe that the reports of the India media and the reports of the Chinese media are certainly two opposite directions. There is no point in discussing between us about where this land belongs, or who will act first.
Of course, India wants China to give up some land, or China wants India to give up some land. These things are not up to you or me to decide.

What I can tell you is that since 1949, the Chinese government, in numerous territorial negotiations, has indeed given up a lot of territory and also gained some territory. You can go to Wikipedia to look up the relevant official documents.

In the traditional concept of the Chinese, there is no attachment to territory. The Chinese are realists.

The Chinese government had proposed. China abandoned southern Tibet, India abandoned Aksai Chin, and the two sides ended the conflict with LAC as a national border. However, the India government rejected the offer.

So. The Sino-Indian border issue. If it cannot be resolved through negotiations, it can only be solved by competition of national strength. Of course, neither China nor India wants to settle the matter through war.

Judging by all publicly released information, the incident was a planned and premeditated ambush by the India military. So, who are the troublemakers?







Your posts #36 and #37 are very, very accurate. If this were not about citizen-to-citizen relations, impressions and interactions, there is a great deal on the legality or otherwise that could be said, but, as you correctly put it, that is a matter between the two governments, and needs not affect individual responses.
We are East Asian country culture so we can only compare our measurements whether in sports or academics etc with other east asians. We think about India as much as India thinks about Nigeria
Regarding the Galwan conflict, I believe that the reports of the India media and the reports of the Chinese media are certainly two opposite directions. There is no point in discussing between us about where this land belongs, or who will act first.
Of course, India wants China to give up some land, or China wants India to give up some land. These things are not up to you or me to decide.

What I can tell you is that since 1949, the Chinese government, in numerous territorial negotiations, has indeed given up a lot of territory and also gained some territory. You can go to Wikipedia to look up the relevant official documents.

In the traditional concept of the Chinese, there is no attachment to territory. The Chinese are realists.

The Chinese government had proposed. China abandoned southern Tibet, India abandoned Aksai Chin, and the two sides ended the conflict with LAC as a national border. However, the India government rejected the offer.

So. The Sino-Indian border issue. If it cannot be resolved through negotiations, it can only be solved by competition of national strength. Of course, neither China nor India wants to settle the matter through war.

Judging by all publicly released information, the incident was a planned and premeditated ambush by the India military. So, who are the troublemakers?







Bold part. I have no issue with rest part.
I didn't blame anyone when I talked Galwan in my post. Bcz this thread is not about blaming someone but you want to know only "view".
This have changed post Galwan in India regarding India- China relations. India is now more insecure than before. People views became harsh towards China.
I know you follows your media for piece of information and I follow mine. I'll blame you and you will blame me. But the truth lies in the middle somewhere. And solution too.
I think both countries people were lucky that we didn't went to war in 2020. Both govt have taken some mature steps to take it forward, not by war.
We are East Asian country culture so we can only compare our measurements whether in sports or academics etc with other east asians. We think about India as much as India thinks about Nigeria
Then why China's govt controlled media publishing two articles about India every other day??
Indian media is not even mentioning Nigeria once in 6 months.
@Joe Shearer @KAAFIR

The Galwan conflict, of course, we can't just look at one-sided reports. For this kind of incident, any unilateral written report can only explain the position of the reporting party, and cannot restore the truth of the incident.

We have not seen the live photos and videos released by India. This kind of border activity, the India military definitely has live photos and videos, but we don't see it. If India friends have these photos and videos, they can be provided.

China released photos and videos of the scene long after the incident. You should be able to find these photos and videos easily.

Wikipedia's account of this incident, the Chinese version and the English version, also differ a lot.

But in this incident, there are some things that everyone agrees on. We can use these consensuses to analyze the situation.

1. The duration of this conflict is relatively long. Judging by the pictures and videos, it lasts from the afternoon until late at night. ---------- this indicates that both sides are calling for reinforcements.
2. Judging from the on-site photos and videos of the Chinese side, at the beginning of the day, there were only about 10~20 Chinese soldiers fighting against more than 100 India soldiers. ----------Who's ambushing whom? It's obvious.
3. In the evening, Chinese reinforcements arrived, and the situation on the scene reversed. The conflict is over! It doesn't matter how ---------- ends. That's not the point of our discussion

I'm not trying to discuss who is right and who is wrong. From the analysis of these situations, this was an ambush operation launched by the India military. But I don't know, is it the decision of the India military or the decision of the Modi government? ---------- if there is a dispute about this point, you can provide photos and videos to discuss it.

In the border areas, both sides must have known the deployment of each other's forces. Knowing that the other side had a large number of troops deployed in the rear, it also launched an undulating attack on the front-line patrol. What is the purpose of their decision? Why did attitudes towards China change dramatically in India after the conflict?

That's what I want to look into










Then why China's govt controlled media publishing two articles about India every other day??
Indian media is not even mentioning Nigeria once in 6 months.
I don't know what media you mean by the Chinese government.

What I know of is that:

1. Chinese state media. Formal coverage of major international and diplomatic events, which will certainly be reported if there is India; If not, it won't be reported. There is no analytical coverage for India alone.

2. Mainstream media. They are not controlled by the Chinese government, but are regulated by the National Press and Publication Administration. Control is not the same thing as regulation. There are reports about India, but not much. Most of the coverage is economic. For example: Chinese investment in India; Investments in India by internationally renowned companies; India the situation of large enterprises in China or other countries.......... Of course, there are also some rules and changes in the economic field of the India government. Major political and military events in India are also reported, but not too much.

3. Self-media. The self-media industry is highly developed in China, and the Chinese government's ability to regulated this area is very limited. Many small things within China will also be infinitely amplified by the media, and a lot of rumors and slanders will happen. The Chinese government will deal with some major hot spots urgently, but it will not interfere in the development of the industry, and the government wants the industry to correct itself rather than through government regulated. The vast majority of self-media have no credibility, and Chinese only see them as jokes and do not pay attention to them.

So, I keep reminding my friends on the PDF to be careful when quoting Chinese media sources. China is now in the era of information explosion, which requires a certain degree of discernment.







@Joe Shearer @KAAFIR

The Galwan conflict, of course, we can't just look at one-sided reports. For this kind of incident, any unilateral written report can only explain the position of the reporting party, and cannot restore the truth of the incident.

We have not seen the live photos and videos released by India. This kind of border activity, the India military definitely has live photos and videos, but we don't see it. If India friends have these photos and videos, they can be provided.

China released photos and videos of the scene long after the incident. You should be able to find these photos and videos easily.

Wikipedia's account of this incident, the Chinese version and the English version, also differ a lot.

But in this incident, there are some things that everyone agrees on. We can use these consensuses to analyze the situation.

1. The duration of this conflict is relatively long. Judging by the pictures and videos, it lasts from the afternoon until late at night. ---------- this indicates that both sides are calling for reinforcements.
2. Judging from the on-site photos and videos of the Chinese side, at the beginning of the day, there were only about 10~20 Chinese soldiers fighting against more than 100 India soldiers. ----------Who's ambushing whom? It's obvious.
3. In the evening, Chinese reinforcements arrived, and the situation on the scene reversed. The conflict is over! It doesn't matter how ---------- ends. That's not the point of our discussion

I'm not trying to discuss who is right and who is wrong. From the analysis of these situations, this was an ambush operation launched by the India military. But I don't know, is it the decision of the India military or the decision of the Modi government? ---------- if there is a dispute about this point, you can provide photos and videos to discuss it.

In the border areas, both sides must have known the deployment of each other's forces. Knowing that the other side had a large number of troops deployed in the rear, it also launched an undulating attack on the front-line patrol. What is the purpose of their decision? Why did attitudes towards China change dramatically in India after the conflict?

That's what I want to look into










I suggest we ignore these conflicts, at least in their details, as we will run aground in mutual recriminations.
I don't know what media you mean by the Chinese government.

What I know of is that:

1. Chinese state media. Formal coverage of major international and diplomatic events, which will certainly be reported if there is India; If not, it won't be reported. There is no analytical coverage for India alone.

2. Mainstream media. They are not controlled by the Chinese government, but are regulated by the National Press and Publication Administration. Control is not the same thing as regulation. There are reports about India, but not much. Most of the coverage is economic. For example: Chinese investment in India; Investments in India by internationally renowned companies; India the situation of large enterprises in China or other countries.......... Of course, there are also some rules and changes in the economic field of the India government. Major political and military events in India are also reported, but not too much.

3. Self-media. The self-media industry is highly developed in China, and the Chinese government's ability to regulated this area is very limited. Many small things within China will also be infinitely amplified by the media, and a lot of rumors and slanders will happen. The Chinese government will deal with some major hot spots urgently, but it will not interfere in the development of the industry, and the government wants the industry to correct itself rather than through government regulated. The vast majority of self-media have no credibility, and Chinese only see them as jokes and do not pay attention to them.

So, I keep reminding my friends on the PDF to be careful when quoting Chinese media sources. China is now in the era of information explosion, which requires a certain degree of discernment.







In China, only these media can use "the official media" designation.
These media, most of which you probably haven't seen or heard of. The ones you are familiar with or have commonly heard of should be People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, and China Daily. You might occasionally hear about other media, but they don't capture your attention.

Here are some unofficial Chinese media you might know:
Global Times: It is an independent international media under People’s Daily. Chinese people rarely read its reports.
South China Morning Post: Hong Kong media, which has changed owners many times and was acquired by Alibaba in 2015. It is not read by people in mainland China.
News Websites: Sina, Sohu, Toutiao............... News websites are the focal point of competition in China’s internet industry, with many of these sites and low credibility.
Self-media platforms: Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, WeChat Official Accounts........
Official accounts directly controlled by government agencies on social media platforms fully represent the true intentions of these agencies and hold the same status as official spokespeople. This information is regarded as official and formal news.
Outside of China, there are Chinese media funded by some special institutions with specific purposes. Chinese people cannot access these media.
If there are other Chinese media you frequently visit, I can help you identify them.

Channels for news acquisition among Chinese people:
Television: CCTV13, China Central Television News Channel
Newspapers: Civil servants usually read the "official media" newspapers shown in the image above; now ordinary Chinese people do not read newspapers
Internet: Sina, Sohu, Tencent, Weibo
Mobile: Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, WeChat Official Accounts
The most used channel is mobile.

There is a saying among Chinese people: If you don't have RMB 1 billion in assets, you can't understand the People's Daily.
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