China float the idea of joint security force to secure CPEC projects

This was bound to happen one day. China won't compromise on its economic and strategic interests around the region. Gwadar is a backdoor/alternate route for China in case things on its Pacific side or South China Sea go bad. Also China must be a bit frustrated at the on going instability and insurgency in Balochistan and KPK which are part of the CPEC routes (that frustration might not be limited towards Pak govt. but the armed forces as well and many time Chinese authorities to "Do more").

I won't be surprised if China is already providing intelligence support to Pakistan armed forces and maybe in future Chinese warships will be stationed in Gwadar port.
Michael , you should be careful about what you post here ......I don't know about your source of information but the Pakistanis on PDF believe what you say is a gospel truth
What happened? I don't know anything................

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