Lt Gen Asim Malik Apponted DG ISI

Yeah, I think there is a weakness in having a serving army officer as head of ISI.

You can go from a Corps Commander or Head of PMA to head of one of the best intelligence agencies in the world? With very little prior experiance of intelligence?

CIA, Mossad, MI6 all have people who have lived and breathed that world for many years before taking charge.
Isi isnt an intelligence agency
Its a control agency for illegal activity
Let's not touch on the educated topic, as the last several decades stand as a testament to how well-educated they are.
I didn’t mean “competence”. He graduated from UK and USA and has a long career in the military spanning 3-4 decades. Being competent is another thing and only the time will tell
"The military officer is a graduate of Fort Leavenworth in the United States and Royal College of Defence Studies in London, the statement added."

That's his biggest qualification...
Yeah, I think there is a weakness in having a serving army officer as head of ISI.

You can go from a Corps Commander or Head of PMA to head of one of the best intelligence agencies in the world? With very little prior experiance of intelligence?

CIA, Mossad, MI6 all have people who have lived and breathed that world for many years before taking charge.
After at least two decades of failures upon failures and high level of incompetence, why are you still insistent on this comical lumber 1 status?

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