China Now Works To Keep The Yuan From Appreciating Too Much

Nope, US GDP lead will be $10T+ after 2024. A decade ago it was $7-8T. Chinas trend line growth continues to decline. US growth has exceeded expectations.

It took the Covid anomaly to narrow it to $6-7T, but now US growth and productivity has boomed and Chinas growth rates are in decline.
LOl, it only got widened after Covid, that's a fact. Keep dreaming. US can keep printing greenbacks.
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LOl, it only got widened after Covid, that's a fact. Keep dreaming. US can keep printing greenbacks.

It widened because US growth is exceeding expectations and Chinese growth rates are declining. US GDP will surpass $30T by the end of 2025 or early 2026. It will exceed $40T within a decade and $50T by 2040.

There’s always a period of catch up growth relative to US GDP. Then US GDP takes off and leaves everyone in the dust.
For Chinas GDP to pass the US, Chinas growth rates need to exceed expectations and for US growth to underperform. Neither of those are happening.
For Chinas GDP to pass the US, Chinas growth rates need to exceed expectations and for US growth to underperform. Neither of those are happening.
It only takes bring down dollar domination a bit, US GDP based on dollar is just a big bubble based on inflation and money manipulation with no real substance, people become poorer year on year. We'll see how long US can keep this high interest rate to make dollar exchange artificially high, soon it will bankrupt all US banks.
The size of the Chinese market is more than double the sales value of the U.S. across the board in key areas such as consumer electronics, automobiles, and smartphones.
Even in the EC market, sales in China are approximately 2.5 times those in the U.S. Of course, this is not a PPP comparison, but a comparison of nominal values.
As a simple example, youtube, which dominates the global video service market, has annual sales of $8.1 billion,
Biribiri Video, which operates only in China and is only the third largest video service provider in China, has $3.2 billion in sales, 40% of Youtube's.
Of course, all of these comparisons are based on nominal amounts, not PPP.

Everyone who knows real business understands that U.S. nominal GDP is overstated.
China is the world's largest producer of goods and services, because it outstrips the U.S. in sales in just about every category.
Look at the sales of steam, a US company, and you will see that the only people spending money are Chinese.
China has its own payment system that is not dependent on the US and steam is not the only option.
Even so, they still outspend Americans who can only buy games on STEAM in purchasing power.

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