China’s Power in Asia Plateauing Below US, Lowy Institute Says

Chinas economy is barely outgrowing the US in real GDP and falling behind in nominal. Chinas trend growth line is continuing to decline significantly. The gap with US GDP this year will be around $10T. China is just trying to keep pace at this point.

China will never truly be on US level in terms of technology and innovation. They’ll always be a fast follower. The US meanwhile is truly at the bleeding edge.
Lol, what is real GDP? money printing? In Real GDP China is almost a third bigger than that of US.


Measured at PPP, the latest IMF data shows China’s GDP exceeded that in the US around the time Donald Trump was “making America great again”. It is now 22 per cent larger. The figures make sense when you look at corroborating evidence. China’s electricity generation, for example, overtook that in the US in 2010. And during the 2016-22 period when China’s economy was supposedly making no progress compared with the US, its generation grew 45 per cent, while it was broadly flat in America.
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The figures make sense when you look at corroborating evidence. China’s electricity generation, for example, overtook that in the US in 2010. And during the 2016-22 period when China’s economy was supposedly making no progress compared with the US, its generation grew 45 per cent, while it was broadly flat in America.
LOL, Printing money doesn't need much electricity.
So how much is it? How big is China’s economy really? About six months ago, this writer estimated that China’s GDP needed to be grossed up by 25-40% to be on a UNSNA basis.Similarly, analysts who lament that China accounts for 30% of the world’s manufacturing output but only 13% of household consumption are far off the mark. China accounts for 20-40% of global demand for just about every consumer product but much of the services it consumes have been left out of national accounts.
We believe China’s GDP and PPP GDP are lowballed by an incomplete transition from the Material Product System (MPS) of national accounts, which excludes services by design. The World Bank is likely dutifully doing its sums with goods consumption in China multiples of the US but measuring services consumption as a fraction of the US.
China’s PPP GDP is only 25% larger than that of the US? Come on people… who are we kidding? Last year, China generated twice as much electricity as the US, produced 12.6 times as much steel and 22 times as much cement. China’s shipyards accounted for over 50% of the world’s output while US production was negligible. In 2023, China produced 30.2 million vehicles, almost three times more than the 10.6 million made in the US.

On the demand side, 26 million vehicles were sold in China last year, 68% more than the 15.5 million sold in the US. Chinese consumers bought 434 million smartphones, three times the 144 million sold in the US. As a country, China consumes twice as much meat and eight times as much seafood as the US. Chinese shoppers spent twice as much on luxury goods as American shoppers
U are telling me china gdp is way smaller than the United states when china is the largest consumer market in the world. China gdp is 25-40 percent bigger than reported if we do accountant like that of the United states. US deficit spending is also through the roof. Printing your way out of a recession is not something to be flexing about especially in the age of dedollarization.
Now y'all can shut the **** up about china fake gdp or whatever bullshit made up shit. china nominal gdp is grossly underestimated.
China’s power in Asia is plateauing at a level below the US as its economic capability is curtailed, according to the Lowy Institute’s annual analysis of influence in the region.

“Power in Asia remains a bipolar game, with the world’s two superpowers topping our ranking by a considerable margin,” the Sydney-based think tank said in a report Sunday.

“China’s power is neither surging nor collapsing, but plateauing,” the institute said.
“Flatlining economic capability, driven by slower economic growth and longer-term structural challenges, means that China’s economic clout, while still commanding, is no longer growing.”

The Asia Power Index rankings encompass eight broad themes including military capability, diplomatic and cultural influence, resilience and future resources. The results also showed India overtaking Japan to be third-ranked, while Australia rose to fifth and Russia dropped to sixth.

The US leads China in six of eight broad measures, although in military capability the US advantage is eroding, the institute said.

For the first time, experts “judged that China is better able to deploy rapidly and for a sustained period in the event of an interstate conflict in Asia,” it said.
India’s power is growing, driven by its rich resources and diplomatic influence — although its economic relationships remain a weak point, the institute said.

“New Delhi still has limited ability to project power and influence east of the Malacca Strait,” it said. “However, the fact that its influence remains well below the level promised by its resources suggests it still has ample potential for further growth as a major power.”
Lol, the same report with a different title, saying China can beat US militarily in Asia, do you also support this point of the same article?

Lmao china industrial power to second is none. The idea that China will lose in a war is laughable. Don't forget Russia and North Korea are china partners in the region. I will take them over Japan South Korea and a no navy all bark no bite Philippines. Australia is weak and they can't project power outside of their sphere of is china power plateauing when it's the largest trading partner for almost every country in the region. Get a grip lol. U guys need to learn how to debate man come on.
Lol, what is real GDP? money printing? In Real GDP China is almost a third bigger than that of US.

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Measured at PPP, the latest IMF data shows China’s GDP exceeded that in the US around the time Donald Trump was “making America great again”. It is now 22 per cent larger. The figures make sense when you look at corroborating evidence. China’s electricity generation, for example, overtook that in the US in 2010. And during the 2016-22 period when China’s economy was supposedly making no progress compared with the US, its generation grew 45 per cent, while it was broadly flat in America.

PPP doesn’t matter when measuring national economies. PPP is only used by developing nations that have shit purchasing power. That’s why economists didnt care that China surpassed the US a decade ago in PPP. PPP only matters when measuring individual standard of living. Nominal is all that matters when measuring national power. PPP is only used by the copers.

China growing at 4.5-5% from a $17.5T economy is barely outperforming a $27.5T US economy growing at 2.5-3%. And Chinas trend line growth is headed towards 3% by 2030. And this is before the major demographic decline.

China simply isn’t growing fast enough to overtake the US economy. Chinas economy is underperforming. The US economy is exceeding expectations. The GDP gap will be around $10T this year.
PPP doesn’t matter when measuring national economies. PPP is only used by developing nations that have shit purchasing power. That’s why economists didnt care that China surpassed the US a decade ago in PPP. PPP only matters when measuring individual standard of living. Nominal is all that matters when measuring national power. PPP is only used by the copers.

China growing at 4.5-5% from a $17.5T economy is barely outperforming a $27.5T US economy growing at 2.5-3%. And Chinas trend line growth is headed towards 3% by 2030. And this is before the major demographic decline.

China simply isn’t growing fast enough to overtake the US economy. Chinas economy is underperforming. The US economy is exceeding expectations. The GDP gap will be around $10T this year.
Nigga I just give you an article china nominal gdp is grossly underestimated. Ppp also matter because everything is cheaper to be produced in china. Use your brain idiot. 1 trillion in defense spending and still falling behind. 100 billion + for 600 km California high speed rail and still only half way done. By the time it gets done the budget will balloon to 150 billion us dollars lol china has built over 50 thousand km of high speed rail for less than a trillion dollars. At best u guys will be able to build 5k km high speed rail with that budget.
What military capability.
Sheesh Chinese navy only started building in the past 10 years give it 10 more years then see who's talking. A US hypersonic nissile can cost 40 million dollars while china can build one for 3 million. Talk about cost effective spending.the US defense industry is one giant ponzi scheme.
Nigga I just give you an article china nominal gdp is grossly underestimated. Ppp also matter because everything is cheaper to be produced in china. Use your brain idiot. 1 trillion in defense spending and still falling behind. 100 billion + for 600 km California high speed rail and still only half way done. By the time it gets done the budget will balloon to 150 billion us dollars lol china has built over 50 thousand km of high speed rail for less than a trillion dollars. At best u guys will be able to build 5k km high speed rail with that budget.

Go cope more buddy, and PPP doesn’t matter on a national scale. There’s no such thing as a national cost of living. And comparing defense budgets means nothing without full insight into relative military capabilities. A J-20 is not equal to an F-35🤣
PPP doesn’t matter when measuring national economies. PPP is only used by developing nations that have shit purchasing power. That’s why economists didnt care that China surpassed the US a decade ago in PPP. PPP only matters when measuring individual standard of living. Nominal is all that matters when measuring national power. PPP is only used by the copers.

China growing at 4.5-5% from a $17.5T economy is barely outperforming a $27.5T US economy growing at 2.5-3%. And Chinas trend line growth is headed towards 3% by 2030. And this is before the major demographic decline.

China simply isn’t growing fast enough to overtake the US economy. Chinas economy is underperforming. The US economy is exceeding expectations. The GDP gap will be around $10T this year.
lol, PPP doesn't matter? then why you US now can't afford building anything? let alone your dilapidated infras, now you can't even afford building warships, why?
Go cope more buddy, and PPP doesn’t matter on a national scale. There’s no such thing as a national cost of living. And comparing defense budgets means nothing without full insight into relative military capabilities. A J-20 is not equal to an F-35🤣
Haha yes f-35 is so good it transforms into a flying submarine.

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