China's strategy for taking Taiwan without a shot - MSN news


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China's Strategy for Taking Taiwan Without Force​

Story by Henrik Rothen
• 3h • 2 min read


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China has long sought the reunification of Taiwan with the mainland, but achieving this goal may not necessitate a military invasion.

ccording to a CNN report, China has alternative methods at its disposal to compel Taiwan into submission.

Economic and Strategic Isolation​

The Chinese Communist regime can pressure Taiwan through economic and strategic means, significantly undermining the island's autonomy.

opd.osgoodepd.caMicro-Credential in Law - Osgoode Law School


A recent analysis by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) highlights that China could isolate Taiwan, crippling its economy without direct military conflict. This approach might be just as effective as a full-scale invasion.

"China’s military can isolate Taiwan, paralyze its economy, and force the democratic island to submit to Beijing’s ruling Communist Party without ever firing a shot," CNN reports, based on the CSIS findings.

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A Third Option: Quarantine​

While previous discussions have often centered on scenarios involving a full-scale invasion or a military blockade, CSIS suggests a third, more subtle strategy: quarantine. This would involve cutting off Taiwan from essential supplies and global trade routes, making it difficult for countries like the United States to intervene effectively.

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The quarantine could involve blocking access to Taiwan's ports and halting shipments of crucial resources like energy. Such actions fall into what is known as "grey zone tactics," which are aggressive yet stop short of open warfare.

The Role of Grey Zone Tactics​

Grey zone tactics are concerning for many international observers. These tactics allow China to exert pressure without crossing the threshold into clear acts of war, thus complicating potential responses from Taiwan's allies.

The fear is that such an approach would gradually wear down Taiwan’s resistance, leading to its eventual submission to Beijing's demands.

The analysis underscores that the Chinese military would play a secondary role in this strategy, focusing more on enforcing the quarantine rather than engaging in direct conflict.

This subtle yet powerful form of pressure could bring Taiwan under China’s control without the devastating consequences of war. Your Degree Online at APU - Monthly Program Starts

By leveraging economic and strategic isolation, China may achieve its long-term goal of reunification with Taiwan, showcasing a calculated approach to one of the most contentious geopolitical issues in East Asia.

I do too however domestically China should allow Taiwan to have autonomy and self govern, but all foreign policy alignment should be in line with what Beijing decides.
China would gladly take this deal, atleast for a short term like Hong Kong. But US will never allow a peaceful reunification. No chance.
I do too however domestically China should allow Taiwan to have autonomy and self govern, but all foreign policy alignment should be in line with what Beijing decides.
Hongkong, Macau, Tibet, East Turkestan.
China would gladly take this deal, atleast for a short term like Hong Kong. But US will never allow a peaceful reunification. No chance.
Personally I do not think USA would care about Chinese reunification.

Its just that the West supports Taiwan and gives Taiwan Western technology and trade benefits.

They are afraid China will get Western technology.

China to Hand Down Death Penalty for 'Taiwan Independence' Crimes​

Published Jun 21, 2024 at 12:42 PM EDT Updated Jun 21, 2024 at 5:43 PM EDT

By Micah McCartney
China News Reporter

China on Friday rolled out new punishments, including capital punishment, for what it considers to be "'Taiwan independence' diehards."

China's top court, public security ministries, justice ministry, and state prosecution body jointly issued an opinion listing broadly worded offenses.

Penalties include prison terms ranging from three years to life and, in "especially serious" cases, the death penalty, depending on the perceived severity of the offense.

Beijing claims Taiwan as its territory, though it has never governed there. Taiwan has its own government and legal system and is thus not subject to China's laws.

"A very small number of 'Taiwan independence' diehards have wantonly carried out 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities, seriously endangering peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and seriously harming the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait," reads the document, which was shared by the state-run Xinhua News Agency.

The document lists various types of conduct deemed to promote the idea that Taiwan is not part of China, including:

  • Attempts to change "the legal status of Taiwan as a part of China" by repealing regulations or calling a referendum.
  • "Exploiting one's authority" to present Taiwan as independent "in the fields of education, culture, history, and news media."
  • Having a "key role" in the "Taiwan independence" organizations or helping the leaders of these groups carry out related activities.
  • "Actively assisting the ringleaders in the 'Taiwan independence' separatist organization."


China's Strategy for Taking Taiwan Without Force​

Story by Henrik Rothen
• 3h • 2 min read


Photo:© Photo:
China has long sought the reunification of Taiwan with the mainland, but achieving this goal may not necessitate a military invasion.

ccording to a CNN report, China has alternative methods at its disposal to compel Taiwan into submission.

Economic and Strategic Isolation​

The Chinese Communist regime can pressure Taiwan through economic and strategic means, significantly undermining the island's autonomy.

opd.osgoodepd.caMicro-Credential in Law - Osgoode Law School


A recent analysis by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) highlights that China could isolate Taiwan, crippling its economy without direct military conflict. This approach might be just as effective as a full-scale invasion.

"China’s military can isolate Taiwan, paralyze its economy, and force the democratic island to submit to Beijing’s ruling Communist Party without ever firing a shot," CNN reports, based on the CSIS findings.

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A Third Option: Quarantine​

While previous discussions have often centered on scenarios involving a full-scale invasion or a military blockade, CSIS suggests a third, more subtle strategy: quarantine. This would involve cutting off Taiwan from essential supplies and global trade routes, making it difficult for countries like the United States to intervene effectively.

Vice President Hsiao Says Taiwan Must Defend Itself From Chinese Aggression - TaiwanPlus News

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The quarantine could involve blocking access to Taiwan's ports and halting shipments of crucial resources like energy. Such actions fall into what is known as "grey zone tactics," which are aggressive yet stop short of open warfare.

The Role of Grey Zone Tactics​

Grey zone tactics are concerning for many international observers. These tactics allow China to exert pressure without crossing the threshold into clear acts of war, thus complicating potential responses from Taiwan's allies.

The fear is that such an approach would gradually wear down Taiwan’s resistance, leading to its eventual submission to Beijing's demands.

The analysis underscores that the Chinese military would play a secondary role in this strategy, focusing more on enforcing the quarantine rather than engaging in direct conflict.

This subtle yet powerful form of pressure could bring Taiwan under China’s control without the devastating consequences of war. Your Degree Online at APU - Monthly Program Starts

By leveraging economic and strategic isolation, China may achieve its long-term goal of reunification with Taiwan, showcasing a calculated approach to one of the most contentious geopolitical issues in East Asia.

What you think is not the same as what Chinese people generally think.

Our think:
1, If we take back Taiwan by force first, the CIA will incite the Taiwanese to use guerrilla warfare and terrorist attacks to drain our national strength. They will consume the Chinese with Chinese blood.
In 1681, the Chinese Qing Dynasty was also faced with the problem of recovering Taiwan. The Chinese minister at the time, Li Guangdi, made a statement that if we could not govern Taiwan effectively after the war, then we might as well not take it back for the time being. 2024, we face the same choice, the same reasoning.

2, Sun Tzu's Art of War says that if you want to destroy an enemy, the best means is to use stratagems, the next best means is to use diplomacy, and the worst means is to force an attack. We should try to strike at the enemy's psychological defenses as much as possible, and we should not use force until the end; we should try not to force the other side to surrender through force. (上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其下攻城。攻心为上,攻城为下,不战而屈人之兵。)
For the Taiwanese government, their most important psychological defense is U.S. support. If they lose U.S. support, they will collapse and we will be able to gain an intact and unopposed Taiwan without expending any of our national power.

3, Through this analysis, we understand that if we want to solve the Taiwan problem, we must first solve the U.S. or the U.S. naval power.
Considering that our annual shipbuilding capacity is 39 million tons and the United States' annual shipbuilding capacity is only 400,000 tons. We're cheaper to build (055 costs $830 million, Burke 3 costs $2.2 billion), and we can build all the equipment and supplies the fleet needs domestically. Military orders can all be given to domestic companies, all it does is not drain our foreign exchange, it only stimulates the economy. And our military spending is only 1.5% of GDP, and we have a lot of room to grow.
So the approach we adopted was to utilize our industrial and social stability advantages and we launched a naval arms race against the United States. We will keep increasing the number of nuclear weapons and expanding the size of our navy. The U.S. can choose to engage us in a warship-building contest or give up sea power.
If the U.S. chooses to enter the race, then we will send the U.S. into a financial collapse that will ultimately destroy the U.S. outright.
If the United States chooses to abandon the race to join and give up sea power, we can dismantle the psychological defenses of the Taiwan government.
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What you think is not the same as what Chinese people generally think.

Our think:
1, If we take back Taiwan by force first, the CIA will incite the Taiwanese to use guerrilla warfare and terrorist attacks to drain our national strength. They will consume the Chinese with Chinese blood.
In 1681, the Chinese Qing Dynasty was also faced with the problem of recovering Taiwan. The Chinese minister at the time, Li Guangdi, made a statement that if we could not govern Taiwan effectively after the war, then we might as well not take it back for the time being. 2024, we face the same choice, the same reasoning.

2, Sun Tzu's Art of War says that if you want to destroy an enemy, the best means is to use stratagems, the next best means is to use diplomacy, and the worst means is to force an attack. We should try to strike at the enemy's psychological defenses as much as possible, and we should not use force until the end; we should try not to force the other side to surrender through force. (上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其下攻城。攻心为上,攻城为下,不战而屈人之兵。)
For the Taiwanese government, their most important psychological defense is U.S. support. If they lose U.S. support, they will collapse and we will be able to gain an intact and unopposed Taiwan without expending any of our national power.

3, Through this analysis, we understand that if we want to solve the Taiwan problem, we must first solve the U.S. or the U.S. naval power.
Considering that our annual shipbuilding capacity is 39 million tons and the United States' annual shipbuilding capacity is only 400,000 tons. We're cheaper to build (055 costs $830 million, Burke 3 costs $2.2 billion), and we can build all the equipment and supplies the fleet needs domestically. Military orders can all be given to domestic companies, all it does is not drain our foreign exchange, it only stimulates the economy. And our military spending is only 1.5% of GDP, and we have a lot of room to grow.
So the approach we adopted was to utilize our industrial and social stability advantages and we launched a naval arms race against the United States. We will keep increasing the number of nuclear weapons and expanding the size of our navy. The U.S. can choose to engage us in a warship-building contest or give up sea power.
If the U.S. chooses to enter the race, then we will send the U.S. into a financial collapse that will ultimately destroy the U.S. outright.
If the United States chooses to abandon the race to join and give up sea power, we can dismantle the psychological defenses of the Taiwan government.
just a historical question? Are the qings considered Han Chinese? I thought they were Manchus
just a historical question? Are the qings considered Han Chinese? I thought they were Manchus
The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were indeed Manchu. But the Manchus and the Han Chinese are equally descended from the Chinese civilization.
The ancestors of the Manchus were the Dongyi tribe. The ancestors of the Han Chinese, on the other hand, were the Dongyi tribe, the Yandi tribe, and the Huangdi tribe, three sources.
Of the eight ancestors of the Han Chinese(三皇五帝), three of them were Eastern Barbarians.
So the Manchus are genetically the same as us, and the Manchus have embraced the Han culture. Now the Manchus have completely abandoned the Manchu script and language, and there is no longer any difference between them and the Han Chinese.

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The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were indeed Manchu. But the Manchus and the Han Chinese are equally descended from the Chinese civilization.
The ancestors of the Manchus were the Dongyi tribe. The ancestors of the Han Chinese, on the other hand, were the Dongyi tribe, the Yandi tribe, and the Huangdi tribe, three sources.
Of the eight ancestors of the Han Chinese(三皇五帝), three of them were Eastern Barbarians.
So the Manchus are genetically the same as us, and the Manchus have embraced the Han culture. Now the Manchus have completely abandoned the Manchu script and language, and there is no longer any difference between them and the Han Chinese.

Assimilation at its finest; I like that it's how one should keep civilians in order and create unity.

Pakistan needs that as well to get rid of all the Jatts, Rajbunds, Ranas, Butts, etc., by crushing their fake bravados.
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Assimilation at its finest; I like that it's how one should keep civilians in order and create unity.

Pakistan needs that as well to get rid of all the Jatts, Rajbunds, Ranas, Butts, etc., by crushing their fake bravados.

dude, forced national integration will only lead to revolt and war.

It is true that the Han race has integrated other peoples as a whole many times in its history, but it was the integrated peoples who voluntarily gave up their own cultures, languages and writing systems. The Han has never forcibly integrated other peoples.

For example, in 494 A.D., the Han as a whole integrated the Xianbei. That was when the Xianbei Emperor took the initiative to give up the culture and language and writing of the Xianbei tribe and led the Xianbei tribe as a whole to join the Han.

The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were indeed Manchu. But the Manchus and the Han Chinese are equally descended from the Chinese civilization.
The ancestors of the Manchus were the Dongyi tribe. The ancestors of the Han Chinese, on the other hand, were the Dongyi tribe, the Yandi tribe, and the Huangdi tribe, three sources.
Of the eight ancestors of the Han Chinese(三皇五帝), three of them were Eastern Barbarians.
So the Manchus are genetically the same as us, and the Manchus have embraced the Han culture. Now the Manchus have completely abandoned the Manchu script and language, and there is no longer any difference between them and the Han Chinese.

Wow that’s great info. I have always been interested in Chinese history and the different dynasties. My most favourite is the song, Jin, Dali period prior to the mongol invasions.

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