Chinese Aircraft Carriers - Liaoning, Shandong, Fujian and the future

A few weeks ago we got info, the carrier mock-up facility in Wuhan would be modified (most likely in anticipation for the 004 aircraft carrier) ... the latest images reveal now, the island superstructure has been completely dismantled. 😮

Image via @里海赛艇 from Weibo)

Allegedly an image showing the PLANS-18 „Fujian“ returning home from her 4th sea trial.

Looks as if the KJ-600 mock-up is visible in front of the island and I cannot wait to see the deck if there are tire-marks.

(Image via @Oneninety from Weibo)

Pictures circulated by Chinese media. Please judge for yourself whether the pictures are real or fake.
Shipboard catapulted fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft
Pictures circulated by Chinese media. Please judge for yourself whether the pictures are real or fake.
Shipboard catapulted fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft
View attachment 66576

Unfortunately it's fake ... I found it some time ago at @地产画匠's page on Weibo (in May) ... but still a nice concept even if the MAD-sting won't work that way)
What’s the aircraft being discussed in the recent 14sep SCMP article?

New generation aircraft

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