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It don't work like that

This is not something you can just throw body into the problem and it will solve it. There are a specific amount of logistic the US can work with.

Alexander the Great don't have tanks and shell to worry about, all he needed it booze and orgies......
lol no not beer or orgy or at least not now
I mentioned Alexander the Great. He managed to lead the army to conquer the world as we knew it 2,300 years ago with primitive means.
Today it’s much easier for war logistics with trucks, planes, rails, etc.
lol no not beer or orgy or at least not now
I mentioned Alexander the Great. He managed to lead the army to conquer the world as we knew it 2,300 years ago with primitive means.
Today it’s much easier for war logistics with trucks, planes, rails, etc.
I've heard that the earliest European accounts of Alexander's story are that Alexander conquered China, not India. For example, the History of Peoples and Emperors through the Ages by Tiberius.

However, after the Europeans learned that the Chinese were a keen record keeper of history, that millions of volumes of history books had been passed down, and that there had never been a break in the historical record, the Chinese history books never recorded Alexander's existence.

The European story of Alexander becomes the conquest of India, an India that is only mythologically documented and not well historically documented.

The account of Alexander's conquest of China is now in the British Museum:
lol no not beer or orgy or at least not now
I mentioned Alexander the Great. He managed to lead the army to conquer the world as we knew it 2,300 years ago with primitive means.
Today it’s much easier for war logistics with trucks, planes, rails, etc.
In the old days, you have horses, you don't need to do anything, they eat grass on the field, and you maybe have to bring some spare arrow and weapon, that's it, the logistic footprint is extremely small.

Nowadays, you can trucks, tanks and guns, ammunition of all kinds, then you will have fix those trucks, tanks and guns, and then you need to fix the trucks that come in and fix those trucks, tanks and guns. This isn't as simple as it was back in those days.
Again, you have no idea how military logistic works.

You are still thinking about civilian logistic.

First of all, all military logistic is on time logistic, you have to constantly supplied on the road, and it cannot be delay, unlike you post something from China Post, where it take you 2 to 3 days to ship something from Beijing to Shenzhen, all military logistic package by default is express. Because you can't wait 2 to 3 days to receive your food and ammunition.

Second, all logistic is hub to hub, you have to constantly have shipment on the road going to one place to another, because you don't just need one log pack per battle, you need to keep them coming, so you are sending one after the other..

And finally, you can't depend on road network (MSR/ASR) for logistic, one, your army don't advance thru road, if they do, that's a big mistake, two, you need to be able to send something without reference and landmark, usually a Grid Co-ordinate and you can't have your troop to wait for your logistic head, you need to be able to have your package send in the middle of nowhere on time when they need it.

This is not about how many people you have; this is not about how many trucks you have, this is about how you can send something on the go to the prearrange point where you can receive it when you need it. As I said, there are 5.6 million semi-trailers in America, it does not mean you can put them all on the road and going to the same place at the same time, that is going to jam up all artery road.
I don't know how other countries operate, I can only tell you how China works.

In China, soldiers and civilians, we usually use the analogy of the relationship between fish and water, Chinese called "军民鱼水情".

Before 1949, countless ordinary people volunteered to provide material support and transportation for the Chinese Communist Party's army, so that the Chinese Communist Party defeated the Chinese Kuomintang and the People's Republic of China was established.

During the Korean War, countless Chinese and Korean people volunteered to provide material support and transportation for the Chinese People's Volunteers and the North Korean army, so that the United Nations forces led by United States could resist the south of the 38th parallel.

At present, PLA often exercises material support and transportation support with private logistics enterprises. You can search for it and you'll find it.

Therefore, the argument that it is impossible to consider civilian logistics in your war does not hold true in China.
When it comes to logistics, China's capabilities may not be what you know it to be.

If you buy an item on the JD.COM tonight, you will receive it tomorrow by 12 noon. It doesn't matter where the item is made, even if it's milk from Australia.

JD.COM there are many huge, advanced warehousing and logistics centers in China, which are all automated by robots. This is distributed warehousing logistics, and you can check the details online.

The PLA joint logistics support force, led by the Wuhan joint logistics support base, has five super huge joint logistics support centers in Wuxi, Guilin, Xining, Shenyang, and Zhengzhou, and also has countless warehousing and logistics centers in the five PLA theaters. This agency specializes in ensuring the logistics of the PLA. You can find more information on Wikipedia or the Ministry of National Defense of China.

I think the discussion about PLA material transportation support is almost over, let's get back to the topic.
I don't know how other countries operate, I can only tell you how China works.

In China, soldiers and civilians, we usually use the analogy of the relationship between fish and water, Chinese called "军民鱼水情".

Before 1949, countless ordinary people volunteered to provide material support and transportation for the Chinese Communist Party's army, so that the Chinese Communist Party defeated the Chinese Kuomintang and the People's Republic of China was established.

During the Korean War, countless Chinese and Korean people volunteered to provide material support and transportation for the Chinese People's Volunteers and the North Korean army, so that the United Nations forces led by United States could resist the south of the 38th parallel.

At present, PLA often exercises material support and transportation support with private logistics enterprises. You can search for it and you'll find it.

Therefore, the argument that it is impossible to consider civilian logistics in your war does not hold true in China.
When it comes to logistics, China's capabilities may not be what you know it to be.

If you buy an item on the JD.COM tonight, you will receive it tomorrow by 12 noon. It doesn't matter where the item is made, even if it's milk from Australia.

JD.COM there are many huge, advanced warehousing and logistics centers in China, which are all automated by robots. This is distributed warehousing logistics, and you can check the details online.

The PLA joint logistics support force, led by the Wuhan joint logistics support base, has five super huge joint logistics support centers in Wuxi, Guilin, Xining, Shenyang, and Zhengzhou, and also has countless warehousing and logistics centers in the five PLA theaters. This agency specializes in ensuring the logistics of the PLA. You can find more information on Wikipedia or the Ministry of National Defense of China.

I think the discussion about PLA material transportation support is almost over, let's get back to the topic.
I don't need to know how China work, I studied Military Science in Officer Candidate School, I need how military logistic works.

Again, you are not talking about civilian logistic, such as China Post or or Alibaba, those are one way, first to the post logistic base, where you mostly send your package to whoever order first, and you have a fixed address to do so.
You also have multiple store point, multiple route in and out of a system, and you don't need to expedite your shipment

Military Logistic is like you buy a sneaker from but you change your address everyday (probably every hours, dependent on your unit progress) you don't use road network and your logistic package have to find you, and you are going to need them immediately and continuously. The more people get involved mean the more variable there are to fulfill your shipment. Because that increase your demand, imagine 1000 customers order the same sneaker at the same time and all want to have that sneaker at the same time and they all don't have a fixed address

And I say that one last time, it doesn't matter how many people in China and how many truck you have, that's not the point. Unless your military logistic is not based on "on time demand" The number of people involved, and the number of trucks involved means nothing. It's about peak performance, ie, how many truck you can handle on a certain road condition

You can have 1.3 billion people driving 1.3 billion trucks, the logistic lane is going to be the same because it's from the factory where your stock was from to the frontline, it's about how that stretch of road handling the traffic, unless you are claiming Chinese road can handle more traffic than Western Road, the number of people and truck do NOT alter that lane, it will still be the same stretch of road regardless you had 1.3 billion truck on it or 100.
You expect others except whites and western worshippers to believe? google and CSIS is often considered the “Canadian CIA,”
This is a racist and bigoted view. The whites and western worshippers in China developed modern China in case you forgot. People learn from other people around the world, this is how the world works.
This is a racist and bigoted view. The whites and western worshippers in China developed modern China in case you forgot. People learn from other people around the world, this is how the world works.
As oppose to CCTV being the mouthpiece of CCP?? So should "non-white" and "non-western worshipper" must buy what CCTV said? I mean the only people that buy "LOCAL" source are, well, local.

By the way, that guy's post has no value at all other than saying CSIS is referred to as "Canadian CIA" when CSIS was actually DC based. They are as "canadian" as Hungary Jack's is "Australian"...........

I was offered a job to work for them.......
unless you are talking about a seaborne amphibious landing without ground line of communication support, China would need to attack either Vietnam and Laos, or Myanmar to establish a GLOC in order to support the seaborne invasion in either Malaysia or Thailand because China have no border to either Thailand or Malaysia, especially so for Thailand because it is on the other side of South China seas, it's on the Indian Ocean. Otherwise, Chinese troop would have been slaughtered D-Day style because Chinese sealift capability is below 20000.

Laos is not China allies, just because they build the HSR does not mean they are okay for China to use their country as base when they go to war with the US. And you can even get to Laos without go over Vietnam first.

And again, that's beside the point, as I said, it's not the troop that is the matter, it is always how you can support that troop and again, you ain't simplifying the issue by invading 2 or 3 more countries.
If the collective west blockade the Malacca Straits and prevent Chinese ships from sailing the strait, It is tantamount to a declaration of war. And China has the right to defend itself and resort to any necessary measure, including requesting safe passage from Thailand and Laos.

Which I assume they will be granted. Laos depends solely on China for economic survival and don't forget Laos was bombed more than the whole of Europe in WW2. It still doesn't yield to the US wish to stop the flow of goods through Ho Chi Min trail. Many of the present Lao leader were sent to china for their schooling during that time Here is the passage

Laos faces unprecedented financial difficulties, including US$14.5 billion worth of public and publicly guaranteed debt — around half of which is owed to China. But unlike Sri Lanka, there is no chance that Laos will default on its external debt obligations. China, its largest creditor and political ally, will not let Laos default.

If the collective west blockade the Malacca Straits and prevent Chinese ships from sailing the strait, It is tantamount to a declaration of war. And China has the right to defend itself and resort to any necessary measure, including requesting safe passage from Thailand and Laos.

Yes, the question is, HOW you get to Thailand and Laos
Which I assume they will be granted. Laos depends solely on China for economic survival and don't forget Laos was bombed more than the whole of Europe in WW2. It still doesn't yield to the US wish to stop the flow of goods through Ho Chi Min trail. Many of the present Lao leader were sent to china for their schooling during that time Here is the passage

And why it will be granted? Because if it was granted, then Laos will NO LONGER be Neuitral, it would become a belligerent, it means US and its allies can attack Laos,

This risk is a lot more than Chinese economic survival. Because it would mean Laos "Physical" survival.

You don't plan a war when you depends on something you solely think you will get. That's usually not the case in reality, but if that is in your planning, then that a big risk
Yes, the question is, HOW you get to Thailand and Laos

And why it will be granted? Because if it was granted, then Laos will NO LONGER be Neuitral, it would become a belligerent, it means US and its allies can attack Laos,

This risk is a lot more than Chinese economic survival. Because it would mean Laos "Physical" survival.

You don't plan a war when you depends on something you solely think you will get. That's usually not the case in reality, but if that is in your planning, then that a big risk
US has attacked Laos before but it doesn't mean Laos will yield. Plus I doubt the US can have any success now with China at her back and directly involved in the war. US air superiority is no more. Plus. The Ukro-Russo war proved once and for all the success IAD can produce!

As I said in a war you risk everything I am not sure the US can prevail this time even with their allies just have a look at the Russo war the collective west threw everything they had sans nuclear war and still can't win the war!
US has attacked Laos before but it doesn't mean Laos will yield. Plus I doubt the US can have any success now with China at her back and directly involved in the war. US air superiority is no more. Plus. The Ukro-Russo war proved once and for all the success IAD can produce!
lol, you believe Laos will not yield to US attack but will yield to China because of their economy?? Dude, how that's make sense? Laotian said "I don't care about the bombing as long as I have Yuan to spend??" Is this a joke??

And how China can provide air superiority in Laos? You need to go thru Vietnam first......

Then if China has to back Laos, that mean an expansion of the battlefield, how you can back Laos without increasing your logistic output to cover Laos?

And lol, IAD mean shit in Ukraine, if it was that good, then you won't have Ukrainian Cessna size drone attacking Russia and Russian Shahed drone attacking Ukraine. If anything, the Ukrainian war show how IAD failure as an independent system
You are an known anti chinese racist since the old PDF. Being visiting PDF for 15+ yrs as bystanding guest. Spruting nonsense that white boot lickers developed China, good script more paycheck from C...A...wonder whether PRC chinese members agree with you.
Seldom see you commenting on Pakistani posts. 99% on chinese post which doesnt concern YOU.
No, I am not anti-China, I am simply facts-oriented about all things. I have commented on many topics in the old forum, don't owe any explanation to you. You are a brainwashed racist on the other hand. The West helped developed modern China. Painful for you to accept?

CSIS is a globally well-known Think Tank that provides a perspective of global defense affairs, I posted a video of its members talking about China's military logistics capability (post # 89). I did not provoke any Chinese member but you came out with a racist dismissal of the content. And you expect from me to respect you for it? Sorry but Muslims are not supposed to be racist.

You are welcome to show me Chinese analysis of China's military logistics capability but I do not welcome or appreciate racist posts.
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lol, you believe Laos will not yield to US attack but will yield to China because of their economy?? Dude, how that's make sense? Laotian said "I don't care about the bombing as long as I have Yuan to spend??" Is this a joke??

And how China can provide air superiority in Laos? You need to go thru Vietnam first......

Then if China has to back Laos, that mean an expansion of the battlefield, how you can back Laos without increasing your logistic output to cover Laos?

And lol, IAD mean shit in Ukraine, if it was that good, then you won't have Ukrainian Cessna size drone attacking Russia and Russian Shahed drone attacking Ukraine. If anything, the Ukrainian war show how IAD failure as an independent system
Boy you need to freshen up your elementary school geography oops Australia doesn't teach student geography. China shares borders with Laos at Boten the city where China built a brand new city. Most of China's air defenses are mobile HQ 9, HQ16, and HQ22 are all mobile. Ukro cannot penetrate Russian IAD by far there will always be leakers and you cannot guarantee 100% airtight by in large they are impenetrable

Russia and China are semi allies they share the Russian experience and in the Ukro-Russo war. did you know that USlost 10000 jet fighter in Vietnam war because of Chinese primitive AD now with more sophisticated system the tally will be much higher

Beautiful Boten is blossoming fast at the border between Northern Laos and China, and this site is growing with it. You’ll find updated information on this born-again destination aiming to be a tourism and commercial hub along the high-speed China-Laos railway.​

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