Chinese Naval Platform & PLAN discussions

Many, at least in dozens, for example, railguns will be stardard weapons installed on the ships of the second batch.


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According to the current performance advantages of the first batch of 055 and speculation about the second batch of 055, China's next generation destroyer may absorb the advantages of 055 and add more new technologies that are not available now, such as laser weapons, all-electric propulsion systems, "Plug and play, ready to fire" modular design of microwave weapons and missiles.
In laser industry, China is a dominant force

Z-10 on the Type 075, a test or a sign of things to come?

The power system of China's 055 destroyer adopts gas turbines, which have several advantages: high single unit power, good starting and acceleration performance, light weight, small size, strong independent operation ability and good vitality of the unit, and low vibration and noise. For ships with high acceleration requirements, such as main destroyers, gas turbines are generally used. Due to the strong emphasis on acceleration and high speed, gas turbines also have several drawbacks: they are sensitive to environmental conditions, cannot achieve direct reverse, require specialized reverse devices, have poor fuel efficiency, and have a large cross-sectional area of the intake and exhaust channels. Please note that the last point is that all ships using gas turbines, regardless of the country, require thick exhaust chimneys and large independent air intakes, which are standard features of gas turbine ships. Compared to other engines, diesel engines have the advantages of direct reverse rotation, high fuel efficiency, better resistance to impact and vibration, smaller space occupied by the intake and exhaust channels, and easier arrangement of the unit in the cabin. Disadvantages: Low single machine efficiency and high vibration noise. For ships that require very strong acceleration, diesel power is not suitable. In addition, diesel engines are not suitable for ships that require very strong anti submarine operations. In terms of the design of China's Type 054B frigate, the rear mast layout of the Type 054B frigate is very similar to that of the Type 054A frigate, without a thick exhaust chimney or a huge independent air intake, which is very different from the Type 052D series destroyers. From this perspective, it is highly likely that the Type 054B frigate did not use gas turbines, but instead used a new diesel engine system. The Type 054A frigate is a 4000 ton class frigate, equipped with four 16PA6V280STC medium speed diesel engines, with a maximum speed of 27 knots and an economic range of about 4000 nautical miles. The original technology of the 16PA6V280STC medium speed diesel engine came from France. It was produced in the late 1990s through technology transfer and authorization from SEMTPielstick in France. It has the characteristics of high efficiency and high reliability. The 054b frigate weighs 6000 tons and cannot use the engine of the 054a as it will result in insufficient power. According to online reports, China's self-developed CS16V27 medium and high speed diesel engine is a new generation of medium and high speed marine diesel engines. This diesel engine adopts advanced technologies such as efficient combustion, high turbocharging, electronic injection control, low noise, and modularity. It has third-generation marine diesel engine technology features such as high power density, intelligent control, low fuel consumption, low emissions, high reliability, and modularity, and all technical indicators have reached the international advanced level. Its propulsion power has reached 7280 kilowatts, and its rated power generation has reached 6400 kilowatts. In terms of fuel consumption, the level of this diesel engine is 197 grams per kilowatt hour (propulsion)/195 grams per kilowatt hour (power generation). From a single power perspective, the power of the CS16V27 diesel engine is about 40% higher than that of the 16PA6V-280STC diesel engine. Therefore, if four CS16V27 diesel engines are used as the power system, it can ensure that the 054B frigate reaches its maximum speed, which can basically reach or exceed 30 knots. In other words, this power system can meet the needs of the naval fleet.
Screenshot_20240424_213505_Baidu Translate.jpgcs16v27
Type 052B destroyer Guangzhou finished midlife upgrade a few months ago. The most obvious change is the replacement of her two Shtil-1 SAM single-arm launchers - the navalised variant of the Buk missile family - by a 32-cell frigate VLS at the front. A nice touch is that the emblem of the ship (5th image) has been revised to reflect the new VLS.

The Fregat Top Plate air search radar was replaced by the Type 382, and the Mineral-ME surface search radar was replaced by the Type 366 over-the-horizon radar, which are all standard. It's unclear visually whether she has the AESA illuminators that would point to the use of the 160km range HHQ-16F SAM, but presumably she does I think. New electronic warfare pieces are also present. More subtly, the 4x4 YJ-83 anti-ship missiles were replaced by 4x2 YJ-12 missiles, which are obviously more capable but come in half the number of the weapon they replaced. Some observers say the hangar and helipad have been altered, possibly to accomodate larger helicopters.

Altogether, the ship is still quite underpowered by contemporary standards, with not much more than the firepower of a frigate. Turning older destroyers into effectively large frigates does appear to be the PLAN's solution to keeping older ships relevant - for example the Sovremenny class and Type 051B Shenzhen. This is one way to maintain the usefulness of ships with significant service life remaining. The Type 051C is already comparable (or perhaps better) in AAW capability to a frigate, so there is probably no need to overhaul these.

There is a huge amount of empty space in front of the bridge on the Guangzhou. They should use this prime real-estate to squeeze in more weapons, if possible. Separately, the sister ship the DDG-169 Wuhan should be nearing the end of her upgrade, or has already finished the process too.

Type 052B.jpg

Now it is a large size frigate instead of a destroyer.

052D destroyers is expected to reach 60, and the new batch will be equipped with advanced phased array radar systems, which will be improved.​

2024-05-02 00:33

Published in: Zhejiang Province

The 052D destroyer is the most important destroyer model of our navy and has provided strong support to the navy for a long time. Now, with the improvement of military technology, this destroyer continues to increase its construction plan. In the future, more total deployments are expected, and it is expected to reach 60 ships. The new batch has more advanced improvements in the phased array radar system.


The 052D has been derived from five batches. Every time a new batch of production is launched, there are new upgrades and improvements. This further upgrade of the radar system will bring more powerful assistance to detection and early warning.

The service time of the 052D destroyer has reached 10 years in the blink of an eye. This destroyer has made great contributions to our country's navy and supplemented the deficiencies of our country's destroyer defense. It also greatly makes up for the number of domestically produced destroyers in our country.

The 052D has a length of 155 meters, a width of 20 meters, and a full load displacement of 7,500 tons. It is a ship with a speed of 30 knots and a endurance of 4,000 nautical miles. It has obvious comprehensive performance advantages.

In terms of the power system, two power gas turbines with an alternating diesel-fuel system are installed to assist with powerful power and achieve sufficient power support.

In terms of radar upgrades, the latest news shows that the radar upgraded this time is an X-band active phased array radar, which can achieve multiple functions such as sea area search and airborne warning search.

In terms of radar sensitivity and accuracy, it has a very powerful ability to pursue and lock on targets.


052D can be regarded as a smaller version of my country's 055 10,000-ton large-scale warship. Most of the combat functions on the 10,000-ton large-scale drive can also be found on the 052D. There are 64 vertical launch units, and the 055 has 112 vertical launch units. No wonder Some netizens said that two 052Ds can also provide strong combat power.

In terms of single-ship combat, although its performance is not as good as that of the 10,000-ton cruise ship, it is more flexible and maneuverable, and its upgrade performance has been steadily improving. In the future, it will be in line with the new batch construction plan of the 10,000-ton cruise ship. The increments last a long time.


Now the 052D's digital sonar system has also been upgraded, capable of detecting enemy targets more keenly and at longer distances, and achieving more precise locking and striking. These are the advantages of the 052D, and they also present advantages that are difficult to replace. In addition, It has been working with the Navy for many years and has become a ship that is very suitable for defense and security duties. The increase rate of 052D is also steadily accelerating.

The newly upgraded X-band radar system can achieve more accurate identification and locking of low-altitude targets, which makes it impossible for enemy aircraft and carrier-based aircraft to hide their whereabouts. Generally, the low-altitude flying of drone targets will be detected by the radar. Blind spot operations, and the upgraded radar this time will try to avoid the blind spot problem of the radar to the greatest extent, further improve the navy's safety and security, and can also more effectively present the detection range of the navy's radar.


In terms of weapons, the new batch of 052D ships are also equipped with Eagle Strike series anti-ship missiles, which can present a more violent offensive. The Eagle Strike missile is a newly developed weapon after the Dongfeng series aircraft carrier killer missiles to destroy extremely intense maritime operations. It is also another powerful assisting weapon for the navy.

At present, it is seen that the 052D can carry a combat power of about 280 people, and can be equipped with a variety of weapons with considerable power, such as Haihongqi 9 missiles, Torpedo 8 torpedoes, Changjian 10 missiles, etc. Various types of missiles can be launched through vertical launch units to achieve precise strikes and violent bombings against enemy targets. These are the characteristics of this destroyer that can be used against surface ships, air fighters, and missiles. Submarines on the seabed also have low land targets, providing flexible and precise combat capabilities for comprehensive operations.


The 052D destroyer is also equipped with a powerful naval gun. The diameter of the gun barrel is 130 mm. It can launch strong strikes on sea, air and land. The firepower is so fierce that it is also a very advanced warship among destroyers of the same size.

The reason why our navy attaches great importance to the 052D can be understood from its comprehensive performance. This destroyer can launch Eagle anti-ship missiles 1,000 kilometers away to attack enemy ship targets. It can hit land, sea and air combat targets with great accuracy. Ideally, it also provides the navy with a larger number and stronger configuration of backing forces.

In addition, there is a 24-unit short-range air defense system, which can intensively fire firepower at close range to attack enemy combat targets. These are the new changes brought by 052D, which are also enhancements in combat power.

The newly upgraded new radar system can not only provide early warning when detecting enemy targets, so that our counterattacks and combat deployments can be quickly prepared, but it can also achieve the function of locking the strike target more accurately, allowing the enemy to attack without any control. There is nowhere to escape, and you can complete the counterattack and attack on the enemy in the shortest possible time.


With the support of new radar, it can achieve the purpose of quickly attacking enemies at long distances, greatly improving the efficiency of combat and increasing the winning rate of combat.

The production plan of this destroyer has launched a new task order, and the speed of future deployment will be accelerated accordingly. Together with the 0.55 million-ton cruise ship, it accompanies the aircraft carrier fleet and plays an important role in coastal defense.
Shocked why not sold any to Pakistan who have nil destroyers right now

Good destroyer though
Pak doesnt need, its shore line is small what it has is enough for that purpose which is defensive in nature.
Pak doesnt need, its shore line is small what it has is enough for that purpose which is defensive in nature.
If Pakistan want a blue navy, then yes destroyers, but maybe not immediately.
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Great upgrade, upgrading radar and sonar is the most important upgrade for warships, and then the weapon system. The Chinese Navy attaches great importance to reconnaissance capabilities, detecting the enemy first,The 052d destroyer has built a quantity and quality advantage for us. When I was a child, magazines often featured Japan's 88 Fleet, and we could only envy the Kong class destroyers. At that time, our navy adopted a strategy of small steps and fast running, building only a few warships, digesting and absorbing various new technologies. Now, the navy has finally moved away from the past difficult era.
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China is really building a true blue water navy now...
PLAN is not a blue water navy as they operate only a handful of FSS and logistic bases around the world. It's not the size of the fleet, it's the ability to project it anywhere in the world. Imagine a CBG arriving off the coast of New York before heading to Rio de Janeiro. This is the first step
PLAN is not a blue water navy as they operate only a handful of FSS and logistic bases around the world. It's not the size of the fleet, it's the ability to project it anywhere in the world. Imagine a CBG arriving off the coast of New York before heading to Rio de Janeiro. This is the first step
I'm imagining. When India alone manufactures qualified warships. And sail it out of the Indian port. It was certainly a great day.

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