Chinese Naval Platform & PLAN discussions

Sort out the sequence of events first. If the granddaughter of the CCP official does not insult the Chinese. No one will know that this CCP official is corrupt....

Or. If the granddaughter of CCP officials does not insult Chinese people. This CCP official can continue to be corrupt. The fact is that. CCP condones his corruption.

Or is the attack on me personally the only way you can defend the CCP?

No I don't insult that fair lady, I'm insulting you, why can't you understand this simple fact?
No I don't insult that fair lady, I'm insulting you, why can't you understand this simple fact?
oh. I know. You support the CCP official's granddaughter calling you 小蜘蛛.
oh. I know. You support the CCP official's granddaughter calling you 小蜘蛛.

Mr "granddaughter of the CCP" still haven't learnt how to properly insult people in Chinese, I've been called many things before but never 小蜘蛛?! What are you? Some pathetic imposter?
Mr "granddaughter of the CCP" still haven't learnt how to properly insult people in Chinese, I've been called many things before but never 小蜘蛛?! What are you? Some pathetic imposter?
emmm, probably. CCP fans have higher IQ than the Chinese people. 😄😄😄😄😄
emmm, probably. CCP fans have higher IQ than the Chinese people. 😄😄😄😄😄

Nah, just smart enough to spot a poser, you aren't exactly making it hard for me you know?
Nah, just smart enough to spot a poser, you aren't exactly making it hard for me you know?

I only remember that you supported the CCP official's granddaughter calling you a 小蜘蛛。

I only remember that you supported the CCP official's granddaughter calling you a 小蜘蛛。

Only in your moronic mind I'm afraid. Have you given up the charade already? you're calling this "CCP official's granddaughter" in third person now? Give up so soon? aw man I was planning on playing you for a bit longer, be a toy will ya?
Mods thread has taken a u-turn, detour and descended into dumpster.
Ok commissar

You don't have to be so angry. As I've told you before, the famine happened in 1958/1960, and it was a mistake with huge losses and gains. Most importantly, it was recorded in China's 7-year history textbooks, and every Chinese knows very well what we lost and what we gained.

You may not have gotten my point, maybe I need to make it more obvious. The ones who paid the price are the Chinese born before 1950s who have withered away. And it is the Chinese born after 1970s who are now in control of China, they are the ones who have not paid the price but have gained tremendously. Guess how they would view which mistake?

You should have used this thread to agitate the Chinese in 2004, not 2024. Got it?
You don't have to be so angry. As I've told you before, the famine happened in 1958/1960, and it was a mistake with huge losses and gains. Most importantly, it was recorded in China's 7-year history textbooks, and every Chinese knows very well what we lost and what we gained.

You may not have gotten my point, maybe I need to make it more obvious. The ones who paid the price are the Chinese born before 1950s who have withered away. And it is the Chinese born after 1970s who are now in control of China, they are the ones who have not paid the price but have gained tremendously. Guess how they would view which mistake?

You should have used this thread to agitate the Chinese in 2004, not 2024. Got it?
Where exactly did I give you the idea that I'm angry? 😂
Where exactly did I give you the idea that I'm angry? 😂
Doesn't matter.

I'm just trying to tell you that the way the Chinese people are treating this now is that, for the sake of political correctness, they will outwardly recognize it as a mistake. But in their hearts they think Mao did the right thing.

Look at that that guy who supports Taiwan, even he has little interest in discussing the famine. Because he enjoys the fruits without having paid for them. That is human nature.

Get it? Your behavior will only make the Chinese support Mao even more.
Your behavior will only make the Chinese support Mao even more.
If you can't condemn Mao and the CCP policies,you guys are in denial. But anyway,back on topic.
If you can't condemn Mao and the CCP policies,you guys are in denial. But anyway,back on topic.
Why do you think we can't condemn?

Every Chinese person responding to you recognizes it as Mao's and CCP's fault, don't they? We condemned it.

But we inwardly support Mao's decision.
Why do you think we can't condemn?

Every Chinese person responding to you recognizes it as Mao's and CCP's fault, don't they? We condemned it.

But we inwardly support Mao's decision.
So if you inwardly support Mao's decision,how are you condemning it? 😂 😂 😂

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