Chinese people are living two years longer thanks to ‘war on pollution,’ while air pollution gets worse in South Asia: report

So without living 2 years longer, chinese population decline would be even worse?
Imagine this, 10-15 years ago, Delhi was still bragging that their air is better.
I am not sure if you know this, the world's largest producer and consumer of renewables is China.

Of course China is the largest in many categories, given the total number of Chinese on the planet.

Air pollution declined in Europe and China in 2023: UN​

SEP 05, 2024, 12:52 PM

GENEVA - Fine particle air pollution declined in Europe and China in 2023 as emissions linked to human activity dropped, the United Nations said in a report published on Sept 5.

Nanoparticles known as PM2.5 – due to their size smaller than 2.5 micrometres in diameter – pose a severe health risk if inhaled over long periods of time as they are tiny enough to get into the bloodstream.

The particles come from human activity like the combustion of fossil fuels, transportation and industry, as well as wildfires and wind-blown desert dust.

China and Europe, however, recorded levels lower than average, said the WMO.

“We tend to think that the decline in pollution in Europe and China is the direct result of lower emissions in these countries over the years,” said Dr Labrador.

That is a rather unsurprising finding for scientists at the WMO, he says, who have noticed this trend since they first published the bulletin in 2021.

While Dr Labrador said air pollution in the United States maintained a “status quo”, North American wildfires in 2023 caused “exceptionally strong emissions” compared to the two previous decades, the report said.

The organisation also reported dust emissions lower than usual in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. AFP


World Meteorological Organization: PM2.5 concentrations in China and Europe are lower than the global average​

World Meteorological Organization: PM2.5 concentrations in China and Europe are lower than the global average

Written by: Sun Shengran
publishing:2024-09-05 12:30renew:2024-09-05 12:30

The World Meteorological Organization released its latest Air Quality and Climate Bulletin on Thursday (September 5) local time, showing that PM2.5 measurement results in China and Europe were below average.

World Meteorological Organization: PM2.5 concentrations in China and Europe are lower than the global average. (online picture)

World Meteorological Organization: PM2.5 concentrations in China and Europe are lower than the global average. (online picture)

The report shows that a vicious cycle of climate change, wildfires and air pollution is having a spiraling negative impact on human health, ecosystems and agriculture.

The report points out that air pollution causes more than 4.5 million premature deaths around the world every year, while causing huge economic and environmental expenses. The report explains that air quality affects the health of ecosystems, with air pollutants settling from the atmosphere onto the Earth's surface.

The report points out that long-term inhalation of PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) is seriously harmful to health. Sources include emissions from burning fossil fuels, wildfires and desert dust. Data shows that PM2.5 emissions from wildfires in North America are unusually high.

World Meteorological Organization: PM2.5 concentrations in China and Europe are lower than the global average. (online picture)

World Meteorological Organization: PM2.5 concentrations in China and Europe are lower than the global average. (online picture)

Additionally, India also has above-average PM2.5 levels due to increased pollution emissions from human and industrial activities, compared to lower-than-average PM2.5 measurements in China and Europe due to reduced anthropogenic emissions.

The report points out that particulate matter not only has a major impact on human health, but also has a major impact on agriculture, reducing crop yields. Practice shows that in severely polluted areas, particulate matter can reduce crop yields by up to 15%. Particulate matter reduces the amount of sunlight reaching leaf surfaces and physically blocks leaf stomata that regulate the exchange of water vapor and carbon dioxide with the atmosphere.

At the same time, agriculture itself is also a producer of particulate matter, which is also released by burning straw, applying fertilizers and pesticides, tilling, harvesting, and the storage and use of manure.


World Meteorological Organization: PM2.5 concentrations in China and Europe are lower than the global average​

From apocalyptic to below the global average, China used 10 years to show the world that industrial developemnt doesn't have to be at a cost of environment.
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Beijing is no longer tha air apocalyptic city that being bashed by western media on daily basis 10 years ago


Beijing now
From apocalyptic to below the global average, China used 10 years to show the world that industrial developemnt doesn't have to be at a cost of environment.
It would be great if they did good pollution control from the start, like 10 years ealier, but it's not too late now.

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