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Chinese scientists plan surface-to-air missile with 2,000km kill range


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Jan 11, 2024
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I never said China can not possibly have a hypersonic missile. I did no such thing.

I said it is not possible for ANYONE (that includes any country) to communicate with a projectile moving at hypersonic veolicities ( especially mach 10 +) in atmosphere due to plasma barrier (which is a well know phenomenon).

Yes, Chinese have many hypersonic weapons deployed but none to target aircrafts. The ones that are deployed, fly blind for a significant part of their flight and slow down during terminal chase when they need to seek their targets using radar. This may work for buildings or ships but not for planes, because, duh, planes are much more agile compared to ship and espeically buildings.
Now you are moving the goal post before you implied in your posting that "blah blah plasma shield" prevents radar from finding the target. Now the speed?

How do you think air-to-air missile find their target? Duh, they use radar too! If the radar can find targets on the ground which is more difficult because of clutter. It should be easier to find targets in the air with no clutter. Ever heard of active radar homing?

There are a whole lot of supersonic missiles mach 5 or over. So does satellite rendezvous docking with tremendous speed but they docked. They used radar too so speed and guidance are no problem It has been done every day

Supersonic air-to-air missiles travel at speeds of Mach 1–5, which is 767 miles per hour–3,836 miles per hour. Here are some examples of supersonic air-to-air missiles and their speeds:
  • R-37M
    This Russian missile travels at Mach 6 and has a range of up to 400 kilometers. It is considered one of the most potent munitions in Russian combat aviation.
  • Kh-31A
    This missile has a maximum flight speed of 1,000 meters per second and a firing range of 7.5–70 kilometers.
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Think Tank Analyst
Mar 29, 2013
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Ah...Someone spoke of 'vaporware'...???
The funny thing is, even if it ends up being real, they'd need to accurately be able to detect a fast moving object and track it over 2000+ KM, and wait hours in travel time, and hope the target doesn't just fly out of range by the time the missile gets there.

At certain distances and at certain targets, this missile is pretty much useless.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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LOL, on the one hand, the detractors are saying that such a long range missile is impractical and, at the same time, claiming that the US is developing even longer range missiles.

Also, at Mach 10, the missile would have a travel time of 10 minutes to target (2000km). Even if detected instantly on launch, how much evasive action can an AWACS take in 10 minutes? A barrage of such missiles to cover the region can be possible if they are cheap enough.

MS Sandhu

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Dec 16, 2023
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Realy Patriot can't even stop Houthi drone attack on a Saudi Arabia refinery back in 2018
Take Patriot’s performance in Saudi Arabia for example, between 2015 and mid 2019, Patriot batteries in Saudi service intercepted more than 230 Iranian ballistic missiles – that’s more than 1 intercept every week and highlighted the volume of ballistic missile they faced. By 2021, Saudi Arabia reported Houthi firing 430 ballistic missiles and 851 drones in 6 years that resulted in 59 civilian casualties.[1]

For context, during Iran-Iraq war the very first Iraqi Scud killed 21 Iranians. In all, Iraq launched 189 Scuds throughout the conflict that killed 2,000 Iranians and injured another 6,000 while forcing a quarter of Tehran’s popular to flee the city. So it isn’t far fetched to call Patriot being quite effective in Saudi Arabia, having dealt with an order of magnitude more ballistic missiles than any other Air Defence system in the world. This is all the while using older PAC-2 GEM-T interceptors with fragmentation warheads.

By Abhirup Sengupta on Qoura
Oct 29, 2020
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Do you know the purpose of ablative material is to cool the nose cone by burning itself I guess the team clearly said that and it was published in a scientific journal for peer review. Anyway, we are debating past the water under the bridge. China has an operational DF 17 even DF27 a hypersonic missile that they have tested 9 times and they all hit the bull mark. So you can believe what you want to believe!

SCMP clearly said that the team
The smooth, non-ablative surface not only kept critical components inside the aircraft cool, but allowed wireless signals to go in and out freely, making target identification and communication possible throughout the flight, according to analysis of telemetry data.

“The test flight ended in a complete success,” the team wrote in a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics of Gases last month. They did not reveal the time and location of the test.
Oct 29, 2020
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Well the last Russian attack in Kiev exactly does that by flying in the back of a Patriot and you can see the result Kiev got bombed
Most of Russian out of this universe hypersonic missile (KINZHAL) were intercepted by patriot pac3, exception can happen at any time


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Jan 11, 2024
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Most of Russian out of this universe hypersonic missile (KINZHAL) were intercepted by patriot pac3, exception can happen at any time
That is not true the picture that you posted is bogus I am too lazy to dig it up But typically Hypersonic use double cones and not single cone Here what copilat said

Hypersonic vehicles often use a double cone design due to its ability to manage the complex aerodynamics at extremely high speeds. The double cone configuration helps in sustaining strong shock-wave–boundary-layer interactions, which are crucial for the stability and control of the vehicle at hypersonic speeds1. This design also mitigates the finite-span effects that a two-dimensional counterpart, like a double wedge, would experience1.

Moreover, the double cone shape has been extensively studied and is considered a canonical case for understanding shock-induced separation and validating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools1. These factors make the double cone an effective shape for hypersonic flow management.
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Jan 11, 2024
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No SCMP is only reporting what is in scientific journals. It is a research effort some may materialize into production weapons some may not. But the science is real! It is subjected to peer review (meaning someone will try to replicate those findings) If they can't than it is bogus


Jan 8, 2024
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The initial test was reported in 2022.


  • HGV 2000.PNG
    HGV 2000.PNG
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Oct 29, 2020
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That is not true the picture that you posted is bogus I am too lazy to dig it up But typically Hypersonic use double cones and not single cone Here what copilat said

Hypersonic vehicles often use a double cone design due to its ability to manage the complex aerodynamics at extremely high speeds. The double cone configuration helps in sustaining strong shock-wave–boundary-layer interactions, which are crucial for the stability and control of the vehicle at hypersonic speeds1. This design also mitigates the finite-span effects that a two-dimensional counterpart, like a double wedge, would experience1.

Moreover, the double cone shape has been extensively studied and is considered a canonical case for understanding shock-induced separation and validating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools1. These factors make the double cone an effective shape for hypersonic flow management.
I'm not talking about aerodynamics of Kinzhal but interceptions via patriot, do you have a comprehension issue?
Oct 29, 2020
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No SCMP is only reporting what is in scientific journals. It is a research effort some may materialize into production weapons some may not. But the science is real! It is subjected to peer review (meaning someone will try to replicate those findings) If they can't than it is bogus
Still not reliable on Chinese military stuff, often exaggerated Chinese military development programs


Full Member
Jan 11, 2024
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I'm not talking about aerodynamics of Kinzhal but interceptions via patriot, do you have a comprehension issue?
Didn't you post a picture of a purported fragment of Kinzhal as proof that the Patriots shot down Kinzhal? I question the validity of the so-called proof
Oct 29, 2020
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Didn't you post a picture of a purported fragment of Kinzhal as proof that the Patriots shot down Kinzhal? I question the validity of the so-called proof
Yes that's the proof, patriot intercept Kinzhal almost intact few times we have lots pictures about it, Google it I don't want to spoon feed you, if you deny than you're living in your falsehood
Oct 29, 2020
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It is your conclusion SCMP just reported the finding of a science journal that might have military application
Military projects can be started and shelved, there is no problem, but this project is not feasible 2000 km SAM could not be technically possible

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