CM KPK calls for violent revolution in Pakistan!

Is there such a thing as peaceful revolution? Through Election and parliamentary democracy? The largest political party was effectively banned from election and even after it, a night raid on polling stations was conducted and different results were issued. Every protest is banned using section 144 on the day.

So again, what is a peaceful route that is still available?
Is there such a thing as peaceful revolution? Through Election and parliamentary democracy? The largest political party was effectively banned from election and even after it, a night raid on polling stations was conducted and different results were issued. Every protest is banned using section 144 on the day.

So again, what is a peaceful route that is still available?
What violent revolution has this country ever taken as a joint nation?

So it’s either peaceful revolution or violent breakaways
Pointless. Just sit back and watch the current government sink the country further down, and do negative PR on that. Way less effort, way more reward.
What violent revolution has this country ever taken as a joint nation?

So it’s either peaceful revolution or violent breakaways
There is no such thing as peaceful revolution. Revolution means end to the entire established order and beginning anew. The established order will not lay down peacefully to meet it's end.

The problem is that it refuses to allow nonviolent evolution either. Leaving very few roads to travel on for everyone else
Pointless. Just sit back and watch the current government sink the country further down, and do negative PR on that. Way less effort, way more reward.
Watch as they dismantle the entire judicial system by creating another court, superior to supreme court, which will not be bound by the common laws of the last 75 years? Nah

I don't see eye to eye with most of what Jibran Nasir says, but he is a lawyer, watch his breakdown of the amendment.

Well thy tried the peaceful method which was through Elections, only
for them to be openly rigged.

Only option is the Turkish, Sri Lankan and Bangladesh model.
Well thy tried the peaceful method which was through Elections, only
for them to be openly rigged.

Only option is the Turkish, Sri Lankan and Bangladesh model.
And what have those models wrought? It is easy to mouth 'revolution', but it is difficult to predict what will happen afterwards. Everyone thought life will be great after Saddam, Gaddafi, Bashar, Mubarak etc., How did it turn out? Closer to home, how did Pakistan turnout? Between the grand visions of 1940s and reality of today?
And what have those models wrought? It is easy to mouth 'revolution', but it is difficult to predict what will happen afterwards. Everyone thought life will be great after Saddam, Gaddafi, Bashar, Mubarak etc., How did it turn out? Closer to home, how did Pakistan turnout? Between the grand visions of 1940s and reality of today?
The onus isn't those calling for violent revolution. But on those who refuse to allow peaceful evolution since independence. Pose your questions to them.
Is there such a thing as peaceful revolution? Through Election and parliamentary democracy? The largest political party was effectively banned from election and even after it, a night raid on polling stations was conducted and different results were issued. Every protest is banned using section 144 on the day.

So again, what is a peaceful route that is still available?
What will your bloody revolution bring? What exactly will change? Fine you'll agitate, attack the federation and make yourself vulnerable to exterior influences and eventually turn into a new syria. Might as well burn the whole house down cause Mr handsome isn't in power.

The only peaceful route is to work on the province the accused rapist CM has under his control and work on it and improve governance over there.

Who exactly among your civilian elite is competent enough to run the country han? Buzdar? Zardari? Come out of this delusion. Expecting these people to make a new order. Quite a delulu person you are. I will take a partial functional state over a failed civil war state anytime.
What will your bloody revolution bring? What exactly will change? Fine you'll agitate, attack the federation and make yourself vulnerable to exterior influences and eventually turn into a new syria. Might as well burn the whole house down cause Mr handsome isn't in power.

The only peaceful route is to work on the province the accused rapist CM has under his control and work on it and improve governance over there.

Who exactly among your civilian elite is competent enough to run the country han? Buzdar? Zardari? Come out of this delusion. Expecting these people to make a new order. Quite a delulu person you are. I will take a partial functional state over a failed civil war state anytime.
1) Violent revolution are the fault of those who make peaceful evolution of democracy and Democratic norms impossible, not the masses. So cool it on the Syria lecture. We would have been Japan if not for those who can't be named.

2) The only peaceful route is to surrender the unconstitutional role and return to the barracks. Allow a free and fair election without any political prisoners in full Supervision of the UN.

3) competency of the civilian elite will be judged by civilians 5 years after the free and fair election, and not by incompetent 20 grade officers who can start insurgencies against them (1971 Bangladesh/2004 Ex FATA/2006 Balochistan) but can't put them down.

4) The only delulu here are the duffers who can't see this pattern and drive Pakistan from one ditch into the next, over and over again. Makes one think who is actually the enemy of the federation to begin with. The idiots in the mountains or the Termites in the halls of power, destroying the Jamhooriya every now and then for their unconstitutional mad grab for power.
1) Violent revolution are the fault of those who make peaceful evolution of democracy and Democratic norms impossible, not the masses. So cool it on the Syria lecture. We would have been Japan if not for those who can't be named.

2) The only peaceful route is to surrender the unconstitutional role and return to the barracks. Allow a free and fair election without any political prisoners in full Supervision of the UN.

3) competency of the civilian elite will be judged by civilians 5 years after the free and fair election, and not by incompetent 20 grade officers who can start insurgencies against them (1971 Bangladesh/2004 Ex FATA/2006 Balochistan) but can't put them down.

4) The only delulu here are the duffers who can't see this pattern and drive Pakistan from one ditch into the next, over and over again. Makes one think who is actually the enemy of the federation to begin with. The idiots in the mountains or the Termites in the halls of power, destroying the Jamhooriya every now and then for their unconstitutional mad grab for power.

Since the 1990s till 2018 PPP and Pmln have been ruling Pakistan, why didn't our people vote for different political parties or created new ones, everyone knew these parties are corrupt but still voted for them or stopped participating in elections as only 50% of the population votes. We will only witness a change when the people change, educate themselves, work together, become honest, reject corruption and bribery culture. Our leadership from the 1990s till 2018 sold Pakistan secrets to foreigners, collaborated with foreigners to harm own country men. Yes Imran Khan was removed but Benazir was removed also, Zardari was in jail for 8 years or so, Benazir father was killed, her brothers killed and herself killed. Nawaz Sharif himself was removed from power 3 times and made to leave country for 10 years.

Political parties must sit together and start open debate on electrol reforms, independent and powerful institutions, upgrade the system etc. The people of Pakistan must not vote for corrupt parties or for those parties who backtrack. Violent revolution is not the solution or calling for army generals to topple each other. When the people unite and change for the better no power can break them.
Without naming asim muneer and his gang in GHQ as enemies of Pakistan and its citizens, without openly identifying the source of all evil in Pakistan, without having the absolute clarity that these generals in GHQ are on western establishment payroll and whatever is happening in Pakistan is the will of western establishment... its just a waste of time. Declare these rats in GHQ as traitors, go for their necks, enough of these few rats hijacking Pakistan and keeping Pakistan enslaved to zoinst agenda. These rats must be crushed and made horrible example.
There is no such thing as peaceful revolution. Revolution means end to the entire established order and beginning anew. The established order will not lay down peacefully to meet it's end.

The problem is that it refuses to allow nonviolent evolution either. Leaving very few roads to travel on for everyone else
And if everyone one cannot agree on action than those that will take action will take it for their own interests and not everyone which will lead to only one logical conclusion - disintegration

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