Color film was built for white people. Here's what it did to dark skin.

Were Aryan people a race? why their skin color became so different after some of them moved to Europe and some to India? You sound like a science iliterate, everyone knows human skin tones were decided by the environment they live in.
Only Hitler think Aryan people are a race, they are made up with Germanic and Nordic people (and specifically excluding semitic people), those two are subgroup of different races.

And saying/implying Indian and German are the same race because they are both have Aryan root make you sounded like a science illiterate more than me.

I will look up the term "Indo-European" before your next comment if I were you
In Sichuan and Guizhou, girls are very fair skinned, many have much lighter skin than Europeans, cause in those mountainous provinces, sunny days are extremely rare, the days are almost always cloudy.
While in Tibet, the sun is very strong and intense, and Tibetans turned to be much darker than other east Asians.
Ok, why humans vary in skin color in the first place? race or environment?
I think it also has to do with how people perceive beauty. These days, most people don’t spend hours outside in the sun like they used to. Even in Japan, I’ve noticed a lot of whitening ads, and I know that women there often use sunscreen when they go out and apply whitening products at night before bed.

This is how the Koreans used to look like in the past.


Only Hitler think Aryan people are a race, they are made up with Germanic and Nordic people, those two are subgroup of different races.

And saying/implying Indian and German are the same race because they are both have Aryan root make you sounded like a science illiterate more than me.

I will look up the term "Indo-European" before your next comment if I were you
Race change with the environment, Jews would look like Arabs if they stay in the middle east hot desert environment, but European Jews look just like Europeans due to the change of the environment. our ancestors were all from Africa and you think Europeans were just as white when they first stepped out of Africa?
I think it also has to do with how people perceive beauty. These days, most people don’t spend hours outside in the sun like they used to. Even in Japan, I’ve noticed a lot of whitening ads, and I know that women there often use sunscreen when they go out and apply whitening products at night before bed.

This is how the Koreans used to look like in the past.

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This is just ironic........

You have a bunch of Asian wanted to be whiter, and a bunch of white people trying to be darker (or bronze).......
why human skin tones are different? because of the intensity of the sun in different regions on this planet, can't believe someone even doesn't know this basic science.
Race change with the environment, Jews would look like Arabs if they stay in the middle east hot desert environment, but European Jews look just like Europeans due to the change of the environment. our ancestors were all from Africa and you think Europeans were just as white when they first stepped out of Africa?
lol, so you are saying gene changes in environment? Well, unless you are talking about evolution type (like why we don't have tail anymore) event then, I will say ask for your refund for whoever teaches you Biology......

Jew is NOT a race, and yes, white people stay white in Africa unless they intermarried. Again, otherwise the white population of country like Zimbabwe or Mozambique would have disappeared a long time ago.

You are saying a white guy go live in Africa will then become Black. if environment have any effect on skin color. Or a Black guy goes live in Europe for a few generation will then become white.......It's never gonna happen unless he/she intermarried a white person.
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Fuji film fix what shade problem? skin color has more to do with the environment one lives, less to do with race.

Honestly it sounds like you didn't watch the video because you are not comprehending the issue at all.

If you did you'd see the part about how a "Shirley Card" for East Asians was eventually created...probably Fuji also did it decades earlier.

You seem to have zero comprehension as to how film technology worked and how just a tiny shade offset of the restricted color palette used had drastic consequences in color reproduction.

When photographers developed film they had to select the shades of color (using chemicals) which they felt made the people look more "flattering" (not necessarily realistic). The film itself did not have any color keys built into it. So Kodak created this pre-defined color palette of shades they thought would make people buying the pics the most happy...and it was geared specifically towards the "preferred" skin tone of European-descent people leaving everybody else (with different preferences) lacking...not just Africans.


Above is the "NORMAL" color palette photographers used when developing portrait film. This same palette would be used when people all over the world had their pictures taken. Over the years the shades were slightly adjusted but still centered on European-descent women's preferences. So if you were Egyptian, Chinese, or Eskimo you likely got your portrait skin tone heavily influenced by the above palette shade.

This likely is not even reproducing the original pic colors correctly..however the colors chosen made purchasers of portraits the most happy...which at the time was overwhelmingly Westerners.

Maybe to Asian women they preferred looking more light. Well they were out of luck unless they asked the photographer to customize the colors. They were stuck with a shade European women liked.

That's why the OP title is "Color film was built for white people". It wasn't about reproducing colors was about reproducing people in shades of color they (ie European origin people) liked.
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That's why the OP title is "Color film was built for white people". It wasn't about reproducing colors was about reproducing people in shades of color they (ie European origin people) liked.

This also why people say "there is no such thing as colored film". All the coloring was subjective. Every movie made with film had some director picking the color palette the film would be printed from.

How different film uses different default color palettes.
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I don't like white people
I know who you are talking about: Neo-Nazis, skinheads with tattoos, rednecks, and the cowboy stereotype of white trash in USA.

Calling these Rednecks "junkies"

Or Bill Clinton spending time with prostitutes like Monica Lewinsky.
Monica Lewinsky sucked Bill Clinton's peni/s.
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stereotype of white trash in USA.

:rolleyes: Wrong continent. Those aren't Americans. Anybody can tell that in two seconds.

Derek Ridgers – who has taken pictures of everyone from James Brown to Clint Eastwood – spent five years photographing skinheads in Britain between 1979 and 1984,
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