"Controversy Erupts Pakistani Prime Minister Tweets Despite Nationwide Ban on X"

Issue with Pakistan is political mismanagement and lack of ownership for economic reforms.. The real Economic weight of Pakistan is very much than it is documented, public has money but govt is unable to document and regulate properly this undocumented sectors of economy..
Pakistan economy if taken in ground numbers can easily account 700 billion USDNominal basis..Issue is govts have no vision no priorities and no road maps...
Corrupt elements in Pakistan do not want their corruption to be unmasked and held accountable for it. These elements have power and resources to influence institutions and vice versa. Nothing changes, therefore. WE have the same old Pakistan. The focus has shifted to how to suppress voices on social media and otherwise.
Corrupt elements in Pakistan do not want their corruption to be unmasked and held accountable for it. These elements have power and resources to influence institutions and vice versa. Nothing changes, therefore. WE have the same old Pakistan. The focus has shifted to how to suppress voices on social media and otherwise.

Only because we consent. They can't put 200 million people in prison. We bring our own misery on because we don't stick together, but fall for their divide and conquer manip ulations.
The people of Pakistan are very friendly to the Chinese! No Chinese would doubt it! China-Pakistan friendship is a common understanding between the two countries.

What we are questioning is the competence of the Government of Pakistan. Any cooperation project requires the joint efforts of both parties to succeed.

China can provide capital, technology, and talent to build capacity. The Pakistani government needs to do what was agreed in the agreement and what the Pakistani government needs to deal with. These are Pakistan's internal affairs, and China cannot interfere.

As for what you say United States gather all your friends to oppose China................... You can read about the history of China, which has dealt with this kind of problem. What do you think China's national strategy of "internal circulation" has been doing in recent years?

China will help Pakistan, but you can't morally kidnap!
Patriots in Pakistan do not wish for money from China they only need China help Pakistan to create a skilled base economy. As China has more experience. China must help Pakistan when they’re making mistakes politically and diplomatically as a good friend Pakistan is the only country which respects China organically. If your friend is in trouble, you must help him and tell him where you are wrong it has nothing to do with interference and internal matters when you see your friend is wrong you must help him as a true friend. If I was Pakistani Polcy maker in Pakistan. I could have request China to help us to train my youth in different skills. Unfortunately we have leaders no vision
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Patriots in Pakistan do not wish for money from China they only need China help Pakistan to create a skilled base economy. As China has more experience. China must help Pakistan when they’re making mistakes politically and diplomatically as a good friend Pakistan is the only country which respects China organically. If your friend is in trouble, you must help him and tell him where you are wrong it has nothing to do with interference and internal matters when you see your friend is wrong you must help him as a true friend. If I was Pakistani Polcy maker in Pakistan. I could have request China to help us to train my youth in different skills. Unfortunately we have leaders no vision
Your worldview has been completely distorted! You need to seriously reflect on your own problems!

1. Right and wrong are subjective judgments. When you think it's right, your best friend thinks you're wrong, will you listen to your best friend's advice?
You can't ask China to demand Pakistanis with Chinese values. Just as China does not allow United States to demand China with United States values.
China will never allow any religion to interfere in Chinese politics, which is the value of the Chinese. Pakistan is an Islamic country. Who's right? Who's wrong?

2. China has been helping Pakistan build its economy, but this requires the joint efforts of Pakistan and China. For example:
Pakistan is severely short of electricity, and China can assist Pakistan in building hydropower plants. China can pay for it, China can provide all the construction materials and machinery, and even China can use Chinese skilled workers completely.
However, the land acquisition for the construction of the hydropower plant must be completed by the Pakistani government according to the plan; Residents of the reservoir's inundation area need the Pakistani government to organize their relocation. At the same time, the safety of the entire construction site needs to be guarded by the Pakistani government.
In fact, the Pakistani government was severely incompetent on these issues, which eventually led to the shelving of these projects.
According to your logic, does the Chinese government need to send PLA to drive out these Pakistani people and defend these Chinese workers on the construction sites?

3. All Chinese enterprises involved in the construction of Pakistan have suffered huge losses in their investment projects in Pakistan. They are basically state-owned enterprises, which are explained in the annual financial statements. They are actually using the money of the Chinese people to subsidize Pakistan. And then, do you think China has to help Pakistan?
Do you think China needs the CPEC channel to save lives? From the proposal of the plan to today, so many years have passed, this channel has not been opened, and China is about to collapse???

What bullshit logic! Bastard!
Your worldview has been completely distorted! You need to seriously reflect on your own problems!

1. Right and wrong are subjective judgments. When you think it's right, your best friend thinks you're wrong, will you listen to your best friend's advice?
You can't ask China to demand Pakistanis with Chinese values. Just as China does not allow United States to demand China with United States values.
China will never allow any religion to interfere in Chinese politics, which is the value of the Chinese. Pakistan is an Islamic country. Who's right? Who's wrong?

2. China has been helping Pakistan build its economy, but this requires the joint efforts of Pakistan and China. For example:
Pakistan is severely short of electricity, and China can assist Pakistan in building hydropower plants. China can pay for it, China can provide all the construction materials and machinery, and even China can use Chinese skilled workers completely.
However, the land acquisition for the construction of the hydropower plant must be completed by the Pakistani government according to the plan; Residents of the reservoir's inundation area need the Pakistani government to organize their relocation. At the same time, the safety of the entire construction site needs to be guarded by the Pakistani government.
In fact, the Pakistani government was severely incompetent on these issues, which eventually led to the shelving of these projects.
According to your logic, does the Chinese government need to send PLA to drive out these Pakistani people and defend these Chinese workers on the construction sites?

3. All Chinese enterprises involved in the construction of Pakistan have suffered huge losses in their investment projects in Pakistan. They are basically state-owned enterprises, which are explained in the annual financial statements. They are actually using the money of the Chinese people to subsidize Pakistan. And then, do you think China has to help Pakistan?
Do you think China needs the CPEC channel to save lives? From the proposal of the plan to today, so many years have passed, this channel has not been opened, and China is about to collapse???

What bullshit logic! Bastard!
That means Chinese already surrendered themself in Pakistan in front of US led proxies.. man where I see after reading you if this is the the thinking Chinese policy makers have then Chinese as no right to be world power.. being world power sometimes you go extra yards. Anyway we don’t for conversation. Pakistan must stand for itself Pakistan must punish traitors
It's a long-shot, but hear me out...

I think Gwadar can make a good home for the bulk of the defence industry initiatives, like:
  • Aviation City/NASTP
  • Naval shipyard
  • Expansion of POF
  • etc
The strategic value of moving these sites to Gwadar includes pulling them farther back from the Indian border, bringing the producers closer to the firing ranges (e.g., Sonmiani), and having more space to expand various production sites.

In fact, it's not even an issue of moving anything, but expanding the industry into Gwadar.

For example, a new naval shipyard will help take the burden from KSEW and, potentially, lead KSEW to focus more on civilian ships (like merchant vessels).

A second POF could be set up in Gwadar so that we have more than one ammunition factory. Or set up a division focused on guided rockets, cruise missiles, glide bombs, and other guided munitions.

Likewise, you expand PAC whereby Gwadar takes on UAV, UCAV, loitering munition, etc., work. Or maybe a satellite production program.

Once you actually insert some industry in Gwadar, the population and commercial activity will take root. It won't be nearly as much as Karachi, but it wouldn't be a ghost town either.

In fact, with the right planning, you could nurture a high-tech cluster centered around defence. Set up STEM schools and labs, encourage the local youth into an education funnel from early age, and see from there, basically.

We'd probably expect a naval base, air base, and an army facility there as well. The result would be that the armed forces set up a presence in that region, expanding their reach further west.

What you said is what Gwadar should have been like from the start, and it's what I personally envisioned when CPEC started. The idea is solid, would have worked, and would have rewarded Pakistanis immensely right away. Had those ammunition and other hardware factories been in place, we would have profited off the current list of conflicts in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Then, you can establish technical schools, universities, and tech colleges to become feeder schools like the University of Colorado, the Denver Campus for Raytheon, and others.

However, two issues remain: the exposure of the complex by the Indian Navy and Naval Air Arm. Massive investments would be needed to restrain the IN and NA's advantage on the ocean. As the 1965 and 1971 conflicts showed, our underbelly is exposed and continues to be exposed.

Then, we have the issue of logistically supplying raw materials for producing articles during a conflict to the complex. Past wars showed the sanctions practically grind our assaults to a halt. We've been unable to build a strategic reserve of crucial materials needed. Without material, this complex would go into the red.
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This is what I am talking about. This is how Japan rules the world . This is what we need to urgently implement. A major part of Pakistan’s foreign reserves is spent on car and oil imports, crippling the economy. The Japanese train their children in skilled jobs from school, utilising them better and creating a skilled-based economy. As a result, a small nation like Japan exports more cars than their population. In our country, our kids don't know what to do until their 30s; they even depend on their parents for pocket money and can’t get married without their parents' help. Our education system is a total failure, producing leaders like Asim Munir, Shehbaz Sharif, and Qazi Faez Isa."
What you said is what Gwadar should have been like from the start, and it's what I personally envisioned when CPEC started. The idea is solid, would have worked, and would have rewarded Pakistanis immensely right away. Had those ammunition and other hardware factories been in place, we would have profited off the current list of conflicts in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Then, you can establish technical schools, universities, and tech colleges to become feeder schools like the University of Colorado, the Denver Campus for Raytheon, and others.

However, two issues remain: the exposure of the complex by the Indian Navy and Naval Air Arm. Massive investments would be needed to restrain the IN and NA's advantage on the ocean. As the 1965 and 1971 conflicts showed, our underbelly is exposed and continues to be exposed.

Then, we have the issue of logistically supplying raw materials for producing articles during a conflict to the complex. Past wars showed the sanctions practically grind our assaults to a halt. We've been unable to build a strategic reserve of crucial materials needed. Without material, this complex would go into the red.
This idea of yours is scary and not a good idea. War is a huge meat grinder. It will drag your country into the abyss and there will never be light.

Pakistan's internal problems are numerous: a severe wealth gap, extremely corrupt government officials, and rebel forces backed by external forces...................

What is the significance and purpose of vigorously developing the military industry in such a situation?

Arms trade? In today's world, the arms trade is an ATM for certain large countries. They will not allow Pakistan to encroach on it.

Arming the Nationals? You can imagine: a large number of hungry people with weapons in their hands, what will happen...........

In the 80s of the last century, China was very poor. A large number of Chinese soldiers who retired from the Sino-Vietnamese War could not be properly resettled by the government. Some of them had to be smuggled out of the country because of hunger. They don't have much culture or survivability, they only have a very strong ability to kill. In Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea, and other Chinese areas around the world, these war machines have bloodied local gangsters, creating countless cases of violence that completely exceed the capacity of the police. This situation has been going on for many years before it gets better...............


Pakistan should put the development of the national economy in the first place!
In Chinese, there is a saying: "大炮一响,黄金万两"
It means: once the war starts, countless amounts of money float in the sky and turn to ashes.

The cost of modern warfare is extremely expensive, and without the support of strong national financial resources, no war can afford to consume it. If you want to win the war, you must first have enough strength.

This is the 1130 close-in defense gun on the PLA Navy ship, and each shell it uses is worth RMB 2,000, and it can fire 10,000 shells per minute. How long can your annual income support its launch? ---------- this is just one of the cheapest weapons on a warship!


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