Customs siezing personal phones at airport

If phone is being used , it is old phone no tax should be due
But if it is a boxed item, a gift , then Taxes are natural

Anything arriving as a "Gift" should be taxed unless it was bought from Duty free , shop at airport or on plane. This is generally a standard practice world wide. You have to fill a Custom card on any flight between 2 nations

Iphone as a gift would make no sense anyways , because China has better phone on offer
To those more familiar, is the tax applicable to the second "personal use" phone? i.e, carrying more than one unboxed phones
Well anything which is in wrappers or gift packaging can be considered "Gift" by any custom officer world wide not just Pakistan

Before arriving in Pakistan or any country you have to fill out a "Declaration" card - in that card you have to declare if you are bringing in anything which is Gift and over $100 or $300 in value
depending on country

  • If you are bringing in 5 unopened phone for purpose of gift , all 5 phones have taxes due on them

Reason why it is taxed?
If lets say you bought this phone inside Pakistan , some importer would import it into Pakistan (1,000 phones) they would pay all necessary tax on goods and they will sell the phone at higher price locally recovering their losses.

When none import/export person brings the goods in
  • You really have not paid the Tax on the goods
  • Taxes are 100% due on such goods at Airport if the Custom Officer finds the item in gift wrap box

The idea of Taxation is there so local Business people or factories produce Cell Phones at Cheaper price and people are discouraged to import stuff from outside

Most Custom Officers are in look out for Signs someone is importing in many gift items , in gift wrappers , unopened boxes

Phone Bought inside airport Duty Free would be exempt for Tax
Lets say you landed in Gwadar , and then bought something from Duty Free shop at airport before transiting to another part of Pakistan

  • Buying at Duty Free Pakistan Facilities at airport is a way to by pass having to pay Taxes
  • If Gwadar becomes a stopping Hub , arrival in Pakistan could do some minor Duty Free Shopping at Gwadar before proceeding to other internal airports
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I took two phones , both out of box and for personal use.
Nothing demanded or paid.
However, if your duration is longer than 60 days, then PTCL will block them after the period, then you need to pay tax to have them unblocked.
Yes a phone out of box and if it is just 1 phone or may be 2 is overlooked sometimes

Most people typically only travel with 1 phone unless that phone would not work locally then second local phone is needed

Local disposable phone can be bought any many local places as you buy a local phone , likely taxes would be included in the price of phone
So, if I bring a personal use iPhone 16 into Pakistan, I have to declare it and pay tax, and if not, will they confiscate it?

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