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Dangerous majoritarianism


Sep 19, 2010
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Can't really argue against this. We can always warn people against those who conspire against them but at the end of the day it's their choice. In Syria, Libya and Yemen we have witnessed civil wars which destroyed their states, all the funding, training came from West and GCC but their population is responsible for it, they only got exploited by the powerful. But this doesn't mean we cannot expose and condemn the people behind the scenes.

Condemn anyone you wish all you want. But know that a solution can only come from the people themselves, and no one else. If they accept what is being done, they will show it by their inaction. As we can see.


Elite Member
Jun 25, 2007
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the only solution is to follow true follow of Islam as thought by Prophet Muhammad SAW and not what wardi puppets mullah preach!


Sep 19, 2010
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the only solution is to follow true follow of Islam as thought by Prophet Muhammad SAW and not what wardi puppets mullah preach!

Excellent solution, but who gets to decide what is the "true" way to follow Islam? Does anybody know what is this "true" way to follow Islam?


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Excellent solution, but who gets to decide what is the "true" way to follow Islam? Does anybody know what is this "true" way to follow Islam?

It's very simple. We have a rich Islamic history, we build great technologies, investions, art, culture, people in the west praise us but Muslims these days want to make their own corrupt history, they ignore what made us great, and this is causing our division and decline. Complete jahalat.



Elite Member
Jun 25, 2007
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And the petrol dollars mullahs.
the revolution wont be culling of wardi boys but the real revolution will be getting rid of these mullahs!

the mullahs are the real bastards in Pakistan!


Full Member
Dec 31, 2023
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I don't get it. The whole point of democracy is the majority decides, no? Do you want minoritarianism? We have that already
Absolutely agreed, it's a new-speak term coined by leftist losers who lose elections across the countries.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
the revolution wont be culling of wardi boys but the real revolution will be getting rid of these mullahs!

the mullahs are the real bastards in Pakistan!

The BLA are not Mullahs, those who allowed funding for extremist sects maddrassas were not mullahs, the secular elite made billions by allowing it. Now when the monster is out of control they are blaming those with beards. Yes I would still say the extremist mullahs need to be taken to the cleaners but how about our secular mafias, the secular elite, the corrupt, landlords, the politicians. TTP is not just mullahs but they also have other problems with the state such as they want freedom in tribal areas same as before our army entered, the people in those areas have been living like that for centuries, they simply want army and government to go back to islamabad.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Pakistan solution is to allow free and fair elections, allow major reforms, give people justice through police and courts, create more provinces, atleast 50, I would say make every city in to a Province with a direct elected Governor, who then rules with the province under PM and President, create one model police station in every province, high courts should be in every province. When the people start to trust the state then they will calm down because the state will protect the innocent and weak from the dacoits.


Sep 19, 2010
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It's very simple. We have a rich Islamic history, we build great technologies, investions, art, culture, people in the west praise us but Muslims these days want to make their own corrupt history, they ignore what made us great, and this is causing our division and decline. Complete jahalat.

And it is equally simple that we are reaping the "rewards" for this complete jahalat, as you say.


Elite Member
Jun 25, 2007
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And how does one create a body to actual laws to implement in a realistic manner on a diverse society based off such a holy book that works for everyone?
it worked when Prophet and Caliphs were alive and every religion was free to practice and everyone lived peacefully it can also work now! all we the people need to do is follow the real ISLAM thats all!


Elite Member
Jun 25, 2007
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The BLA are not Mullahs, those who allowed funding for extremist sects maddrassas were not mullahs, the secular elite made billions by allowing it. Now when the monster is out of control they are blaming those with beards. Yes I would still say the extremist mullahs need to be taken to the cleaners but how about our secular mafias, the secular elite, the corrupt, landlords, the politicians. TTP is not just mullahs but they also have other problems with the state such as they want freedom in tribal areas same as before our army entered, the people in those areas have been living like that for centuries, they simply want army and government to go back to islamabad.
i dont blame Mullahs for extremism infact i wish Mullahs made people extreme and they stood up for their rights and rule of law what mullahs have done is decide the people and they have preach them subjugation to the elites and powerful where Islam teaches equality and freedom! these hypocrites made Muslims slaves! look at Pakistan majority is practicing muslim follow some grand molvi but they cant even stand on their two feets when it comes to humanity and treating other specially people below their economic class with love and respect! we freaking pay minimum wage to labor and treat them like slaves and give charity to all the idaras who provide them food like beggers while mullahs own these charitable iradas and have their madrassahs like grand places with gardens and everything! thats their fraud thats their hypocrisy


Sep 19, 2010
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it worked when Prophet and Caliphs were alive and every religion was free to practice and everyone lived peacefully it can also work now! all we the people need to do is follow the real ISLAM thats all!

And what century was that? Are we going back in time somehow? Did somebody invent a time machine that I seem to not know about?

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