Dark Warning from Maulana Fazlur Rahman: 'Two Provinces Could Break Away if Crisis Continues

Turkey is a secular country, and while I’m not fully sure about Indonesia and Malaysia, it seems that Islamism there hasn't yet reached the levels seen in Pakistan. If Indonesia and Malaysia experience the same kind of Islamization that Pakistan has, they may face similar issues to those Pakistan is currently dealing with.
Turkey Indonesia and Malaysia do not have our kind of Islam. they have Islam
Turkey Indonesia and Malaysia do not have our kind of Islam. they have Islam

Islam is same, the people are different, they are more educated 90%+ level whilst our is 40%, they are more tolerant people due to education and experience in dealing with foreign tourism, they understand different of opinion and people and how to deal with them, narrow mindset and jahalat is high in Pakistan. Our elites are educated but behave like jahils, at times education cannot fix the mindset, you need the right education, has our state/governments ever concentrated on that? We need major reforms but when the rulers are only worried about their power then it's difficult to make a change. Where is the great visionary leadership in Pakistan? People who see in to the future and make plans.
Islam is same, the people are different, they are more educated 90%+ level whilst our is 40%, they are more tolerant people due to education and experience in dealing with foreign tourism, they understand different of opinion and people and how to deal with them, narrow mindset and jahalat is high in Pakistan. Our elites are educated but behave like jahils, at times education cannot fix the mindset, you need the right education, has our state/governments ever concentrated on that? We need major reforms but when the rulers are only worried about their power then it's difficult to make a change. Where is the great visionary leadership in Pakistan? People who see in to the future and make plans.
Islam is light and education. When you say our 40% population is ignorant, that means don’t know Islam .
Islam is light and education. When you say our 40% population is ignorant, that means don’t know Islam .

60% is ignorant. Believe it or not, people should visit Pakistan and speak to the people, the jahalat is extremely high, even the educated ones act all brown sahibs. We still live in the world where the powerful expect people to polish their shoes, just like how it used to be in the British times where the waderas ruled and the rest were their slaves. Look at Malaysia, Turkey and Iran which is our neighbour, how many provinces they have, the devolve of power to the grass root levels, the local government system, high courts in every province to provide justice. In Pakistan you cannot file a case without paying bribery, police will arrest and torture you if your weak, the people will have to then hold feet of local MNA to get any relief, without a powerful person you cannot go police station or they slap you hard. Who is responsible for this? The military or the people themselves who still vote for the same people, the police officers are selected by the local MNAs who then control them.
These are minor issues, and things like immigration and refugee management can be handled effectively by an elected government. The narrative around these problems is largely influenced by Western propaganda—it's how they manage similar issues in their own countries. Such matters can be resolved when decisions are made by a government that is elected by the people. Elected governments derive their power from the people’s mandate, and they are held accountable because they know they have to return to the voters. This is the only long-term solution for Pakistan—allowing elected leaders to make decisions with the backing of the people, rather than relying on undemocratic or security-heavy approaches.
I wouldn't say it's minor, it's quite serious on the other hand and needs addressing.
how to apply for kpk citizenship?

bhutto aur wardi keh karachi may nai raha jaye ga bhaion!
Pashtunistan, like Afghanistan, can only be for white noble Aryans. You must remain in Karachi, as we can not pollute it.
I wouldn't say it's minor, it's quite serious on the other hand and needs addressing.
Only an elected government can fix this. There are no other options available—we tried those options in 1971. I wish we could have someone strong enough to bring those traitors to justice to start from who were responsible for the deaths of Muhammad Ali Jinnah and our first prime minister
The generals are doing whatever America tells them to do.

America is telling the generals to to things that are more likely to lead to the breakup of Pakistan. This includes things like not tackling separatist movements other than at face value.

This also includes doing things that will destabilise Pakistan...this includes a bad economy. They won't tell them directly...."you must destabilise Pakistan". But will say things like don't fully support CPEC. leave Chinese nationals unprotected....all these actions have consequences.

I've used baby language for the loyal donkeys on this forum.

Thank you.
Pashtunistan, like Afghanistan, can only be for white noble Aryans. You must remain in Karachi, as we can not pollute it.
haha no wonder this region is so fked up!! tattun keh color aur maal say muhabat karnay walli bhungee nasal hai is region ki!
Why do members think the solution to the problem is splitting Punjab province into multiple provinces?

Pakistan's provincial setup fosters ethnic jingoism at the expense of Pakistani nationalism. The main political parties (except PTI) are formed along provincial/ethnic lines and people vote for them mostly along ethnic lines.

There is no Pakistaniat in Pakistan. There is only Punjabiat, Sindhiat, and Pakhtuniat. The other provinces are too inconsequential to be able to afford their own -iat.

Not only Punjab, but Sindh and KPK should also be broken down so Pakistan has 30 or so smaller political units which are more amenable to accountability.

A large number of states will also help democracy and accountability by deterring collusion. Look at India. Two crooks can form a bond of 'I scratch your back, you scratch my back' but it's hard to get 29 or 30 crooks to collude on anything, so it keep everyone more honest.

Canadian provinces and American states are almost as big if not bigger than entire Pakistan.

Canadian provinces and American states are not built along ethnic lines.
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The generals are doing whatever America tells them to do.

America is telling the generals to to things that are more likely to lead to the breakup of Pakistan. This includes things like not tackling separatist movements other than at face value.

This also includes doing things that will destabilise Pakistan...this includes a bad economy. They won't tell them directly...."you must destabilise Pakistan". But will say things like don't fully support CPEC. leave Chinese nationals unprotected....all these actions have consequences.

I've used baby language for the loyal donkeys on this forum.

Thank you.

At first we all criticised the elite, waderas, politicians for destroying Pakistan and now everyone is after the Generals and ISI. If it's true that the generals and ISI is betraying Pakistan then it's already too late, our nuclear program, security, defence is all compromised. The only way to sort this mess out is to form parliamentary committe and meet with the generals, ask them what do they want? We all know they want to control foreign and internal policies, make long term agreements on policies and then concentrate on reforms and making the state strong. Pakistan cannot change their main policies every 5 years or everytime a new general comes to power, it's a circus.
60% is ignorant.
This is a gross underrepresentation. The majority are illiterate. When we have the likes of the chuff chuff pir in official settings amongst generals that is a good indicator of how stupid the population is. Unregulated madrassas is the cause of this. The army and their chachas love it.
Everyone talking about doomsday scenario, rather pointing out the source of all the problem, which is Asim Muneer and his goons in GHQ. Just few individuals that can be counted on fingers. Is it really that difficult to name and shame these rats and start talking about their removal for the sake of Pakistan?

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