DefencePK needs you, here is how you can help us


You are a great man, You are doing a great favour to this forum. Please note that some members are already registered users of this forum for example Jungibaaz.... So it is better to quickly search members name from the link in case they are already here

Jungibaaz is here?
Peace on earth and goodwill to all.

You are a great man, You are doing a great favour to this forum. Please note that some members are already registered users of this forum for example Jungibaaz.... So it is better to quickly search members name from the link in case they are already here

Yeah I realised afterwards, but to be honest I was only free Fri and Sat morning this week, I felt your pressure, so decided to take time out during the week as well. Next batch i'll try to filter as you suggest.
Although, I did try my best to filter out Indian atan baadis such as @Joe Shearer , it seems he has managed to get through the cracks :ROFLMAO:
Yeah I realised afterwards, but to be honest I was only free Fri and Sat morning this week, I felt your pressure, so decided to take time out during the week as well. Next batch i'll try to filter as you suggest.
Although, I did try my best to filter out Indian atan baadis such as @Joe Shearer , it seems he has managed to get through the cracks :ROFLMAO:
Did you mean aatank baadi?

Glad I'm terrifying SOMEONE!
Hi mods I am still the same as in the old defense.
You realise there are problems and confusion about the forums due to that single letter?
That's why the mention.
incredible, how a letter changes the world.
I googled, defense is american English, defence is british English.
Maybe the forum will have a French version in the future?
La défense is unique. With letter s.
incredible, how a letter changes the world.
I googled, defense is american English, defence is british English.
Maybe the forum will have a French version in the future?
La défense is unique. With letter s.
point taken
incredible, how a letter changes the world.
I googled, defense is american English, defence is british English.
Maybe the forum will have a French version in the future?
La défense is unique. With letter s.

Double pity for the dude educated with British English and now living in USA. :D
Color is the best one... Even phonetically that makes no sense. :ROFLMAO:

Oh I could add pages to that word list, and that's even before getting into units and dates, or even grammar and idioms and figures of speech. :D
Oh I could add pages to that word list, and that's even before getting into units and dates, or even grammar and idioms and figures of speech. :D
We had some US equipment donated a long time ago and it required a perfect mix of 3 gallons of fuel mixed with 1 cup of oil, it caused no end of confusion because an imperial gallon is 4.5L whereas an American gallon is roughly 3.5L.

In the end we solved the dilemma for the poor staff with a special kuppie (jug) and drew a sign saying 3 x Kuppie :ROFLMAO:

So as you know we only have about 6 days left before the old PDF will be shut down. There is no guarantee of its final date but we assume we will no longer have access to it. I alongside my team have been working on compiling as much data as possible. That being the threads or saving the user accounts. We currently have a community of about 500 people who have successfully migrated to this new forum however as you probably know old PDF had about 230,000 registered accounts.

Thousands of members had accumulated 1000+ posts on the old PDF platform and we fear if we lose the access to Defence.PK we won't be able to confirm or match the digital footprint of users. This can lead to a lot of potential issues if the users decide to come back. I would like to request you guys to help us gather the details of as many members as possible by sharing their screenshot or by typing the following details in the post.

UsernameJoin DateNumber of PostsNumber of Likes
El Sidd05 April 20176761652818

I might know handful of people but if all of us work together and mention about 10 users. We could possibly save a list of about 5000 members.

Any alternative ideas will also be appreciated but please keep the discussion short and focused on the topic.

Thank you
Bro, is it feasible for you to post the usernames of the 500-odd members who have already migrated? We can then focus on members who have not. Thanks.
We had some US equipment donated a long time ago and it required a perfect mix of 3 gallons of fuel mixed with 1 cup of oil, it caused no end of confusion because an imperial gallon is 4.5L whereas an American gallon is roughly 3.5L.

In the end we solved the dilemma for the poor staff with a special kuppie (jug) and drew a sign saying 3 x Kuppie :ROFLMAO:

I am sure you are aware of what caused the Gimli Glider incident:

Or the crashed 375 million dollar probe into Mars:


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