Developments in IK's Nikah case

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Pakistanis stand was seen in 1970s, 1960s, 2000s, 2010s

We never stood by with balochistan Bengalis pathans and let srpne warfare and bombing campaigns blocked migrants who lost homes called them terrorists

It's miracle Pakistan exists..miracles don't last for ever

Not sure why people don't want to confront reality

Establishment is nothing but Pakistanis..the elite the judiciary the beaucray politicians and army..most of these come from prosperous central punjab

Let's see if we see a stand...the least people can do is vote and you will see a divided vote

PMLN will still genuinely easily win half of seats.. same PMLN has always won the seats despite playing/crossing all those lines in 1980-1990s

PMLN will still genuinely easily win half of seats.. same PMLN has always won the seats despite playing/crossing all those lines in 1980-1990s

Are you saying PMLN will fairly win half the seats?

If that is the reality, there is a clear emerging fault line between the ‘rightness’ of IK’s case and his people’s struggle, on the one hand, and the elections based outcome in a democratic process.

It’s hard to argue against what IK is fighting for. It will be hard not to support him as he gets savagely railroaded by the system.

But it will be just as hard to argue against elections results.

That’s going to be a real moral/ ethical conundrum if it happens and PMNL wins and the elections are more or less fairly conducted.

People can shout all you want against illiterate /‘paindu’ voters but this is how democracy works, like it or not. And there’s no point saying Pakistan isn’t a real democracy, because this is the best system available.
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I disagree
Religious lines were crossed 40 years ago and is crossed every day

Since era of Zia this is happening..not sure what's the uproar now about?? I'm completely confused here
sure you have the right to disagree, people were not that informed back then, every house has a TV and a mobile phone these days, people are more politically aware than 80s and 90s era.
sure you have the right to disagree, people were not that informed back then, every house has a TV and a mobile phone these days, people are more politically aware than 80s and 90s era.
Some of the Younger gen may have different ethics I think that's different

People were as much as informed with gossip and news paper

Hence why you see voting reversal delimma with age
Very young and very old tend to vote PTI and middle age and older tend to lean PMLN
Are you saying PMLN will fairly win half the seats?

If that is the reality, there is a clear emerging fault line between the ‘rightness’ of IK’s case and his people’s struggle, on the one hand, and the elections based outcome in a democratic process.

It’s hard to argue against what IK is fighting for. It will be hard not to support him as he gets savagely railroaded by the system.

But it will be just as hard to argue against elections results.

That’s going to be a real moral/ ethical conundrum if it happens and PMNL wins and the elections are more or less fairly conducted.

People can shout all you want against illiterate /‘paindu’ voters but this is how democracy works, like it or not. And there’s no point saying Pakistan isn’t a real democracy, because this is the best system available.
No but will fairly win atleast 1/3 seats in punjab and half with a nudge

Remember whole Pakistan election just happen in punjab as it's 55% of seats

Rest of Pakistan is just formality
Revolution and Pakistan lol your crazy the pakistanis are a meek cowardly set of people who've never fought for anything in thier lives .

Pakistanis let imran Khan down he thought he had the country behind him to change Pakistan he thought the people will never let him get incarcerated he thought the people of KPK would protect him and stood up to challenge the corruption thieving colonial establishment and make real meaningful change but he's supporters could only rebel on social media and pissed there pants in the face of East India company mark 2

We watched from afar the indian farmers and how they rebeled against modi and his new laws forcing him into a stand down and accepting defeat against thd farmers .

You think indians would have let this happen to them ..... no sir indians would have fought and fought hard for there rights .

Pakistanis 200m strong have accepted the fate of thier children to live under the boot accepted industry will never grow accepted the country will never prosper under the military junta and accepted nothing can be done to change it .

The pakistani nation let down.the only leader who tackled the beasts head on , so the blame lies with the citizens of Pakistan for being the gutless cowards history testifies them as such .

Sorry to say Pakistanis but take a look in the mirror and what you see is where the blame lies in this whole saga .
You are saying it was a job of minority to come to different province and do a sit in.

Sorry to say they did tried that for a bit in bani gala but that doesn't work

Workers were missing from central punjab

Sindhis karachites or KPK people can't do anything apart from dying ..most candidates for PTI have been killed in KPK with no member from opposition killed
All the members said they are under threat from military not sure what they exactly meant from that
Establishment or the judiciary and military aren't foreigners! They are product of this society

They are same people as your own..may be different generation but still same people

Stop blaming other and look into your own society particularly people of punjab should have some insight is why SINDH balochistan and kpk has been oppressed and that how Bengal and kashmiris think about Pakistan/Pakistanis
From experience, those people who speak against the establishment, judiciary would become bigger mafia if they ever got the chance to rule and your 100% correct, we all are products of our society, safarishi and corrupt society. Best to point fingers at ourselves and change, try it, you will be the only one 😆, the rest are busy plotting to take some weak person health, wealth, honour.
I was too young to understand the circumstances that led to Bhutto’s hanging, and the personalities involved.
After 1971 war, bhutto was working with the establishment, he was the president from 1971 to 1973 and PM from 1973 to 1977, he sacked people in higher ups, formed commission to investigate some military people and sacked them, made major reforms like IK wants to do, made major policy decisions, bhutto promoted socialism, nationalised many state owned enterprises. 1977 elections changed everything, he fought for elections and he won, he was told to give 50 seats to the opposition who were the forefathers of JUI, JI, PmlN (surprise), at first he didn't agree so proteste took place, then he was informed that Zia is planning to topple his government so bhutto then agreed to all demands, Zia still toppled his government, arrested bhutto and used fake trials to hang him.

What could be such big mistake done by Bhutto? His government was in power just for 4 months? How did he become a traitor in 4 months?
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